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A Cancer Battle Plan: Six Strategies for Beating Cancer, from a Recovered "Hopeless Case"

A Cancer Battle Plan: Six Strategies for Beating Cancer, from a Recovered "Hopeless Case"

List Price: $12.95
Your Price: $9.71
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I am sister of Anne Frahm
Review: Anne is my sister and I can tell you from my first hand account of her journey through Cancer that the nutritional approach that is outlined in this book allowed Anne to live 7 years longer than she was given by the doctors. Within 6 weeks of implementing this life style she became CANCER FREE and stayed that way for 7 years. This was a remarkable turnaround. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would be not believe it. Not only was she cancer free for those years, but she was living a full life and it allowed her the time to raise her 2 kids. I believe that if you have nothing to lose you will find this approch doable. She was a joyous Godly woman who wanted to offer hope to you. But please know too, that her relationship with Jesus Christ was the most important thing in her life (& Death).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Necessary education for cancer patient
Review: I am 44. I had an emergency colectomy, to remove tumor, and have grade-c colon cancer. THis means that there is no visible tumor spread beyond that removed, but > 50% of the removed lymph nodes tested + for cancer cells. Dr.'s prognosis is 50%-60% 5-year survival. Chemo is recomended, but will only improve the survival rate by 3-8%. I do know that there will be a small but significant % in my situation will that will survive 30+ years.

THis book clearly endorses surgery, chemo, and/or radiation to stop advanced cancer. THe question is what next? I have three young children. Should I do nothing and just hope that I fall on the + side of stats? Or do I take aggressive action to try and put my self in the positive side? Choose for yourself. As for me, I will fight with all of my strength to beat this. I am a believer, and my ultimate hope is in God, but he gave me a mind to think, and a strong will to fight and live. TO that end, I ask, can a good detox program followed by a healthy nutritious diet possibly be harmful? I think not. Is the potential harm from follow-up chemo worth only 3-8% increase in 5-year survival? I am still praying and thinking about this one. I may forgo the chemo, but only after many consultations with the oncologist. I don't dismiss the imortance of the medical establishment, neither did Anne.

I find the diet to be a bit too radical, and am reading other books ("Juice FOr Life") that allow some fish and poultry in the meals, along with more reasonable food mixing, and more cooked foods. However, the other books seem to align with the this one regarding cleansing and juice recomendations, and emphasis on raw fruits and veggies. I don't look forward to the juice fast cleansing, but honestly, can it hurt? Might it help? I see this as a no-lose situation for me. OThers may have different situation. But in any case, take control of your desease. Fight. Seek the Lord. Do not surrender hope.

To respond to a new review, the problem with a natural approach to fighting cancer is that it can not be verified using the "scientific method". That is, individual components of the problem/solution can not be verified. THe problem/solution has to be viewed from a macro perspective. The suggestion that the American diet is responsible is valid when one looks at cancer rates of Japanese, before and after they adapt the American diet. However, unless individual food items can be proven to cause cancer, the medical community will not accept the evidence. The theory, however, is that the total American diet of dead poisened food, is responsible for the failure of the body to fight cancer (specifically due to reduced liver function). Seeing cancer as a system failure, rather than a local disease is orthoganal to the medical establishemt, and therefore, a program of detox, + disciplined nutrition + specific supliments, while reasonable, will not even get consideration, regardless of its results.

I am a cancer patient, not an "expert". I am trying to understand my disease, and am not willing to simply hope that my doctors can treat it. I will insist that they provide compelling data for any recomended procedure. I will weigh the risks/benefits carefully. I will also consider reasonable "alternatives".

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Necessary education for cancer patient
Review: I am 44. I had an emergency colectomy, to remove tumor, and have grade-c colon cancer. THis means that there is no visible tumor spread beyond that removed, but > 50% of the removed lymph nodes tested + for cancer cells. Dr.'s prognosis is 50%-60% 5-year survival. Chemo is recomended, but will only improve the survival rate by 3-8%. I do know that there will be a small but significant % in my situation will that will survive 30+ years.

