Rating:  Summary: A great work. To you doubters -The earth STILL isn't flat! Review: An excellent work! I found this book slightly hard to read in parts (just for me) but still thoroughly mind-expanding in whole. I liked the research examples of how energy holds dynamic information, and scientific bridge to what seams to be a very flexible subject matter - ENERGY - in it's many forms from concrete physical matter to the and subtle forms produced and experienced by psychic phenomena. Some hard-core scientists might excuse their disregard of the evidence of experiments shown in this book only because it ALSO includes some personal experiences and popular stories (experienced by many!), but we know better. Where would we be with out the great scientists of the past willing to debunk "comfort zone" theories and tunnel vision. Do people really think that our tendency towards rigid theory-frameworks of reality is that much less then 1000 years ago? I don't think so. Its books like this that need to be more widely read and accepted. Let's not ignore this stuff anymore, everyone. The earth STILL isn't flat!
Rating:  Summary: The Living Energy Universe Review: At last, groundbreaking thought in the area of science! The authors are willing to go out on a very shaky limb to back their definitions of our living universe as they see it. This was confirmation for words I wrote in a poem I wrote entitled "The Observer" .....How ironic that so few can recognize their Greater Selves and the power that lies in such recognition. For everything we know springs from within-- our personal fountain of youth. So choose your thoughts carefully because they grow and breathe and ultimately spring to life in sometimes unexpected form. 1979
Rating:  Summary: suspicions confirmed Review: Being a native american it is gratifying to see science 'discovering' what we have said all along..
Rating:  Summary: A Well-Intentioned Mess Review: Gary E. R. Schwartz, Ph.D. and Linda G. S. Russek, Ph.D. say they know "scientifically that everything is eternal, alive, and evolving." Their book, The Living Energy Universe, details their theory about "universal living memory" and how they developed it. Schwartz is a professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, and psychiatry; and has taught at both Harvard and Yale, as well as held various directorships. Russek is a professor of medicine and directs several health-related organizations. Both are trained scientists dedicated to the search for truth. They first became interested in the question of whether life exists after physical death after Russek's father died. They investigated phenomena as diverse as homeopathy and organ transplants, and concluded that everything in the universe has a memory. Everything that is living retains a memory of all that's gone before it. Schwartz and Russek cite several cases of organ transplant recipients who have memories that belong to the organ donor. The organ cells have retained the memories of the body they originated in. The doctors also discuss homeopathy, where a remedy can be very powerful although the solution is so diluted that it may not contain even one molecule of the healing substance added to the water. The water has retained the memory of the substance. They speculate that not only are beings living on Earth continually evolving, perhaps there is a cosmic consciousness that is also evolving, noting that evolution cannot take place without memory, and offering evidence that memory survives death. The doctors finish with a chapter listing ways in which their theory could be wrong, and their responses to those arguments. The Living Energy Universe elegantly explains Schwartz and Russek's hypothesis "that the whole universe is a living, remembering, self-revising process . . . and, therefore, in a deep sense, all things--great and small, visible and invisible, material and spiritual, past and future--are in an energetic state of 'becoming'." Readers will find themselves fascinated and comforted as the doctors explain how this means there is no true death.
Rating:  Summary: God's Energy Rit Softly Review: GERS--that is (that's the author's acronym)--has written a book full of WHIFFLES (Wonderfully Happy If Fairly Fluffy & Long-winded Esoteric Sentiments). Standing naked in a lit hotel room in Vancouver late one night twenty years ago, the author was suddenly struck how all those photons would forever carry his naked image all over the universe. Rather than turn out the lights--both the hotel lamp and his own CANDLES (Continuous, Aeternal and Noetically Dynamic Light and Energy of the Soul) he quit his job at BINILU (BIg Name Ivy League University) and went to work with Andrew Weil in Arizona. Hat's off to a FORMIL-BS (FORMer Ivy League Big Shot) with the courage to jump off the phony career ladder propped against the wrong wall! Personally, I found the book a bit STUFFY (Slightly Too Unfocussed, Fluffy & Fantastic for You), chockful of NAHS (New Age Hopeful Sentiments), too many LISTS (LIghtweight Scientific TrappingS) and peppered with plenty of STATS (Silly or Tired Acronyms That Signify). Well, the abundance of acronyms did have a couple of highpoints: LOVE = Listening, Observing, Valuing, Empowering, which I use with my spouse. And the reference to P. Pearsall's book, "The Heart's Code," about heart transplant recipients recalling memories from their heart donors, was valuable. But his idea that future science will allow us to telephone dead people made me SMILE (Suggest Meekly that Its a Longshot Escapade). So, if all this sounds like your cup of tea, then you must be in HEAVEN (Happily Enjoying Auspicious Visualizations of the Eclectic New-age).
