Rating:  Summary: The Real World Review: "A Reader in Colorado" has no clue that even though Police Departments may change their emphasis and be kinder and genteler there is a world out there with many violent, violent people. The Police are the ones forced to deal with these type people are at their worst. As a kind loving father and Polcie Officer who wants to go home at night I find Mr. Saurez to have many new ideas and old ones that refresh acadamey days long since past.
Rating:  Summary: The Real World Review: "A Reader in Colorado" has no clue that even though Police Departments may change their emphasis and be kinder and genteler there is a world out there with many violent, violent people. The Police are the ones forced to deal with these type people are at their worst. As a kind loving father and Polcie Officer who wants to go home at night I find Mr. Saurez to have many new ideas and old ones that refresh acadamey days long since past.
Rating:  Summary: The Real World Review: "A Reader in Colorado" has no clue that even though Police Departments may change their emphasis and be kinder and genteler there is a world out there with many violent, violent people. The Police are the ones forced to deal with these type people are at their worst. As a kind loving father and Polcie Officer who wants to go home at night I find Mr. Saurez to have many new ideas and old ones that refresh acadamey days long since past.
Rating:  Summary: Outdated Tactics of a Bygone Era Review: After perusing the previous reviews and reading the book, it appears Mr. Suarez is an old soldier of another time and era. Police tactics have changed due to the political climate, but more out of necessity than as a matter of choice. The post-LA riots, post-Chief Darryl Gates LA police force is a prime example of this shift in sensibilities. Governments, whether they be 'liberal' or 'conservative', are in fact fiscally conservative as a result of having to pay out huge chunks of resources to defend a police force in criminal and civil courts trained to deliver maximum force in urban assaults against minority populations. The culture of the LA police force was targeted by the Warren Commission as in dire need of change to promote civil harmony. The Darryl Gates' officers were gradually weeded out in the early nineties and they were replaced by an opportunistic bunch, chosen more for their availibility than their dedication. The training of police officers has changed greatly in the last ten years, and focuses more on community policing and much less on urban assault. This training reflects a distinct change in police culture, and therefore the tactics and attitudes here seem to reflect the worst parts of the Darryl Gates policing policies. Mr. Suarez seems to fit in with this culture, and for this reason, I don't think his books and training are relevant for civilized police forces. They may find a more enthusiastic audience among totalitarian states, rather than responsible democracies.
Rating:  Summary: THe Truth About Gunfighting Review: As a Federal LEO, I can safely say that I have seen a lot of firearms training and Gabe is in the leage of Master Trainers. He tells it like it is in this book and doesn't paint gunfighting with the rose colored glasses that cloud this sometimes PC topic. Gabe's techniques work and they work in the real world. I have used them on duty and they are far better than what is being taught at many of the so called high speed low drag schools. Gabe teaches Gunfighting, not shooting. real gunfights are violent and while violence seems to offend some of the more timid readers, it is reality and anyone that is carrying a gun has a responsibility to be trained in its use. This book is a big step toward that training. Unlike many of his detractore, Gabe has actually been in gunfights and won. He knows what happens when it is time to sling lead and he knows how to win. I highly recomend this book for anyone interested in using a firearm for self defense.
Rating:  Summary: Whole-heartedly recommended by "The Gun Guy." Review: Gabe Suarez was awarded the Medal of Honor as a police officer, has studied under Jeff Cooper and is an accomplished instructor in his own right. Better still, for us --the shooter trying to better himself-- Gabe is a good author. This book is *information* from beginning to end. You will have difficulty finding another book that graphically illustrates the methods used by professionals when "clearing" a home or apartment. This book does just that and that information, alone, would make it a "best buy." Also covered are the proper use of cover and concealment and operating in reduced light among other topics. Gabe Suarez, however, goes further and explains various methods of controlling your firearm in a struggle and its effective use in close-quarter defense. This book is one of the few that describes how to handle those situations where you do NOT have to shoot, which make up a majority of home encounters. The individual who carries a firearm as a part of his profession or for personal defense will find enough of value in this book to warrant its purchase. In addition, Gabe explains and illustrates proper tactics for teams that, even if you do not use them in your profession, will be informative -- and entertaining when you see it done so poorly in the movies and on TV. I whole-heartedly recommend this book to "The Gun Guy" readers.
Rating:  Summary: Let's Go Tactical Review: Gabriel Suarez is a big city copy who trained under the famous Jeff Cooper. As such, you will see a lot of Cooper in this book, but it is a great book for the advanced student. Beginners can get a preview of the skills that are going to be required to become truly competent with your firearm for self-defense. Lots of coverage on building searches with good sections on tactical movement, reduced lighting situations and weapons retention techniques.
Rating:  Summary: advantageous tactics Review: In the introcuction, Suarez tells that in his opinion, this book is "the most complete study of tactical principles ever written". That's a "minor" overstatement. It is not a bad thing that a man has confidence on his ability, but he should be realistic also. I don't mean to say that this is not a good book, because it is. It just isn't "a definitive study", as it claims to be. The book covers a variety of topics, and has separate chapters on different tactical obstacles (like stairs and doors). But the text is not clear enough; without the pictures and drawings (which there are plenty) you would be hard pressed to understand some of the things Suarez is trying to say. Luckily the pictures and captions are very informative. There are several things that bother me. First, it seems like Suarez didn't know to whom he is writing the book. Part of the text seems to be aimed to a SWAT team member, part is intended for armed civilian, and the rest to military personnel. Secondly, Suarez just gives his opinion on certain matters (like the best flashlight technique or shooting stance) without explaining why or referring the alternatives. You are just supposed to believe what he says, whithout thinking it out yourself. The third complain is that although there is some humor in the text, the book is a bit too "gung-ho" to my taste. I just don't like the attitude that "if you encounter a hostile, neutralize him and continue the search". All things considered, this is a good book, but it has it's flaws.
Rating:  Summary: Suarez is good but not his writing. Review: Suarez is obviously a subject matter expert on tactical movement. However, the book is aimed at to large of an audience and it is difficult to pick out that information which applies to you. This book has some useful information for police officers and tactical types but much of that information is not placed in the context that it should be used. The author tried to make his information relevant in all cases and that is not reality. If he had written parts for just cops and then other parts for non-cops it would have been great. However, I did learn something from the book. I liked the authors explanation of three man point movements. I hope Suarez writes a book on tactical team operations. It should be filled with relevant information.
Rating:  Summary: Essential Reading for Police Officers or Armed Citizens Review: Suarez is one of the few writers in the genre that has actually done what he writes about. Not only is his information current, but he is one of the most gifted writers in the "firearms" or "tactical" fields. The book is a must read.