Rating:  Summary: The facts speak volumes Review: I love the kind of comments from someone like Jason in the January 2003 review! And am grateful for the sites he listed so I could check out the lawsuit he spoke of and get the current information! Once again, blessings and beauty come out of negative situations! How powerful that lawsuit is in dispelling the myths; the false perceptions, and misunderstanding of what PPL is all about! Prepaid Legal Services, Inc. (inc. in 1976) is one of the top 50 companies traded on the NYSE and is an 'open book' to all. (See their stock: PPD) Being a PPL associate is everything I have ever hoped and dreamed for in my life: to help and greatly impact the lives of people across America and Canada, and make a nice living doing it - does it get any better than that!? I urge you to protect your family in what the American Bar Association itself has deemed the 'the BEST way for the majority of Americans to assure themselves of legal assistance when they need it is through a prepaid legal plan...'.We wouldn't be without our car insurance, or health insurance (yet how often are we in the hospital, or have a car accident, God forbid) yet we have legal/financial situations continually! God Bless Harland Stonecipher for bringing affordable, accessible legal assistance to everyone - 'with liberty and justice for all'! www.prepaidlegal.com/info/gailjensen
Rating:  Summary: Liberty and Justice for All! Review: I suppose I am biased. My life totally changed 5 short months ago when I became a Pre-Paid Legal Associate. I had the service and only mentioned it casually to friends, when I discovered the need in the marketplace. Pre-Paid Legal is a much needed service and it is going to change the face of justice in this country. It is amazing how much money the Pre-Paid Legal Associates are making simply by telling others about this much needed service. This book details the life and vision of Harold Stonecipher. I had the opportunity to hear him speak and he is powerful. A God-fearing man. A visionary. He helped me remember that Justice is not a commodity, its a right! Read this book. Know the story. Change your life.
Rating:  Summary: As a Pre-Paid legal Member for 16 years, the story is TRUE! Review: I've been a Pre-Paid Legal member for 16 years. As a single parent raising 3 children, this membership has been a LIFE SAVER. PPLSI has saved me countless thousands, especially on car warranties that insurance companies did NOT want to honor. They have helped me with insurance claims too. The adjuster is NOT your friend. It is their job to reduce or deny your claim ! Pre-Paid Legal is one of the main PIONEERS in the Industry, and the industry now also bears the company's name in part. Like any product or service, when the VALUE is becoming WELL known, then imitations start popping up, some good, some bad, and some terrible. Those that market the imitations will try to bad-mouth the company they are trying to copy. This makes no sense at all. A good copy of a priceless painting may be very valuable, however the ORIGINAL is priceless. I remember what Zig Ziglar says when a person says a product or service is "JUST LIKE" another product. (Paraphrasing) He says I understand what you mean. My wife and I are "JUST ALIKE" We both have two ears, two eyes, two arms, two legs, one mouth. We love to eat and dance. However, there are a FEW "UNIQUE DIFFERENCES" and that is WHY I married my wife. There are also a FEW "UNIQUE DIFFERENCES" between the products that I'd like to explain. There are some "UNIQUE DIFFERENCES" in Pre-Paid Legal (PPL) Services, and that is what the book points out. ONLY PPL has a "Closed" panel of lawyers so they can AFFORD to INVEST vast amounts of money to connect the provider law firms in the states by computer to Ada OK, train them and their staff to give the BEST quality service, owns the 800# to the law firms, and give the law firms daily, weekly, and monthly report cards to help them give the best service. They mail out surveys to those members who use the service to have them rate the lawyers. PPLSI is the ONLY company that specializes in the Pre-Paid legal service that is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange and is DEBT FREE to boot. PPLSI pays the law firms hundreds of thousands per month to provide membership services at "No Extra cost" to members. If the law firms do NOT give the BEST services to members or can NOT keep up with the rapid growth of the membership base, then they are replaced. Many law firms are on a waiting list to replace them. The Texas firm is