Rating:  Summary: Eternal Butterfly Universe Review: How wonderful for two dedicated scientists to let us listen in on their thoughts as they ponder creation and survival of consciousness after death, giving us the readers the potential to envision all the levels of life as we explore this book and the systemic memory process. On this journey to remember who we are,they take us on interesting paths suggesting different possibilities to awaken us. University of Arizona scientists Dr Gary Schwartz and Dr Linda Russek are to be congratulated on being able to successfully integrate huge scientific theory,(understandable to non-scientists as well), with hopeful spiritual ideas and concepts for us to ponder...asking what if everything remembered? Reading this gives hope to all of us who have lost loved ones that we cherish! As Linda's heart asks Gary's mind an important question..."Is my father Henry still alive?" Gary's response has to be "Yes" and I know how to prove it. Now thirteen years later, the time is ripe for Gary's "overdeveloped sense of wonder" and his gift from his parents... "the passion for possibilities" to astonish us with the proof! Gary... the Linda's of the world are counting on you!
Rating:  Summary: An Existential Home Coming / A User Friendly Universe Review: I find no more important topic than that which is tackled in "The Living Energy Universe" - the nature of the universe, God and survival of consciousness after death. Since fear and anxiety are ultimately linked to the fear of death, the "self" cannot find true peace in a universe where annihilation is always an eye blink away. Without the resolution of this existential anxiety, our entire psychology, lifestyles, attitudes and behaviors are affected (whether we know it or not). Generally, there are two places from which answers to this dilemma arise: Religion and science. Typically, they do not agree. Has this now changed? University of Arizona scientists Drs. Schwartz's and Russek's new book brings to us an amazing melding of science and spiritual insight and answers our most fundamental questions about the essential nature of life, death, consciousness and "who we are." And, it answers us in a way that has been much needed by those who consider themselves rational, logical thinkers, respectful of evidence and scientific inquiry. In doing this, Drs. Schwartz and Russek appeal to both our hearts and our minds. I appreciated the many examples, books, journals, names of other researchers and sources given for further reading and investigation. The theories, facts and conclusions posited by Drs. Schwartz and Russek have the potential to revolutionize our world from medicine to politics. Of course, they are not alone in this kind of research, but have put together a unique, well-conceived theoretical treatise worthy of rigorous scrutiny and serious contemplation. Their book is a must read for any thinking person desiring to be on the cutting edge of what is perhaps "the final debate" on the fundamental nature of no less than "all that exists." I highly recommend this book (though sometimes a challenge to understand) because it offers the real hope of being able to come home again to a universe that is not only logical, but benevolent, purposeful and yes, even loving and eternal. And if the Schwarz/Russek paradigm is accepted, the next question becomes, "What do we do with this information?" If the good news be true, what difference does it now make to our everyday lives? What will people be like in a universe where they are eternally accountable, personally responsible for the fate and well-being of themselves and each other, and profoundly connected in the most personal ways to life and all that exists? Can we go home again and do we have the stomach for it? And, finally, we find "The Living Energy Universe" to be... a love story. But "love" in its most challenging, profound and far-reaching sense. A love that is unexpectedly built upon science, logic and heart in the most literal as well as poetic manner. "The Living Energy Universe" not only makes us smile, but brings a tear to our eye in the ultimate comfort that it offers. And that may be a problem. "Comfort" can feel threatening when it offers hope... a hope long abandoned by those who have felt betrayed by parents, religion and government. Cynicism dies hard. And so it should. It was born of passionate expectations thrown asunder and replaced by a cold, hard foundation of complexly conceived, well-documented... bias. But, as a philosopher once asked, "Is it okay having stumbled over the truth, to then pick ourselves up and proceed on as if nothing happened?" This book will challenge you... wonderfully so. And comfort you down to your existential toes! - C. Paul Wanio, Ph.D., LMFT, LMHC, MFCC.
