Rating:  Summary: The Hot Zone Review: The Hot Zone is a suspenseful book based on events that could happen all over the globe. It's about Ebola virus and it starts in the oddest of ways. Through out the book you will have a little trouble picking up the source of the virus but it will keep you entertained trying to solve the mystery in your mind. The book doesn't have a slow point it is steady from front to back. The book takes place in a few small towns in Africa and begins moving around the globe until they start to do things about people trying to leave these small towns. The virus can travel at a very fast rate and is very deadly only a few survivors. Ebola can take only days to kill and often is very painful to the infected. The Hot Zone really gives you a real life perspective on how the virus effects you body physically. In The Hot Zone Ebola is spread in only a couple of ways by blood and by saliva. Although this kind of Ebola that appears in The Hot Zone is not air-born in some real life cases it has been known to be. You start with flue like symptoms then headache begins and you feel dizzy and nausea takes its place. That's when the virus really hits your body many organs will burn and you will not be able to rise from your sleep. The next step of the virus is vomiting uncontrollably and most cases it is blood until you have bleed to death. Many victims in the book died in pools of blood. In my opinion this book kept me interested from beginning to end because the Ebola outbreak already occurred in Africa and it made me understand what they went through. It gets scary thinking that this has happened and could happen again but today's technology is much stronger and the effects wouldn't be as bad. I highly recommend this book because it holds your attention and will keep you reading and thinking of what is to come next. This book is a great book for school reports cause it is filled with so much information about the virus and life in Africa. The Hot Zone is a book you wont forget or put down till your done. I give this book an eight out of ten.
Rating:  Summary: So real you wash your hand after reading this book Review: I read this book just because I need information for myself without going to college. This book is about the Ebola virus. Never heard of it? Well, sit down. This book talks about how the virus works, and spreads and how it can wipe out the whole population. How the government has dealt with it in the past and how it is trying to keep everyone safe. I was scared by the time I finished reading it, not because it had happened (people getting sick and bleeding out), and it could again. BECAUSE THIS IS REAL! I couldn't stop washing my hands and wearing bandaids and freaking out about germs for months after reading this.
Rating:  Summary: The Hot Zone Review: I had to read this for my Biology I course. At first i didnt want to read it. However, once i did i couldnt put it down. i strongly reccomend this book.It is a bit confusing and grousome at times but still great.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable and educational Review: Well written chronicle of the emergence of "hot viruses" such as AIDS and Ebola and the surprising apperance of one of these viruses among some monkeys in Reston, Virginia. The details were a bit long at times, but Preston painted the scenes graphically and memorably. I felt I learned a lot from reading the book and did enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: The Hot Zone Review: This was a thrilling book. Preston did a great job of pulling us in, and I learned so much about Ebola. It made me want to research even more about this fascinating disease and its different types of strains.Anyways, many people have come down with a deadly disease (it has a 90% chance of killing you). Then, local monkeys are infected with the disease, and many are dying. Soon, some Americans are infected too. This book is frightening, but also interesting. I highly recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome, Gripping, the best thing I've read Review: This was the best book I've ever read...Robert Preston pulls you in and traps you from the first chapter all the way till the end. It is verry suspence full. I read it for a biology report on Ebola and found it verry help full as well as fun to read. I strongly recomend it. The scaryest thing about the story is that it is all real and a true story. Another good book on this subject is "Level 4 virus hunters of the CDC" by Jmes P. McCormick. Everybody should read both of these books.
Rating:  Summary: Superb Suspense Thriller...and it's TRUE! Review: I just finished reading this amazing work by Richard Preston for the second time. It was just as thrilling, just as suspenseful, just as terrifying as I remembered. Beginning with a man's descent into the hell of ebola virus, Preston grabs you by the collar and shakes you to the core with his description of the ever increasing physical effects. Preston pulls you along as scientists from all over the world track Ebola and its many strains, watching people die horribly and totally helpless to make a difference. One of the most horrifying passages describes a very brave physician who chooses to stay with a group of patients in a hut in Africa -- to hopefully ease their way to death. While giving an injection to one of his patients, she has a seizure, the hypodermic -- tainted with her blood -- is free and flying and ends up stabbed into the meat of his thumb. The next few days of his life are pure torture -- waiting for the virus to begin desolving his insides into jello. By some miracle, the the patient suddenly recovered and it is discovered that she was suffering from malaria, not ebola. How would that change your life...dodging a bullet with the word EBOLA chiseled into it. Also fascinating are Preston's comparisons between Ebola and AIDS. Ebola kills in DAYS, therefore, outbreaks were treated with aggressive containment methods. AIDS, of course, works more slowly, so fewer people pay attention. Thus our world wide epidemic. If you are a horror, sci-fi, hard science, mystery, non-fiction or military writing fan -- or all of the above at once -- you will love this book. The phrase "page-turner" was made for Richard Preston's book, "The Hot Zone."
Rating:  Summary: The Hot Zone Review: The Hot Zone By: Richard Preston Reviewed By: D. Booy Period: P.1 The Hot Zone is a nonfiction thriller that pits a group of army specialists against one the most dangerous viruses in the world. Nancy Jaax and her husband Jerry Jaax have been chosen along with army vetetinarians, and specialists in handling hot agents to investigate a monkey house, supposedly infected with Ebloa, a dangeruos filovirus that has a 90% death rate in it's victims. The book offers a whole new perspective in the way we look at dangerous viruses. The scariest part of the book is knowing that the events described really happened. I liked the book because of the detail the author included in the writing." the veinbroke apart like cooked macaroni and spilled blood." This quote gives you an idea of what happens when a person is infected with Ebola. " The loops resemble Cheerios." Richard Preston tries to put the most difficult concepts in a format that makes it easier to understand but still very descriptive. I enjoy reading books about things that are true. When I read books that are fictional I like it that there is plenty for the writer to say, so it is very suspenseful. The thing I don't get from reading fictional books is the certain kick that comes when you know something like this could happen, because it really happened. The beauty of the Hot Zone is that it offers plenty of suspense and action while still being real. The Hot Zone offers something that is extemely interesting to read yet very scary because of the thought thath this could happen near you. It is more scary than it would be if it was a fictional book. My favorite part of the book is the very first few chapters. They tell about an Englishman in Africa. This man's name is Charles Monet. One day he visits a large cave near where he lives. It is here that he may have picked up the filovirus Marburg, a virus similar to Ebola. It explains the symptoms and how this man died. It also tells about how medical researchers reacted after his death. The Hot Zone is a very good book that I reccommend you to read.
Rating:  Summary: Terrifying... sometimes Review: The first part of the book when Charles Monet goes to Kitum cave and get the Marburg virus is a good book, but after that the book keeps repetitive and goes out of the story so many times that is very difficult to finish it... but I did, the main story, the research of the Ebola, the way they keep everything in secret and how they work with the wild monkeys is very interesting if you can find that story (this book could be written with 150 pages less), but at the end of the book you will be as at first, nothing can be done against these two virus.
Rating:  Summary: Don't get Ebola Review: The Hot Zone by Richard Preston is a good book that makes you want to keep reading after each page. It describes in graphic detail how deadly viruses like Ebola and Marburg affect the body. It has a lot of interesting and detailed parts all throughout the book. In the beginning you start out fast with a lot of action, but then the story gets a little slow in the middle. At the end it speeds up again, and now a monkey has been sent to Washington D.C. that is infected with Ebola. The army is sent in to the monkey house to destroy the virus before it can infect humans. The scariest part about the book though is that it's a true story. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read.