paid over $700,000 a month, or over $8.4 million dollars a year and that figure is increasing in ALL states ! Thus, Pre-Paid legal members are (collectively) the law firm's #1 client. They are given the SERVICE and RESPECT that Pre-Paid Legal MEMBERS deserve by the nation's TOP-rated law firms. They have a network of lawyers in case you need a closer lawyer. I have the NEW "Legal Shield" for 24/7 NATIONWIDE help if a family member is detained, questioned, or arrested by a law officer or a security guard, with a few common-sense exceptions. In my opinion, Pre-Paid Legal Services and the book is like the TIP of an iceberg. You are impressed by the 10% of the iceberg that you can see, but the 90% BELOW the water is what will really knock you off your feet ! What is NOT yet told in the book, will make a great sequel ! Harland Stonecipher wants to help make many MILLIONAIRES. The book tells of only a few. However, the "Profiles of Success" available from associates has the stories of over 200 people ... well on their way to being millionaires. "The Pre-Paid Legal Story" talks about how we are "one big family" that helps other family members and prays for them, like Wilburn Smith when he was expected to die from cancer. I understand that Wilburn was in the hospital for 4 months, and in ICU for over 40 days. Then 3 days after he had a national prayer call made for him, he went home from ICU ! It was too late to include the story about the prayers that went out for Ken Moore in September, 1999 when he had two back-to-back severe heart attacks and was NOT expected to live through the day. Wilburn Smith, the PPLSI President, sent his personal plan and pilot to Dallas to bring Randy and Pat Moore, his son and wife, and Bake Baker, a close friend, to Oklahoma City, OK. The associates prayed for Ken who has made a REMARKABLE recovery ! If they told the WHOLE story, it would be thicker than "War and Peace," and some people might NOT believe that a company or business opportunity could be this GREAT. They played down the story to make it more believable. The TRUTH will blow your mind ! One major point that needs to be made are cases when associates (with good downlines) are hospitalized. When Wilburn Smith was in the hospital, his earnings did NOT stop or go down. Wilburn's easrnings increased, because of his over-rides from his growing downline. Ken Moore has had about 6 major hospital stays for heart attacks and strokes, and other reasons. Yet each time, he was making more money after a hospitalization than before he went into the hospital. The book mentions about Woody and Fran Alexander taking off about THREE years for personal family reasons, yet their checks NEVER STOPPED ! What company can you name where you can stop working for any period , let alone THREE YEARS, and not be history ? Another unbelievable fact is PPLSI has NEVER raised the rates to members in over 28 years, and they don't PLAN on raising any rates. Can you name even ONE product or service that was sold 28 years ago that is the same price today, as it was then ? PPLSI has new policies with MORE benefits that are more per month, but the member does NOT have to upgrade or pay more. I enrolled on 4-1-1984 and paid $10 a month, then they UPGRADED my benefits to what brand new members were paying $16/month. Yet my membership dues remained ONLY $10, even though I was getting the benefits of the $16 plan. That show how much PPLSI VALUES their members. The service from the lawyers is outstanding. You don't get services, calls, or letters written by clerks or paralegals. Your services are done by SKILLED, highly compensated, TOP-rated lawyers. I just wish the book had more member testimonials of these great services. I won't leave home without my PPL member card and "Legal Shield" It is amazing that PPLSI has changed the compensation plans to fine-tune them. Yet each time, the plan was BETTER benefits for the associates, rather than DECREASING their compensation like other companies. I'm looking forward to the sequel to this book ! If anyone doubts what is in the book, they can read magazine reports about PPLSI in Money, Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Equities, and many other EXPERTS that would NOT risk their professional standing to exaggerate the truth. They PRAISE PPLSI ! The deeper and harder that anyone INVESTIGATES PPLSI, the more impressed they will be. Financial magazines and stock broker firms have invested countless hours with their EXPERT skills and the money to do a VERY THOROUGH investigation, and have been writing great reviews of PPLSI...