THis book clearly endorses surgery, chemo, and/or radiation to stop advanced cancer. THe question is what next? I have three young children. Should I do nothing and just hope that I fall on the + side of stats? Or do I take aggressive action to try and put my self in the positive side? Choose for yourself. As for me, I will fight with all of my strength to beat this. I am a believer, and my ultimate hope is in God, but he gave me a mind to think, and a strong will to fight and live. TO that end, I ask, can a good detox program followed by a healthy nutritious diet possibly be harmful? I think not. Is the potential harm from follow-up chemo worth only 3-8% increase in 5-year survival? I am still praying and thinking about this one. I may forgo the chemo, but only after many consultations with the oncologist. I don't dismiss the imortance of the medical establishment, neither did Anne.

I find the diet to be a bit too radical, and am reading other books ("Juice FOr Life") that allow some fish and poultry in the meals, along with more reasonable food mixing, and more cooked foods. However, the other books seem to align with the this one regarding cleansing and juice recomendations, and emphasis on raw fruits and veggies. I don't look forward to the juice fast cleansing, but honestly, can it hurt? Might it help? I see this as a no-lose situation for me. OThers may have different situation. But in any case, take control of your desease. Fight. Seek the Lord. Do not surrender hope.

To respond to a new review, the problem with a natural approach to fighting cancer is that it can not be verified using the "scientific method". That is, individual components of the problem/solution can not be verified. THe problem/solution has to be viewed from a macro perspective. The suggestion that the American diet is responsible is valid when one looks at cancer rates of Japanese, before and after they adapt the American diet. However, unless individual food items can be proven to cause cancer, the medical community will not accept the evidence. The theory, however, is that the total American diet of dead poisened food, is responsible for the failure of the body to fight cancer (specifically due to reduced liver function). Seeing cancer as a system failure, rather than a local disease is orthoganal to the medical establishemt, and therefore, a program of detox, + disciplined nutrition + specific supliments, while reasonable, will not even get consideration, regardless of its results.

I am a cancer patient, not an "expert". I am trying to understand my disease, and am not willing to simply hope that my doctors can treat it. I will insist that they provide compelling data for any recomended procedure. I will weigh the risks/benefits carefully. I will also consider reasonable "alternatives".

