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Rating:  Summary: Astounding, Amazing, Powerful, THE LAW OF SUCCESS. Review: Although written in the first quarter of the century, this book is still applicable. I constantly read and listen to motivation/success books and tapes, and this is the best I've read yet. I am striving to become a motivational speaker and writer, but, after reading this book I have to question my own abilitity. Sometimes it seems to me that everything pertaining to success has already been written, but I know there is always room for top-notch success teachers and movers. As Napoleon Hill states in Law of Success "I know your weaknesses because I know my own. It has required the better part of 25 years of ups and downs-mostly downs--to impress these basic truths upon my own mind so that they influenced me. I have tried both them and their opposites; therefore, I can speak, not as one who merely believes in their soundness, but as one who knows."
Rating:  Summary: unreal Review: i have read this book many years ago and have told a lot of people about this book law of success. and even after about 6years after reading it i still apply the thing he says and it helps me 110%. so if you want to succeed and change the way you think about your life this book will do it! it done it for me and done it for other people so why not you.The book is so good im going to teach and show my daugher this and tell her everything in the book when she gets older to understand it! buy it and become a success forever! all the best keith jones
Rating:  Summary: Powerful book by Hill Review: If you were to read just one book by Hill, this one should be that book. It is powerful and loaded with information. Using this information accelerated my professional and personal life. Nobody does it better than Napolean Hill.And by the way, I don't recommend that you read only one book by Hill. I have a nice library of Napolean Hill books, still don't have them all, but am working on it. Each one seems to add to the previous. They are similiar, yet different. This one should be read perhaps even ahead o f Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich.
Rating:  Summary: Every body dreams, but only a few will dream accurately! GNA Review: Laws Of Success This book is a must read if you want to do anything worthwhile; while you here on this planet! It sucks that most personal motivators today, such as Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, and men of the like, are taking all the credit for this book. Yea! They mention the man (Napoleon Hill) for his finds but they take the credit for being responsible for such a book available. I learned more from this book about this life and chemistry of every person and thing alive on this planet, from plant life, to animal life, than all my years in school classrooms. High school students, College students, trade school students, people out there searching for their identities if you are, or have been raised in this world in a poor, or low middle class environment, the only real chance you have in this life is to get your hands on this book. While many people out there are trying to screw you of your belongings, such as money, reputation, self control and other personal possessions, this book will guide you through a hard core situation such as; depression, self control overeating, drug abuse, and all of the bad habits we acquire here on this planet, from TV commercials and Radio commercials and some bad influential so called friends. Big companies spend millions of dollars on paid advertisement because they have read this book from cover, to cover and over and over and now they are using it against you. I can almost guarantee you that a lot of big companies such as Mc Donald's, Starbucks and companies alike, have mastered this mans philosophy and now they are using against you to get you to spend all of your money on their over priced service. I would put my life on the fact that McDonald's took this mans writings and used it against parents by building a small playground in their restaurant so the parents can eat while the kids are safe playing. This is an idea that has been written by this man because I read it in the page of this book and McDonald's has been using it to fatten people up for two or three decades now. This book will tell you how someone's last five hundred dollars paid for a simple chemistry ingredients that produced Coca Cola. And now it has become a great support of jobs for so many. I learned more about this Country's freedom from this book than every History book I passed by when going to school. Learned about Autosuggestion, the number one agency to getting anything you want by applying this formula to your daily prayers. Learn about how some Doctors are keeping the fear of Ill health in the hearts and minds of millions of people for their pocket book. Find out how to use a mastermind alliance for your only true success if things seem helpless today. Know that all big companies today have mastered the law of this idea called mastermind alliance and that's how they are becoming Giants through a mastermind merge. This was the first man to describe the philosophy of a mastermind alliance. First time heard through the words spoken by Andrew Carnegie. Know that a positive and mental attitude is only one of seventeen principles of true success. "Yea! You hear about having a positive and mental attitude by other Authors. But those Authors don't tell you the rest of the principles and how to apply them successfully. Learn about why is it that every application you fill out, has the question of how much is in your savings account??? Napoleon Hill describes how a simple habit of saving five or ten dollars a week can add to substantial amounts and not in money alone, but! In other areas of your life. Through good or bad habits you build definite life style. How are your habits? This is where the term The Golden Rule became produced through building facts, upon facts, and other people's trial and error. Know how important it is to have a definite chief aim in life and how to build a burning desire to acquire it's final destination. How to apply the habit of going the extra mile, when people today don't even want to go the first mile. Self-confidence? One must have this formula to succeed in anything, But here Napoleon Hill doesn't only tell you one must have this ingredient, he tells how to apply this by an autosuggestion formula that you must write down and than read it everyday again and again, until this formula becomes the burning desire that will work for you day and night through a metaphor that a lot of people want you to believe does not exist but it does and that my friend is ETHER! What is ether? (Look it up in your dictionary) This book will explain it to you how it works on humans, but only after your mind has been opened to accept such a formula. It is a formula you cannot see, it is a formula you cannot touch, taste, feel, or smell, it is a formula that if you learn to believe in it, will protect you through an agency indescribable. And know that everything that you do bad or good will come back to you many times over. Sometimes the get back waits until it has time to build and all of as sudden there it is, smacking you right in the face of reality. "So you better be good for goodness sake!" Reading this book alone will not manifest a thing until it is applied and used accordingly. I have proofed this man's writings to be true because I am applying the formulas to my life now and so have a lot of other people. Who am I, to disagree with them? "IT AINT NO FREE RIDE BUT IT'S WORKING!" FIND THIS BOOK AND GO GET IT!
Rating:  Summary: The all-inclusive, original success book! Review: Napoleon Hill was commissioned by the richest man in the world at the time, Andrew Carnegie, to create an economic philosophy. Carnegie said philosophers had concentrated on morals, and there were plenty of moral philosophies, but not one economic philosophy, and it was a shame. Every person who had risen from poverty to wealth had to do it on his own, learning from the brutal (and slow) trial-and-error method. Carnegie thought that was wrong, and he challenged Napoleon Hill to correct it. Carnegie then gave Hill letters of introduction to the most successful men of the time: Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, F. W. Woolworth, William Wrigley Jr., etc. Hill interviewed (and in some cases LIVED WITH) over five hundred extremely successful people, many of whom you have heard about, to discover what philosophy they used in succeeding. After twenty years of this kind of research, he created an adult education program. The writings for that program were eventually bound into eight volumes, and now they are all bound into one giant book. It's great. I'm the author of the book, Self-Help Stuff That Works, and I know from personal experience that the principles Hill writes about WORK! And he is fun to read.
Rating:  Summary: A great book to add to the top of your "Must read" list. Review: Second only to the Bible, this book is the true road map to success. Hill writes the steps that must be taken in order to succeed. Success can not be cheated, and this book gives you the guidelines that you need to get you to the place you want to be.
Rating:  Summary: Don't just read it - study and live it! Review: This book makes his must read "Think and Grow Rich" book look like a Reader's Digest Condensed version of success. Don't read it once, twice or three times - study each page, apply it and live the life of success
Rating:  Summary: This is an OUTSTANDING book!!!! Review: This is the most incredible book I have ever read on the subject of personal growth and achievement. The way Hill writes takes a little getting used to, but after reading it a very short time anyone can understand him. This book is a total eye opener to how the most successful people of this and any time period think. He also gives very detailed "HOW TO" information for each of his Success Principles. This book was written in the 1930's but the information is more relevant than ever. A MUST READ for anyone wanting to succeed in any endeavor. TEN STARS!!!
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