Rating:  Summary: A Well-Intentioned Mess Review: I really wanted to like this book. How wonderful it would be, to know that everything in the universe is not only interconnected, but alive, evolving and eternal. To know that we and our loved ones and our happy memories live forever - what could be better than that? That may well be how the universe works, but this book fails to prove it. Instead, the authors present a muddled, heartfelt, personal 'proof' consisting of questionable assumptions, faulty logic, confusion of categories and much wishful thinking. I stopped reading about three-fourths of the way through the book, after one too many of the authors' leaps from questionable assumptions to incredibly sweeping - and incredible - conclusions. To be fair, I did take away from the book a new appreciation for the way that systems work, and the many levels on which memory may (possibly) be encoded. But that's a far cry from being convinced that everything is alive, evolving and eternal. The best thing about this book is the Selected Readings list at the end. My recommendation is to skip this book, and go directly to some of the book's much better sources: The Heart's Code by Paul Pearsall; Healing Words by Larry Dossey; Miracles of Mind by Targ and Katra, to name a few.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most Fundamental Discoveries of our Time! Review: If Science is not your strong point do not worry, this book offers important explanations on the possibility of our continuing life form that anyone can understand. This is a must read for anyone looking to answer our biggest question of all time, is there an afterlife?
Rating:  Summary: A marriage of scientific wisdom and spiritual magic Review: It has been over three months since I first read and fully intended to review this book, so the art of procrastination has finally worked in my favor, for it has allowed me to hold THE LIVING ENERGY UNIVERSE up to the light of my own standards of what it takes to transform the gifts of a beautifully written and fascinating book into something much more expansive...into an actual thriving resource of enlightenment and wonder which then becomes reality based and usefully practical in my own personal and professional life. I don't normally buy or not buy a book based on any book review, but anyone interested in turning theory into practical application might take a clue from my words and find it well worth their time to explore THE LIVING ENERGY UNIVERSE. Isn't that the true value of any book...the extent to which it invites us to explore our own inquisitiveness? This book will offer you that and more, for even if you don't believe in or understand the science-based theories, you might believe in the mysteries they represent. You get both sides of the coin with this book. This book offers us the opportunity to expand any rigid beliefs, be they scientific or spiritual. As the saying goes, "take what you like and leave the rest." Use the concepts, theories, and gifts this book offers and turn them into the gold of your own curiosity. Test the theories out for yourself. Start with something simple. Talk to a person who has received an organ transplant. If this book makes you wonder about the ability of a heart to transplant its own memories or preferences within another person's body, then allow yourself to go even deeper and wonder what happens to thousands of people every day who receive blood transfusions. Are we transfusing memory along with life? What are the ramifications of that? If every thought you have experienced still exists in time and space, then allow yourself to marvel at your own responsibility of this never-ending self-creation. It's like shining a flashlight filled with thoughts into the night sky. Where does the light end? Does it end? Think of how an echo holds the memory of your own voice. How long does it hold this memory after your ears have ceased to hear it? Gain peace in exploring not only the possibility of the conscious survival of crossed-over loved ones, but the possibility of their continued evolution. Talk to someone you trust who has experienced an after-death communication with someone they loved. Explore the theories for yourself. Not being a scientist, I surrendered any confusion about the authors' experiments and found a passageway to wonder. Call it alchemy, but something as simple as thinking about the vibration of tuning forks to demonstrate memory theory in water awakened a whole new field of wonder in me. Does the rain remember the rainstorm? I allowed my curiosity to ignite in me the desire to discover more about the power of tuning forks. I don't think the authors intended that I would derive this desire from their experiment, but I was willing to find something of value for myself even when the science got a bit thick for me. Call it some ancient memory theory calling me to the basics of Pythagorean harmonics, but I found myself on a discovery path to study and use a healing art based on the sound intervals of tuning forks. The way this book is written can awaken the Universal Living Memory in each of us, and when this happens it becomes much more than a theory. It becomes a practical application of the work of these two researchers, and the proof of the theory then becomes a personal adventure. What I discovered for myself was not written upon the pages of this book, but woven into its energy field. An already well-documented arena became available to me because of the way a quasi-related concept was expressed within the pages. This resource of sound healing was already out there waiting for me, but I wonder how much longer it would have taken me to find my way to it without awakening my own Universal Living Memory ignited by a non-related experiment. I am not a book critic, I am a sincere seeker of scientific wisdom and spiritual magic. I have countless books on my shelves which hold the hints and echoes of similar concepts which these two wise researchers have so skillfully and respectfully spun together in order to offer us the Univeral Living Memory theory; but unlike so many other works, Schwartz and Russek offer something extra to their readers. They offer us their respect and their hearts, their enthusiasm and expansive curiosity. They even offer us an inter-active website so we can tell them what we think of their efforts. Obviously, they care what we think of their work. They have captured the ability to speak to the mystic within the scientist and the scientist within the mystic, for the voice of their language creates an invitation to right-and-left brainers, alike. What they are truly exploring and offering to any reader is a hint of the infiniteness of creation. This book surpasses even my own standards for what makes a good book great, for within its scientific and far-reaching challenges it has created its own energy of practical application and spiritual wonder, and this commotion of fascination is a wake-up call for anyone's Universal Living Memory.