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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A piece of art
Review: This is a great book based on knowledge of this great person, Noam Chomsky. If you want to know the truth, you should read it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Taste of What is Out There.
Review: A short read which is simply a set of interviews conducted with Chomsky after the 9-11 tragedy. Obviously this book wasn't meant to provide any details, there is nothing in this book that isn't covered in MUCH greater detail in Chomsky's other works, this book was really rushed to print to provide curious readers (who'll probably search "9-11" as a keyword) with basics that they won't read or hear from mainstream media. If the reader has little background in US foreign policy or mid east politics, then this book might prove worthless in terms of gaining detail, but this book does give the reader some information that can be used as a guide to further research. For example: One might not have previously been aware of certain policies the US has in southwest Asia, this book makes mention of some of these policies, and the reader's focus now turns to finding more about these policies from other sources. Chomsky meant for this book to act as a keyword <META TAG> to attract a larger audience to important issues. The book is short and lacks detail, but has the veritable punchlines to attract the curiosity of the laity. The book is inexpensive and can be read in one sitting easily. So it's okay for curious readers who just want to get the gist of what is rarely (if ever) heard in the mainstream media.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Atrocities Abound
Review: Although the book is quite unique--being a collection of interviews--the content is more than pleasing. Noam Chomsky is asked by journalists from abroad about 9-11 and the events leading up to it along with an aftermath. Chomsky's opinions are those of a humanist, consistently stating its not necessary for countless civilians to die. In Noam's way, he leaves no room for rebuttal. His statements and opinions are backed with facts that cannot be argued. Purchase this book, quite the bargain indeed!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Food
Review: 9-11 is a decent book for people who want to get a brief, yet intellectual overview of some of the chief global and domestic politics relating to the events of 9-11. In fact, if you would like to get a starter book for gathering different information that usually isn't dispensed by "mainstream" media outlets this is the book. My only problem is that at times I wish it was more indepth and this is why I say starter book. The main element that contributes to its lack of depth, which of course given the proper format Chomsky is anything but shallow, is that, if I remember correctly, all of the topics discussed are taken from radio and television interviews. Given the inherent brevity required for these two mediums Chomsky is unfortunately limited by time constraints. Give it a read, though! The information is worth knowing for those, liberal or conservative, who want to be informed about global politics and America's role in them.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Unorthodox Ideas on 9-11
Review: 9-11 is a collection of interviews conducted with Noam Chomsky in the weeks immediately following the September 11 attacks. Some of Chomsky's insight into the events that were to unfold seem almost prophetic. Before US troops entered Afghanistan Chomsky predicted that in our invasion that we would employ the help of the North Alliance, that we would use special forces combined with air power, and that everyday Afghans - besides the Taliban - would welcome us with open arms.

My only complaint about this collection of interviews is that most of the interviewers were foreign journalists who were either rabidly anti-American or did not have a good understanding of the mood of the American public. If some of the questions had been asked by American journalists, even far left wing ones, this compillation would be much more thought provoking and original.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An observant, no-holds-bar analysis of government hypocrisy
Review: Here is a very intriguing pamphlet that shows how silly the "War on Terror" actually is. Chomsky relates how the 9/11 terrorist attacks are nothing new to the world, simply stating that such massacres have been perpetrated by one country against another for hundreds of years. This will rile-up many people, but Chomsky points out that what was really unique was that "FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE GUNS HAVE BEEN DIRECTED THE OTHER WAY." European Powers colonized most of the rest of the world in the late 1800's and the early 1900's but they were never under attack from the countries that were taken over: "England was not attacked by India,
nor Belgium by the Congo, nor Italy by Ethiopia, nor France by Algeria..." Other information given is that it was the CIA who covertly recruited and brought together the most radical Islamic Fundamentalists during the 1980's to fight in Afghanistan, and that these Islamists have been following thier own agenda since 1981, when President Sadat in Egypt was assasinated. Also, according to Chomsky, is that if every country followed what the US is doing in its "War on Terrorism" countries like Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti and Lebannon would be justified launching massive bombing campaigns and terrorist attacks on US soil in retaliation for US actions against their countries. Chomsky even says that if the UK did what the US was doing, the Royal Air Force would have to bomb places where the IRA gets its support, like New York and Boston.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Different perspective for a TV viewer
Review: Noam Chomsky refers to many events that are generally not found in commonplace media that most Americans are hooked to. Hardly any history text book refers (or will ever refer) to such happenings. This book is interesting if you want to know a bit about many of the recent state sponsored criminal acts around the world. You are not likely to know such stuff through TV.

However, Chomsky, being a linguist, finds it very hard to stay with easly readable language. This book is a compilation of his interviews. Even then, the sentences are so long and so confusing at times that it becomes difficult to figure out what he wants to say. His language is not easy for everyone.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Chomsky "Writes" a Book
Review: Any book by Noam Chomsky will immediately be embraced by myopic, wealthy, over-educated liberals who laud him as an enlightened socialist with an MIT-derived rosetta stone for decyphering the vast right-wing conspiracy controlling every aspect of our human existence and responsible for every wrong done to every man, woman, child, animal and vegetable since the inception of Western civilization.

Mind you, they won't read the book, but simply pronounce his name correctly at the next cocktail party whilst pontificating about the evil inherent in the government of the United States. Unfortunately it would seem, the cliche of the self-loathing liberal has yet to actually become a cliche, and is still an apt description. Why did Islamic terrorists attack the U.S.? We made them do it, of course! We are SO bad! How dare we have a successful economy and culture that has spread across the globe?

By the way...the book is a collection of interview transcripts. Yes, interview transcripts. That's it, folks.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good Reminders of Our Humility, Sadly Designed Book
Review: Despite reffering to Hawaii as an occupied territory, and saying the U.S. should of held back punishing Afganistan, this books message is amazingly clear. YOU DONT FIGHT TERRORISTS BY BECOMING TERRORISTS! Never let politicians dirty our great nation by employing surgical strikes on children hospitals all for an axis... the axis....the state of the axis of the war... on terror bad. Don't let the anarchist retoric of the book and its unusal format keep you from buying it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Why Us?
Review: Perhaps to stop "terrorism" altogether we need to understand the psychological and cultural relationships that are luring and binding thousands, possibly millions, of mostly ordinary people into the terrorist organization's martyr-making web. If we pursue this seriously we may find that the global economic, political and cultural agenda of our own society - whose government promises to preemptively forestall any potential military opposition - has a catalyzing role in moves to retreat from our worldview (e.g., the Taliban) or to create a global counterweight (Al-Qaida). As with the selective use of the definition of terror that Chomsky has so clearly described in Pirates and Emperors our government has simply decided that this would not be a legitimate subject for inquiry. The current bustle and "R&D" devoted to understanding 9-11, in particular,and terrorism, in general, is therefore likely to be politically potent progaganda (for spurring us to war), but intellectually and ethically vacuous. Chomsky reminds us that there is a genuine alternative to being mindlessly duped.

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