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A Branded World: Adventures in Public Relations and the Creation of Superbrands

A Branded World: Adventures in Public Relations and the Creation of Superbrands

List Price: $27.95
Your Price: $18.45
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What a fabulous book!
Review: A very interesting look into the world of public relations and the creation and development of brands. Mr. Levine does a superb job explaining and illustrating the role advertising, marketing and public relations play in the creation and development of a successful brand. A must read for anyone who wants their product or client have a lasting effect in the minds of consumers in today's society.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Branded World
Review: A very interesting look into the world of public relations and the creation and development of brands. Mr. Levine does a superb job explaining and illustrating the role advertising, marketing and public relations play in the creation and development of a successful brand. A must read for anyone who wants their product or client have a lasting effect in the minds of consumers in today's society.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Former Clinton presidential advisor had this to say.........
Review: Dick Morris, former Clinton advisor, has praised this book, "A Branded World" by Michael Levine. His response was "Branding is simply reputation writ large. Everyone and everything is a brand whether they know it or not." Speaking about Levine's new book, Morris said, "This insightful treatment of branding explains how to use the process to asset instead of your liability.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Input from an online PR Rep
Review: Having been a PR rep for near to 30 years, I never get bored of useful insight from peers who handle other areas of this field. This book, "Branded", is an excellent choice to see a master at work and I enjoyed it immensely. There is no 'filler' in this book as there was no nonsense in a previous book by this author, "Guerrila PR". I have enhanced my knowledge base through this mans insight.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I do say, nary a passage within this book made for adequate reading. I do like to dabble in the literary works, both fiction and non, whilst having my tea and scones. This one, however, left a sour taste in my mouth (and mind you it was not the tea--me mummie's recipe, God rest her soul). This Levine hooligan should receive a firm rapping on the knuckles for his poor wordsmanship. Tsk, tsk.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great PR book
Review: I have a degree in advertising so it was interesting to read about PR and all its various aspects.
It was extremely informative and intriguing. A must read!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Helpful Book Or Just A Sales Pitch?
Review: I have to agree with Steven Willis from Los Angeles. This book might hold up a little stronger if it wasn't written by a publicist who seems like he is just trying to drum up some business. It's like those chiropractic offices that set up booths for free spinal exams at various sporting events. They give you the free exam, then surprise, surprise! Turns out they seem to think your back needs some chiropractic work. It's the same idea here, and while the book has a few instances of making good points, they aren't really strong enough to persuade the reader to adopt the author's point of view. On the positive side, it is written in a manner that is pretty easy to understand so you can finish it quickly enough, but it's just never all that compelling.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great branding book
Review: I liked the author's approach to explaining how PR is key to the branding process. His narrative draws you in, and his approach to explaining PR's role in creating a successful brand really helped me rethink the strategies I use at work.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
Review: I recently read "A Branded World" for one of my classes and I can honestly say that I read it from cover to cover. Unlike my other textbooks that just collected dust in the corner of my room, I was fortunate enough to pick it up and flip through the first couple of pages. Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. Michael Levine's latest book has been more than a textbook; reading the book has been a life changing experience.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Learning and Great Information with Passion
Review: If you have ever cared to learn about the PR world and the subtle reamlms of advertising, pick up this book. An informational rollercoaster of pop culture secrets, this whirlwind begins and ends on the same high notes. Whether you are a publicist, someone trying to get into show biz, or just someone who wants to learn about what you watch on television, A Branded World will take you to the depths of how people make money off of what you see. An intelligent and insightful book, this changed my view of how things are marketed and made me want to learn more about the truths between all the channels and pages.

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