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Rating:  Summary: A work of beauty Review: A work of beauty I just recently attended the author's book signing at a local bookstore. Master Hon gave 1 1/2 hour talk on Taoist Qigong practice. The packed audience was riveted by his inspirational fresh insight on basic concept of Qi. He stood facing the audience without hidding behind the desk. Later as I read the book, the stories, the meditations are as personal as this brief encounter. The book is not only a Qigong instructional manual. In addition, it gives insight into the TCM, Traditonal Chinese Medicine, theory in simple metaphore like making a cup of coca. I was able to follow the instruction and have already learned the first Qigong, The LIver Healing Sounds. I feel wonderfully refresh after the Qigong practice. I am grateful to have such a wonderful gift from Master Hon.
Rating:  Summary: Praise for Six Healing Sounds Qigong Review: As a practicing physical therapist for nearly 10 years, and as a personal student of Master Hon's, I have been trained and certified by him in the therapeutic application of the Six Healing Sounds. In my professional experience using the SHS with a wide range of patients in my private practice in NYC, I can attest to their efficacy, the ease with which they can be learned and, most importantly, their safety, especially for beginners. Of course, like any modality, the SHS will work differently for different people, but, in my experience, the effects have been uniformly positive across a variety of different clinical populations.
Personally, after having studied with around 15 different teachers for over a decade (some of whom only spoke Chinese), when I met Sifu Hon almost 10 years ago, I knew that my search for my heart-teacher was over - I can't emphasize enough how rare it is to find a Chinese teacher who is not only well-versed in Eastern classical studies (Taoist, Buddhist) but whose knowledge of English and Western culture enables him to transmit the knowledge without losing it's true essence in the translation. By writing this book, Master Hon has made the benefit of his wide experience in this area available to a much greater audience than he was able to before.
I'd also like to address some statements made by some other reviewers about Master Hon's book. First, in regards to the review by "tendar", while it's ok that he didn't like the book (not everyone will) and although I'm sorry he feels that he wasted his money (can't he just return it?), to claim that the SHS is not a Taoist Qiqong practice is incorrect. I don't know what his background or qualifications are or what evidence he has to support his assertions, but even a little research on Amazon of books available in English would reveal that the SHS is a well-established practice within several different school of Qigong, not just Master Hon's. Similarly, his definition of Taoist Qigong practice - "physical movement, breath control and concentration" - though not wrong per se, is incomplete, and shows a somewhat narrow and superficial knowledge of the topic (he might benefit from re-reading the Dao De Jing or the Chuang Tzu a bit more thoroughly). Overall, it is unfortunate that he chose to couch his comments in such a derisive manner: to say that he (and, by implication, anyone else) would have to live to be 150 to derive benefit from the practice is not witty - it is sarcastic and smug, and ultimately negates the possibility of any constructive dialogue that might arise from a legitimate criticism of the text.