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the god's life rope to cancer patients!
Review: i am a orthomolecular-nutritionist and i had exactly 2 cases like the auther of that book had,so i know that every thing she wrote is completely true.she (the author)is a real cancer warrior,she begain to tell about what is cancer and how it work in the body,and what kinds of treatments available with a really open realistic sight.in the next chapters she explaines exactly the conventional treatments that she followed plus the attitute of her doctors to her, so called: "terminal condition of breast cancer".the will to live as she explaines drove her to learning many books on cancer and she start learning on her flash the alternative ways.she explains the detoxification program with exact instructions of how to do it individually,and responsibly.the author explaines the role of the immune system and how it works in order to ward off the cancer cells and their progresion.allergy\specific foods and recipes plus the roles of each orthomolecular nutrients (vitamins\minerals\etc,,,) in the treatment of cancer (any cancer!).there are a few chapters of incouragement that she explaines how to fight the disease moraly with amazing strategy and resoults.this woman is a real fighter,she also explains how the relatives should act if one member of the family \friend has cancer. the story of this author is amazing because of the fighting\positive attitute that this woman has. this is! the book on cancer!.i treat the disease and i have a few cases like this.this book is a bless from god,haleluya!every cancer patient\or a relative must have this book,believe me,my only interest is to see people getting better,i am a therapist.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Notes from a couple who were just at HealthQuarters
Review: I have not (yet) read this book, but I've been reading the reviews because of two email messages I received from friends. Here's an excpert from the first one:We are so excited to tell you that L's PSA test done last week is at 2.9 down from 4 which is well within the normal range. His cholesterol is down from 221 to 172 which is also in the normal range. All other blood tests and the physical exam shows him very healthy. He is at his optimum weight down 35 lb. from this summer, he has been off his blood pressure medicine he started in June since October and it is in the normal range and he has almost completely quit snoring. The first good sleep S has had in 7 or 8 years!We are attributing these great results to the Lord's leading us to a book called "A Cancer Battle Plan," by Dave and Anne Fraum which then took us to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to go through the HealthQuarters Ministries program which Dave and Anne started to help people learn to regain their health the way God intended. We learned that if given the right conditions our body has an amazing ability to heal itself from many ailments which has been evident in Lyle and hundreds of other people. "Prostate Health in 90 days without drugs or surgery," by Larry Clapp, is another source that uses basically the same plan with a couple tweaks. "Healing Prayer" is a book that J gave us last Christmas that didn't get read until I found it behind the couch in the motorhome one day in early Oct. after L's diagnosis and boy does it apply to where we are. How did he know that we would use that book just when we needed it? God is in control of even the gifts we give at Christmas if we let Him be.Then my friends sent a follow-up note that said:I'm sorry to hear of [your] ailments. I know you have probably had a zillion suggestions but with the results we have seen with L and myself and many others with varying ailments I would encourage you to pick up Dave Frauhm's book "A Cancer Battle Plan" and consider following his program. It's [also] good for... dealing with the stress. This book deals not only with cancer but with many health situations. We believe you could possibly find some real relief. I hope these comments help. I think I'll be picking up a copy of this book soon.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Read It In 1996 - Followed It - Alive Today
Review: I was diagnosed with medium grade, T-cell, lymphoma(NHL) in October of 1995. I had horrible responses to standard chemotherapy and was ultimately transplanted (autologous BMT) in April of 1996. Everything failed. I finally gave up chemotherapy in November of 1996 after being told by doctors I was incurable. The cancer had spread from my lungs to my peripheral nervous system and skin (CTCL). I started researching ways to help myself. Read many books, one of which was "The Cancer Battle Plan". Yes, the plan does seem a little extreme, but let me tell you, it did get me back on my feet... I followed everything the book outlined regarding the two week detox program (except I couldn't stomach the Tea tree oil). I'm still alive today and actually still have cancer (8 years without remission, and 6 years since giving up converntional therapy)... it is not detectable by any medical test, but I still feel it via neuropathy in my nerves in the lower legs. Since the day I started the "Battle Plan" two week detox my symptoms have slowly and gradually (yet sweetly) receeded. My Oncologists are stumped. BUT, the 2 week detox wasn't the extent of my efforts... fighting cancer is a lifestyle change. I've read some opionions criticising non-conventional therapies for giving patients "false hope" and I just have to say hope may have been and what STILL keeps me alive. Conventional therapy only keeps 50% of all patients alive for 5 years. If you ask me, there isn't "true hope" for any cancer patient. What you do have AND control is the ability to help yourself beyond what your oncologist will subscribe. Nutritional methods of supplementing your battle are NOTHING BUT logical. Conventional methods of cancer treatments are designed to reduce tumor bulk, but they do not remove all the cancer. Your body is what finishes it off, and if it is no shape to do so after cancer and radiation... the cancer comes back with even more vengeance. Did this book cure me? I can't say because I did a lot of other things to help my self out since giving up chemo, but, this book is nothing but valuable to any reader and I've recommeded it to MANY other fellow battlers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I love this book. I should, I wrote it!
Review: My wife has indeed gone to be with Jesus. Iron poisoning had shut down her liver after 10 years cancer-free. She'd gotten 150 blood transfusions during the failed bone marrow transplant written about in this book. You get everyone's iron. We knew it was going to be a problem. I gave more of the details of what took her in A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook. I noted a review that gave Battle Plan just one star. Its author somehow had it in her mind that we traveled and lectured around the country. Not so. The non-profit Christian ministry we began runs a Lodge overlooking Colorado Springs where people come from around the world for 11-day sessions to learn the principles of detoxing their bodies. I'm the teacher...a Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Nutrtional Consultant. For more info read A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook, or give HealthQuarters Ministries a call at (719) 593-8694. About our work Dr. Lee Cowden, M.D., co-author of An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer, writes: "HealthQuarters Ministries is doing a tremendously important and needed work. They are restoring hope and health for people with chronic illnesses--especially cancer--who have had their hope stolen. They help to put people back in control of their own health, giving them the tools they need, and encouraging them to keep God at the helm." Dr. James Balch, co-author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing writes: "Christians know that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and that they are accountable to not destroy them...I highly recommend the program offered at HealthQuarters Lodge."

