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Rating:  Summary: Read this Book, Then... Review: FIGHT FOR ACADEMIC FREEDOM
Professor Ignacio Chapela courageously spoke out
against the UC $25 million research agreement with
the biotechnology giant Novartis. He published an
article demonstrating that native corn in Mexico had
been contaminated by genetically engineered corn.
Being a prominent critic of the university's ties to
the biotech industry, Dr. Chapela had his tenure
denied despite overwhelming support by his peers at UC
Berkeley and experts around the world.
The implications that these actions have on academic
freedom are frightening. They threaten scientists in
the future from working to seek truth in different
forums without undue influence. Scientists will no
longer be able to ask questions that might seem
uncomfortable even for the university to pose, such as
those in pursuit of precautionary science or in
opposition to corporate control over the university
research agenda.
You can get involved:
1. Call, email or write the UC Berkeley Chancellor
Birgeneau and the Academic Senate.
Phone: 510-642-7464
Fax: 510-643-5499
Email: Chancellor@Berkeley.edu
Snail Mail: Office of the Chancellor, 200 California
Hall # 1500, Berkeley, California, 94720-1500
(Academic Senate = PHONE: 510-642-4226; FAX:
510-642-8920; E-MAIL: acad_sen@berkeley.edu
2. Visit www.tenurejustice.org or write
Rating:  Summary: Nice to see some truth Review: I have been a farm journalist for thirty years and have a master's degree in agriculture. During the late 70s and early 80s, when genetic engineering was coming on the scene, I was a strong supporter. Over the years I talked to various biotech scientists who were becoming worried about whether the genetically-modified foods entering the food chain were safe. As the science developed, it was discovered the process of genetic engineering is anything but as straightforward as scientists originally thought. Chunks of genetic material jump all over the place once they are inserted into plants, and there is no predicting where they will go, or what effect they will have. There has been almost no research on the safety of genetically-modified foods, and what little has been done has shown these foods can cause a number of health problems ranging from allergies to food intolerances to cancer. Both Canadian and US government agencies have taken the position (urged on by the biotech companies) that these new food crops are 'substantially similar' to existing crops, so do not need any study for food safety. And both governments are strong supporters of the industry, as I used to be. The scientists I talked to became less and less willing to voice their concerns for fear of reprisals. A few years ago, because of the knowledge I had gained, I began to make a point of avoiding GMOs, which is increasingly difficult, as they are spreading everywhere. We are being screwed over and lied to by the biotech industry and our governments, and this book tells the story well and thoroughly.
Rating:  Summary: How to avoid the dangers of genetically engineered foods Review: Jeffrey Smith masterfully combines the art of storytelling and investigative reporting. The result is riveting, enlightening, and disturbing. The dangers of genetically modified foods are shocking-fortunately, Jeffrey's book tells us how to avoid them. - Jennifer Read Hawthorne Coauthor, Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul
Rating:  Summary: Roadmap of insensitivity by America's food giants Review: Jeffrey Smith's lucid, informative, and tightly argued exposé of genetically modified foods lays bare the blockbuster food safety issue of the 21st century. Although Americans slept as the biotech industry quietly kidnapped our food supply, Europe sent the miscreants -- typified by Monsanto -- packing. Mr. Smith presents a roadmap of insensitivity by America's food giants and a blueprint of action to stop them from wreaking further havoc. Every American should read this book. - James S. Turner, Esq. Author, The Chemical Feast: The Nader Report on the Food and Drug Administration
Rating:  Summary: A frightening and important read Review: Jeffrey Smith, the author of this book, is a plain-spoken but hardly elegant writer. He doesn't need to be; the facts he reports about GM (genetically modified) foods and the relentless efforts of Monsanto Corp. to get them into American and world markets need no dressing up in fancy prose. It's hard to decide which is scariest: the grave doubts about the safety of specific products such as the FlavrSavr tomato and StarLink corn; the myriad possibilities for unpredictable results to the environment and the general food supply, given the current scanty knowledge of genes, genetics and the possible consequences of unchecked modification of basic biological codes; or the systematic, epidemic failure of governmental agencies charged with protecting the health of the general public in the U.S. and Canada to act. It would be easy to dismiss "Seeds of Deception" as a partisan rant against Republican governments and big business, but Smith is evenhanded in his indictments. According to him, Monsanto Corp. has engaged in a systematic campaign to pressure both Democratic and Republican administrations in the United States to allow GM foods to be marketed without proper safeguards and testing. What seems to have saved the world so far is the vigorous resistance of European and overseas markets to the entry of genetically modified food products that have not been properly tested, consquently making several highly promoted products uneconomical to produce. Nevertheless, modified genes have already "escaped" into the general food supply to an alarming degree. In the final portion of the book Smith gives suggestions on how the reader can protect him/herself against unknowingly consuming GM foodstuffs, and also asks for contributions so that copies of his book can be sent to those in positions of power. I'm sending him a check.
Rating:  Summary: Must read... the deadly greed of a few ruthless companies... Review: Lies, distortion, and deception are commonplace tools to market GM foods. Seeds of Deception is a must read if you are to protect yourself and your family from the deadly greed of a few ruthless companies. The threat to our future is real and present, this book could save your life. - Howard F. Lyman Author, Mad Cowboy
Rating:  Summary: A particular strength of the book... hated by pro-GM Lobby Review: Seeds of Deception is a major event in informing the public about the safety or (more precisely the lack of it) of genetically modified foods, which are hailed to be one of the most important scientific developments of our age. In contrast to the bland assurances from official propaganda, the book lays bare the concerted machinations of the biotechnology industry, the media, politicians, and the regulatory authorities, all united in their effort and using any means to allay the rightful concerns and fears of the public about this unpredictable and unsafe technology. A particular strength of the book-and this will be hated by the pro-GM lobby-is that it uses a very colorful but easily understandable language to describe what is usually regarded as 'high' science. My greatest compliment is that even though I am a scientist I got some special insights into the workings of the recombinant DNA technology from Jeffrey Smith's enjoyable presentation. - Arpad Pusztai, Ph.D. Leading Expert on Safety Research Conducted on GM Foods Committee
Rating:  Summary: Vivid and disturbing picture of governmental passivity... Review: Seeds of Deception is the first book to make a convincing case for the existence of a genuine conspiracy on the part of the biotechnology industry to suppress free speech, debate and even scientific dialogue about the safety and value of GMOs. In doing so, Jeffrey Smith paints a vivid and disturbing picture of governmental passivity and scientific neglect of urgent problems associated with genetically engineered agriculture. By putting together over a dozen episodes of interference and collusion against activists who have questioned the wisdom of proceeding unabated with this collective, non-consensual experiment with our food, Smith shows how industry proponents have done themselves and a whole generation of consumers a massive disservice in the name of corporate profits and short-term private gain. - Marc Lappé, Ph.D. Co-Director, The Center for Ethics and Toxics (CETOS)
Rating:  Summary: Nice to see some truth Review: There is mounting evidence that genetically modified foods are unsafe. This book, which is the best written on the subject, is essential reading for food activists and concerned consumers. - Ronnie Cummins National Director, Organic Consumer's Association, Coauthor, Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers
Rating:  Summary: A compelling & powerful indictment of industry & government Review: This is a book that every American should read. In a highly accessible story format, Seeds of Deception provides a compelling and powerful indictment of industry and government agencies that have conspired to hide the dangers of genetically engineered foods. After reading the truth about these foods, consumers will avoid eating them; food company executives will want them out of their products; and the government, hopefully, will put an end to this outrageous experiment. - Larry Bohlen
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