Second, in regards to the individual who identifies him/herself as "a reader", I would first question what his/her real agenda is, as he/she spends very little time actually critiqing the book, choosing rather to make a number of inflammatory, even borderline slanderous remarks about Master Hon that he/she has no way of substantiating. Indeed, he/she seems more interested in presenting his/her general opinion on various topics such as the elitist nature of universities such as Princeton (which he/she oddly referrs to as a "snob school"), the misguided priorities of western culture when it comes to assessing a spiritual teacher's worth, the inability of secular logic to adequately describe spiritual experience, and the various ways in which fake spiritual teachers can mislead the public. While these all are certainly important topics, I am unclear as to what they have to do with Master Hon's book, and why "a reader" feels that this is an appropriate venue to express his/her thoughts on these matters. Quite frankly, the rambling, disjointed and seemingly bitter nature of this review is indicative of an individual whoese opinion is, at best, suspect. Not to mention the fact that he/she contradicts him/herself, by first critcizing Master Hon for being too condescendingly over-simplistic, then for being too intellectual. Furthermore, in my opinion, it is quite offensive to accuse Master Hon of being "out to make a buck", when he/she has no idea what Master Hon's actual motivation for writing the book was (although a quick perusal of the forward will give the reader a pretty clear idea). As you will note from other reviews, most people felt that the book was a welcome addition to their own libraries. I should say that "a reader" offers one useful suggestion, which was that the pictures could have benefited from the use of arrows to show the direcetion of the movements. This is not a bad point at all, and the inclusion of arrows might well indeed facilitate their practice. However, to then proport that this omission would make it potentially dangerous to practice the movements is simply not true. While there are definately many qigong practices that could be very harmful if practiced incorrectly, the SHS as described by Master Hon are certainly not in that category. Unfortunately, like "tendar", "a reader" gives no indication of what credentials he/she has that would enable him/her to reliably make such a statement, and it is actually somewhat disconcerting that both reviers make statements of a technical nature without offering any information as to what their qualifications are. Nor do they provide any information about where they teach or how to contact them directly, leading one to conclude that they possess neither the confidence nor courage to receive an answer to their criticisms. One further point of interest, in regards to his/her high praise for Master Jou, "a reader" might be intereted to know that Master Hon was actually at one point a senior student of / assistant instructor for Master Jou when Master Jou was teaching at, of all places, Princeton! So, following "a reader's" logic, if Master Hon is a snob for attending Princeton, Master Jou was even more of one since he taught there. But maybe he/she didn't know that...Finally, to make an additional correction, "a reader" is in error when he/she states that Master Hon has studied for only 20 years: while Master Hon has been publically teaching for over 20 years, he has actually been studying Taoist practice for nearly twice that amount of time, so his/her criticism of Master Hon as lacking sufficient experience is also without any merit. Overall, "a reader" seems like someone who has a lot of anger and frustration that he/she does not seem to be able to vent through an appropriate outlet, but rather expresses at Master Hon for no apparant reason.
In closing, I would recommend Master Hon's book to anyone who is interested not only in learning a basic qigong routine but who would also like a taste of what it is like to study with a classical Chinese Taoist master. If one reads it with an open heart, one may come to appreciate the essence of Taoist practice in its profound simplicity.
Rating:  Summary: Praise for Six Healing Sounds Qigong Review: As a practicing physical therapist for nearly 10 years, and as a personal student of Master Hon's, I have been trained and certified by him in the therapeutic application of the Six Healing Sounds. In my professional experience using the SHS with a wide range of patients in my private practice in NYC, I can attest to their efficacy, the ease with which they can be learned and, most importantly, their safety, especially for beginners. Of course, like any modality, the SHS will work differently for different people, but, in my experience, the effects have been uniformly positive across a variety of different clinical populations. Personally, after having studied with around 15 different teachers for over a decade (some of whom only spoke Chinese), when I met Sifu Hon almost 10 years ago, I knew that my search for my heart-teacher was over - I can't emphasize enough how rare it is to find a Chinese teacher who is not only well-versed in Eastern