Rating:  Summary: "Justice for All" as lightning strikes twice in America Review: It has been said that "lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place". What you will find in this thoughtful biography is the written evidence that, with regards to American know-how and fierce determination, it IS in fact possible to duplicate the success of another business pioneer in America. Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. (NYSE: PPD) is absolutely guilty of the brilliant "crime" of R&D ( rob and duplicate ) from McDonald's, which catapulted Ray Kroc's vision of the .15 cent hamburger stand to one of the greatest single success stories in American Business history. Only this time it isn't affordable fast food, but affordable equal justice, that is at the core of this company's massive appeal in our country. In the September 8th "Money" section of the USA Today, a full page celebration appeared lauding the astonishing achievement of their ONE MILLIONTH family. Mr. Stonecipher accurately sums up his company's "overnight success" by stating, "It took us 28 years to get to one million families. Based on current sales, we will add the NEXT million families in less than 28 months." This book opens a truly candid time capsule of Mr. Stonecipher's desire to correct what he felt was the biggest injustice in America, which is the concept of "equal justice for all", but the reailty of not knowing exactly how everyone without the financial means would be able to afford any justice at all. You will read how the company struggled to find the right delivery system for its services, and how they finally built (from scratch) a nationwide system of providing top-notch legal muscle to middle income Americans that the American Bar Association describes as "...The BEST way for the majority of Americans to insure themselves of legal assistance when they need it." This story is the classic David vs. Goliath struggle, and is a must read for any fledgling business owner, business executive, or student of American History.
Rating:  Summary: "Justice for All" as lightning strikes twice in America Review: It has been said that "lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place". What you will find in this thoughtful biography is the written evidence that, with regards to American know-how and fierce determination, it IS in fact possible to duplicate the success of another business pioneer in America. Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. (NYSE: PPD) is absolutely guilty of the brilliant "crime" of R&D ( rob and duplicate ) from McDonald's, which catapulted Ray Kroc's vision of the .15 cent hamburger stand to one of the greatest single success stories in American Business history. Only this time it isn't affordable fast food, but affordable equal justice, that is at the core of this company's massive appeal in our country. In the September 8th "Money" section of the USA Today, a full page celebration appeared lauding the astonishing achievement of their ONE MILLIONTH family. Mr. Stonecipher accurately sums up his company's "overnight success" by stating, "It took us 28 years to get to one million families. Based on current sales, we will add the NEXT million families in less than 28 months." This book opens a truly candid time capsule of Mr. Stonecipher's desire to correct what he felt was the biggest injustice in America, which is the concept of "equal justice for all", but the reailty of not knowing exactly how everyone without the financial means would be able to afford any justice at all. You will read how the company struggled to find the right delivery system for its services, and how they finally built (from scratch) a nationwide system of providing top-notch legal muscle to middle income Americans that the American Bar Association describes as "...The BEST way for the majority of Americans to insure themselves of legal assistance when they need it." This story is the classic David vs. Goliath struggle, and is a must read for any fledgling business owner, business executive, or student of American History.
