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50 Ways to Lower Cholesterol

50 Ways to Lower Cholesterol

List Price: $14.95
Your Price: $10.17
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A good overview with details available
Review: I thought I knew how to handle high cholesterol, but this book taught me stuff I didn't know I didn't know. Besides a good treatment on self-help options, it has a nice overview of different cholesterol-lowering drugs that gives me the language to be able to discuss these issues intelligently with my doctor. She writes in a friendly, accessible style but still goes into fairly good detail about specific items that are easy to skip if they don't pertain. (For example, I thought her advice on how to handle a cigarette addiction was great, but I don't smoke.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A good overview with details available
Review: I thought I knew how to handle high cholesterol, but this book taught me stuff I didn't know I didn't know. Besides a good treatment on self-help options, it has a nice overview of different cholesterol-lowering drugs that gives me the language to be able to discuss these issues intelligently with my doctor. She writes in a friendly, accessible style but still goes into fairly good detail about specific items that are easy to skip if they don't pertain. (For example, I thought her advice on how to handle a cigarette addiction was great, but I don't smoke.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: She does it again!
Review: Mary McGowan,M.D., well known and highly respected expert on the treatment of lipids, previously wrote an extremely helpful book titled: "Heartfitness for Life".(Read the customer reviews for that book!). Among the many areas she covers are treatment for homocysteine, for which many physicians don't bother to test, and for LPa,which is "badder" than the "bad" cholesterol,LDL. Too many physicians have no idea what LPa is, and some actually argue against testing for it, as they have no idea how to treat it. In this her latest book, she adds additional information on lowering LPa. The book is full of new, clearly explained practical information. I can't recommend it too highly, for anyone, beginner or long time learner having concerns about their lipid status. It should be required reading for cardiologists, internists, and family physicians, who could use this book as a resource for their patients, and in many cases for themselves.

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