classical studies (Taoist, Buddhist) but whose knowledge of English and Western culture enables him to transmit the knowledge without losing it's true essence in the translation. By writing this book, Master Hon has made the benefit of his wide experience in this area available to a much greater audience than he was able to before. I'd also like to address some statements made by an earlier reviewer about Master Hon's book. While it's ok that he didn't like the book (not everyone will) and although I'm sorry he feels that he wasted his money (can't he just return it?), to claim that the SHS is not a Taoist Qiqong practice is incorrect. I don't know what his background or qualifications are or what evidence he has to support his assertions, but even a little research on Amazon of books available in English would reveal that the SHS is a well-established practice within several different school of Qigong, not just Master Hon's. Similarly, his definition of Taoist Qigong practice - "physical movement, breath control and concentration" - though not wrong per se, is incomplete, and shows a somewhat narrow and superficial knowledge of the topic (he might benefit from re-reading the Dao De Jing or the Chuang Tzu a bit more thoroughly). Overall, it is unfortunate that he chose to couch his comments in such a derisive manner: to say that he (and, by implication, anyone else) would have to live to be 150 to derive benefit from the practice is not witty - it is sarcastic and smug, and ultimately negates the possibility of any constructive dialogue that might arise from a legitimate criticism of the text. In closing, I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested not only in learning a basic qigong routine but who would also like a taste of what it is like to study with a classical Chinese Taoist master. If one reads it with an open heart, one may come to appreciate the essence of Taoist practice in its profound simplicity.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Healing Qigong Review: AS I browsed the books on Qigong, this book caught my eyes with its clear photographic illustrations. Each healing sound is demonstrated in detail-one could almost learn the Taoist Qigong movements just from the photographs. As a plain beginner without any background in Qigong, I am delighted with the generous voice of the author in his sharing of his own cultivation as a Chinese doctor, a father and a teacher in Taoist practice. My only wish is of course to find a teacher like him in my home town. But the book is just like a teacher. Read it slowly and follow the instruction, you will reap the benefit of this wonderful Healing Sounds Qigong. It has subtly shifted my relationship to sounds and breathing in just a few weeks.
Rating:  Summary: Move on, don't waste your money Review: Here's a little book that we've been waiting for for a long time. With visualisation, simple yet powerful movement, and quiet 'song', one is gently lead into the opening up and fine tuning of the energy system of the body. My only (slight) regret is that there is no film of Master Sat Hon performing these exercises as yet. He promisies me there soon will be one. A book really worth having if you're at all interested in health and the well-being of the body.
Rating:  Summary: Move on, don't waste your money Review: I felt compelled to return this book after I purchased it. Although the author is a Princeton educated individual (Princeton or some other snob school, I can't remember) he did not have the good sense to include movement arrows to describe the motions. True enough the movements are simple but, it is useless, even dangerous, to do Qigong without special attention to breathing and movement. This culture is too taken by how much education an individual has when it comes to how much weight their opinions matter. For instance, you could have a Tai Chi expert who has been practicing for 60 years but, who only had a second grade education. Most Americans would choose a "master" who has a Ph.D in God know what, but with only 20 years of experience in Tai Chi, as a opposed to a genuine master who has 60 years under his belt, but only went as far as the second grade. Such is the nature of secular arrogance. Mr. Hon was educated at a snob university and only has 20 years of Qigong experience and yet, because of this culture's social set up his opinions on certain matters, even spiritual ones, carry more weight simply because he has a degree from that snob school. This matter is debatable, but, I think you all see my point. I would also like to point out how the west seeks a "scientific" explanation for everything. I have noticed that, the more secular the work on Tai Chi or Qigong, the more the book sells. I must point out that Tai Chi and Qigong are more than mere excercise; represent a system of thinking and spiritual focus that can not be adequately explained by secular logic. Although Mr. Tsung Hwa Jou does a wonderful job with logic (he was, after all, a college level math professor). Despite Mr. Jou's big degree, he showed a deep respect for the old traditions. Mr. Hon's attitude on his Qigong book had an "okay-here-is-a-Taoist