Rating:  Summary: What's wrong with making a living while making a difference? Review: Nothing. The more you read the commentary from the reader from Georgia, the more you will realize that he/she is motivated exclusively by envy and/or greed and, most definitely ignorance. The reader from Georgia sounds like an attorney who is likely to miss out on making his/her customary LARGE hourly fees. It is understandable that he/she would be so upset because many of those LARGE fees have now been made eliminated for those wise enough to purchase the Pre-Paid Legal Services membership. I am personally happy, as a Pre-Paid Legal Services MEMBER, because I saved over $10,000.00 from a lawsuit that resulted from a purchase I made of something that, LITERALLY, exploded when I turned it on the first time after it was delivered. I did not realize (just like the majority of "working class" people would have not realized,) that the "venue" for the contract I signed when I purchased the equipment was in a state far away from the state I live in. If I would have not been a Pre-Paid Legal member, I would have had to travel to that other state, find a hotel, find a competent attorney to fight for my rights; or, I would have had to go to that state and fight for my rights myself (not a good idea,) or, flat out, just lose the case by not showing up. Instead, I called Pre-Paid Legal Services (on their toll-free 800#.) And, they had a competent attorney contact me to get all the details he needed to go to court and WIN the case on my behalf in that far away state. I think that the fact that he won the case should be enough to demonstrate the level of competence for the attorneys that Pre-Paid Legal Services employs. My understanding is that they HAVE TO be at least "A-V" rated. Ask a lawyer what that means, and if THEY have that high rating. More importantly, my case, which is (I am sure) only one of thousands of examples of satisfied Pre-Paid Legal members' cases proves that the service simply WORKS! Otherwise, they would have been shut down since they got started back in 1972. Right? Or, they would have not been rated the 33rd company (out of thousands) in the New York Stock Exchange in 1999 by Equities Magazine, as soon as they got there. Prior to that, they were rated # 13 -ahead of Microsoft, which was rated #17- by Money Magazine in the American Stock Exchange, in 1998. Even if the reader from Georgia is an attorney, he/she ought to consider buying a membership; because, considering his/her way of thinking, he/she is VERY likely to end up saying or doing the wrong thing and end up needing an expensive attorney to represent him/her. Many people don't know it, but lawyers need lawyers too. And, THEY, sometimes, cannot afford their own colleagues' LARGE fees either! Oh! The reader from Georgia insinuated a comparison between Pre-Paid Legal Services marketing/sales (or whatever) structure to that of another multi-million dollar Network Marketing company, that I am not associated with. And, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the company that the reader from Georgia is mocking is the same one that has been succeeding for many decades with BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS of dollars in sales. Amusingly, they have done it without the expert opinion of the reader from Georgia; and, they have also done it by NOT listening to those who have not taken the time to learn about the power of Network Marketing. I am sure that, in his infinite ignorance, the reader from Georgia does not realize that he/she has been (and will continue to be) "Network Marketing" his/her ENTIRE life, maybe just not getting paid for it. A quick lesson and I'll be done. Network marketing, my dear reader from Georgia, is simply "word of mouth" advertising. Jesus used it. And, he has the largest organization in the world. Why shouldn't we? May God Bless you and your loved ones.
Rating:  Summary: The Legal Revolution Review: One man, with a purpose, can make a difference! Harland Stonecipher, over the last 30 years, has been committed to changing our legal system and making it truly accessible to all. For 30 years he has persued his mission, and along the way has created legal justice for all. This book beautifully portrays the full story of his life's struggle and his ongoing journey to change an out-dated, and sometimes unfair, legal system. At the same time, because of his incredibly entrepreneurial spirit, he has created an opportunity for thousands of independent associates to create financial independence by helping bring pre-paid legal services to the marketplace. We are indebted to Mr. Stonecipher for his vision and persistence.
Rating:  Summary: An Incredibly Important Story For All North Americans Review: The essense of a great mind is a powerful imagination, because without being able to imagine things the way they are NOT, not even the greatest intellect can change things from the way they are. Harland Stonecipher's imagination of a world in which affordable access to justice--true equal justice under law for everyone, not just the rich--has become a reality thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of himself and his associates at Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. This is a business story, a personal story, and one of the most important stories you'll read this or any other year. As a member of Pre-Paid Legal and one of its many dedicated Independent Associates, I urge everyone in the USA and Canada to read this remarkable book by a remarkable man whose common sense, intellect, determination and imagination are making your life better every day.
Rating:  Summary: A Fantastic book to inspire you to catch your dreams Review: This book is a must read for everyone. This is not only the rags to riches story of Mr. Stoneceipher, but the story of those who have joined him in his quest to truly make justice equal to all. This book has been an inspiration to me and my organization. Thank you sir for writing this wonderful book...
Rating:  Summary: An Incredible Story of Success Review: This is a powerful book about one man's story to overcome insurmountable obstacles. Not in his own interests, but in the interests of others. This is not just a book that should be read by Pre-Paid Legal Sales Reps. This is a book that should be read by every American.
If you like this book, I also recommend A.L. Williams, All You Can Do Is All You Can Do But All You Can Do Is Enough.