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A postscript to my review
Review: Since there are all kinds of postings on this site about this book and their authors, etc. I would like to mention I have called about going to the HealthQuarters retreat and it costs $3,200 for one person(not including transportation to and from Colorado Springs) for an 11 day program, plus they are booked for several months in advance. They can only host 9 or 10 people at a time, and they are not a hospital, only an "educational center". Though this is somewhat cheap when compared to, say, going to other alternative hospitals or going out of the country, for a person like me, home on State Disability, this is more money than I have to spend on a program that my insurance company won't cover, not to mention the daily costs of my supplements and alternative medical care, also not fully covered by insurance, if at all. Dave and Anne's book, though certainly well intentioned and with a great spirit behind it, isn't much more than just a collection of the latest and most popular alternative treatments for cancer, all rolled up in a book like they are something new, when many have been around for years and years. If that, along with Ann's death, doesn't bother you and you still want to invest in tnis book, feel free. It is certainly inspirational and well intentioned reading. And who knows, it might help you, but go into it with your eyes open.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Worth a read
Review: There are three schools of thought regarding the origins of cancer: 1. it is genetic. 2. it is environmental. 3. it is a combination of 1 and 2.

Anne Frahm was a 35 year old woman with breast cancer (originally misdiagnosed) who comes from the environmental school where the American diet is the prime suspect. A Cancer Battle Plan outlines her road back to recovery using body detoxification and nutritional therapy along with the standard therapies..

It is an interesting book, well researched and written in an easy to read style yet one must be cautious of holding out any false hope. Cancer remains the second leading cause of death in the United States and if the "cure" consisted of enemas, fasting, a vegetarian diet and additional vitamin supplements, I believe that this would already be part of the knowledge base. I just don't believe that the medical community would be hiding something like this from us for the sake of profit.

While it is difficult to believe that a cheeseburger or a milk shake can be just as dangerous as a cigarette, in defense of Frahm's position, the 3 conventional therapies of chemo, radiation, and surgery often seem to be just as successful or unsuccessful as her coffee enemas - recommended to clean out the poison in the body. Its a lot cheaper, to be sure.

Conventional therapies are also flawed in that one has to wait until one has cancer before administering them. Often, with aggressive cancers, the diagnosis comes in too late and the patient then becomes nothing more than a cash register. The therapies simply postpone the inevitable and in my experience, are often worse than the disease itself.

What is needed in the future, is a device or procedure capable of predicting cancer, in all its myriad forms, long before it is recognized as a tumor. Easy to say, I know. Until then, A Cancer Battle Plan makes the implication that it might be easier via nutrition to prevent cancer rather than cure it and if one has cancer, then detoxification and nutritional therapy may offer some help.

It's worth reading.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A postscript to my review
Review: This book was literally a life saver for me and my husband. The guidance and advice was so simple and clear. It was a complete education in nutrition. Thanks to the information in this book, my husband is on the road to recovery from lung cancer, much to his Drs. amazement. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to avoid illness and not wait until it strikes. I can't praise it enough!!

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