teaching-but-since-I-was-educated-at-Princeton-my-take-on-it-will-be-better-so-here-is-my-opinion" tone. Not Mr. Jou. Despite the fact that Mr. Jou was in a position to do exactly what Mr. Hon did (Mr. Jou did after all, hold a PhD in mathematics), he chose to use his own interpretations for the sake of bringing better understanding rather than changing what was being taught. Basically, since Qigong and Tai Chi both deal with abstraction, he used Mathematical abstraction to help illustrate what was taught to him. Mr. Hon used overly simplistic symbolism that is a bit, shall we say, condescending. Don't get me wrong, there are many charlatans and hypocrites in the realm of spiritual thinking and by no means would I encourage anyone to have "blind faith" in any system of meditative thought. Nevertheless, the secular world has its con-artists, golddiggers, and womanizers. Meaning, it is wrong to label spiritual explanations for things as "primitive" or "hokey" when the secular thought we are forcefed in school is not without its own flaws that could easily draw criticism from religious or spiritual minded people. Instead of this book I recommend the book "Tai Chi Classics" by Waysun Liao, or "The Tao of Tai Chi Chuan" by Tsung Hwa Jou. Mr. Liao is spiritual without being hokey, and Mr. Jou is both logical and spiritual, giving equal respect to both. Basically, unless you want pedantic overly intellectualized babble lacking in competent instruction, by all means waste your money on this book. However, if you desire quality from men who have a genuine desire to teach you what they know, I strongly recommend the books by Mr. Jou and Mr. Liao. Mr. Hon just seems out to make a buck. Beware of false masters and selfish teachers. As Master Wong Kiew Kit quoted in one of his Kung Fu books "it is better to spend to years searching for a good master, than to spend 10 years with a bad one." When it comes to buying a Qigong or meditation book, one does not need to spend that length of time, however, the modern application of that proverb would be that one needs to be extraordinarily careful in chosing written works. I hope this was helpful.
Rating:  Summary: Foundation for Taoist Qigong Review: Like a single brush stroke that captures the swaying orchids, this book on the Six Healing sounds integrates all the elements of Taoist Qigong: breath, movement, Taoist meditation and mudras. As a life long Taoist practitioner of the Dragon Gate School, I was taught by my masters that the 6 Healing sounds serves as a gateway, especially for beginner, into the profound universe of Taoist Qigong and its inner alchemy. The detail description on the Qigong instruction reveals the author's depth of knowledge and teaching experience. The heart of Taoist approach is simplicity. The 6 Healing Sounds is in complete alignment with this core Taoist philosophy. After 34 years of Taoist Qigong and Taiji practice, I can say that this book truly presents the core of Taoist cultivation of inner alchemy of transformation and healing. The Healing sounds are like pure pristine water that enhances my own Taoist Qigong practices.
Rating:  Summary: Foundation for Taoist Qigong Review: Like a single brush stroke that captures the swaying orchids, this book on the Six Healing sounds integrates all the elements of Taoist Qigong: breath, movement, Taoist meditation and mudras. As a life long Taoist practitioner of the Dragon Gate School, I was taught by my masters that the 6 Healing sounds serves as a gateway, especially for beginner, into the profound universe of Taoist Qigong and its inner alchemy. The detail description on the Qigong instruction reveals the author's depth of knowledge and teaching experience. The heart of Taoist approach is simplicity. The 6 Healing Sounds is in complete alignment with this core Taoist philosophy. After 34 years of Taoist Qigong and Taiji practice, I can say that this book truly presents the core of Taoist cultivation of inner alchemy of transformation and healing. The Healing sounds are like pure pristine water that enhances my own Taoist Qigong practices.
Rating:  Summary: Good keywords, poor content Review: This book is dissappointing. It is not Taoist Qigong in the strict sense. It is a long tedious description of the 6 Healing Sounds which are supplementary to real Taoist Qigong, which includes physical exercise, breath control and concentration. I wasted my money on this. Anyone that calls this Taoist Qigong is misleading the public. It would take many years to get fit using these techniques. I would be 150 by the time my meridians got clear on this. Healing sounds are SUPPLEMENTARY not CORE to qigong
Rating:  Summary: genuine treasure Review: This is an amazing book that has much to offer for both beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. Sat Hon balances his practical instruction with his personal jewels of wisdom. This combination invites the reader into both his studio and home. After following the detailed instruction, you will feel like a personal student. After reading his beautiful and touching stories, you will feel like a cherished friend. Immerse yourself into this gem of a book and enjoy every moment!
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