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Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America

Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America

List Price: $13.00
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Every Thinking Black Person Should Read This Book
Review: I first heard McWhorter speak on National Public Radio. Curious about his work, I read his book. I'm very glad I did. McWhorter discusses a theory about Black people in the United States that is more radical, uncomfortable, and life-changing than anything since the 1960s: Black people, as a group, are not getting ahead in America not because of racism (although it definitely sitll exists) but because of a mind-set of Victimization, Separatism, and Anti-Intellectualism. McWhorter dares to say something people like Al Sharpton and other prominent Black figures would never speak: in many important ways, it's OUR fault we are where we are. The statistical evidence presented in the book is incomplete, but McWhorter does point out many sociological trends to support his arguments, such as how African and Carribean immigrants as a group do better in school than American Blacks, not because they are smarter but because of the way they approach and value education, and how Black American students consistently rank in the bottom portions of stnadardized tests regardless of how sucessful their parents are or if they live in the suburbs or the ghetto.

Even if you do not agree with his arguments, I would encourage you to read this book. At the very least it is a refreshing change from the "Blame Whitey" party line that has dominated African-American social thought for the last 40 years.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Disappointment
Review: McWhorter did not include argue all perspectives of his 'theories' in this book. He had some good points, but they were mostly one-sided. The conservatism in this book is sickening. McWhorter is a rational thimer, so much to the point that he "[Loses His] Race"

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Another Confused Negro
Review: Is integration the reason for all of these confused, self-hating Negroes coming out the woodwork to justify the residue of enslavement, rape, murder, destruction of a people's culture, their concept of God and family structures? Slavery based on race was one of the most barbaric and inhuman treatments of any people on the face of this planet. To teach Black people to hate themselves and to teach White people that they are superior has been one of the major causes of conflict, confusion and oppression in the world. It will take generations and generations of both Whites and Blacks to eliminate this sick, sick psychosis that inflicts large numbers of people.

This is another book from a confused Negro who has matriculated through white higher instructions of learning. Some of these institutions do an excellent job of teaching lies and distortions about Black people's role in bring civilization and humanity to the ancient world. I know this is unbelievable because of the brain washing that takes place in the educational system. For starters people who are ignorant of this fact, can read The Africa Origin of Civilization by Cheikh Anta Diop and Egypt, Light of the World by Gerald Massey to get a basic understanding that Black people have done great and wonderful things like other people in the world. There are thousands of books about how Africans had advanced civilizations when so-called Europeans where still living in caves painting themselves blue. As Cicero said, "some of the tribes in early Europe were so stupid they wouldn't even make good slaves."

No one with any sense or knowledge about how one's history and experiences define who they are would dare put forth a propositions that the self-hatred, ignorance, poverty and confusion that African Americans suffer from has very little to do with their 350 years of enslavement and 100 years of apartheid in America and the Caribbean. That would be like saying that the Jews were responsible for the European Holocaust, which would be totally ridiculous.

John McWhorter is another one of the Black conservatives trying to preserve the myth of White supremacy and the myth of Black inferiority by blaming the victim. They is no debate in terms of the fact that in some cases African Americans are their own worst enemies. But, one has to understand what was happening in ancient Africa prior to the Arab and European invasions and what transpired after those invasions to fully understand the present day predicament of African Americans. It saddens me to think that Mr. McWhorter is teaching his confused and distorted view of the world to young, impressionable college students.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An exercise of both courage and clarity
Review: Prof. McWhorter's description of self-sabotage in the black American community was a breath of fresh air to me, a white liberal who has wanted to help the cause of African American success for my whole adult life but couldn't see how to. What I was hearing from black leaders (e.g., with the Ebonics debate and with affirmative action) just didn't make sense to me, based on what I could observe, but I didn't dare say that because I'm white and to criticize the word from the black community would open me up to charges of racism. Having read Prof. McWhorter's careful explanation, I now feel validated in what I had seen with my own eyes and also encouraged to be of real help in this continuing struggle for a society in which we all pull together to individual and group successes, celebrating each others' work and enjoying life, without reference to color or the sins of the past. This is not to say that we will forget the sins of the past, but rather that we won't let them so preoccupy us that we forget to enjoy the present and work for ever greater success.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Compelling Writer
Review: While Prof. McWhorter's views will be condemned or praised depending on the reviewers' political views (I happen to agree with him), I'd like to point out that he is a superb writer. I am a dedicated reader and have been for more than 50 years. I believe that good writers are literally worth their weight in gold, but in Prof. McWhorter's case, that weight should be bestowed in diamonds!His ability to marshal and present his views is literally awe-inspiring,which is not a description I'd give to many writers today.

This book is a seminal work, I feel, and should be read by anyone attempting to make sense of the current-and future- political scene.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Revealing common sense.
Review: A linguistics professor at University of California - Berkeley, McWhorter says black Americans are holding themselves back with self-deluding philosophies of victimology, separatism, and anti-intellectualism. He says victimology is "not...a problem to be solved but...an identity to be nurtured," while "separatism encourages black Americans to conceive of black people as an unofficial sovereign entity, within which the rules other Americans are expected to follow are suspended out of a belief that our victimhood renders us morally exempt from them." Anti-intellectualism is a belief that "school is a 'white' endeavor." His description of these explains why black Americans tend to not do as well in school as other non-white ethnic groups, why black American inner-city problems persist, why black Americans overwhelming agree with O. J. Simpson's "not guilty" verdict, and so on.
His is a somewhat rambling explanation, full of repetitiveness. Still, I think he hits at the heart of the problem. White racism towards blacks isn't near the problem it used to be. It still exists, to be sure, but black racism towards whites seems to be growing. Perhaps this is understandable given our history, but that doesn't make it right. Enough laws have been passed to ensure legal equality. Social acceptance by whites, if that is a black goal (and it should be, but McWhorter's arguments lead me to think that it isn't, at least among many blacks), won't be accomplished by in-your-face attitudes and the separatism he described. The tragedy of it, if he's correct, is that these three philosophies are becoming institutionalized in black America and are becoming part of the black American culture. He says it wasn't always like this, having started in the 1960s, but I'm not astute enough about black history to know if this is true. It might be that this has been coming on much longer than that. At any rate, I presume it will turn around at some point -- hopefully more and more blacks will come to think like McWhorter. They need to realize that to be equal, socially as well as legally, they have to think and act as equals and as though they want to be and in fact are part of mainstream American society. For all of the ills that befell blacks in this country, and they definitely are something to write home about, they are behind us for the most part. Moreover, what vestiges left are quickly fading. If they don't come to grips with that, then racism and the so-called "black problem" will be a yoke around our collective necks for quite some time to come.
McWhorter opened my eyes about Ebonics. I shared the misconception that it is bad English. He explains that it is black English -- a dialect. Moreover, the Oakland resolution to teach Ebonics in public schools aimed not at replacing the "King's" English, but rather to bridge to it. He makes the case, however, that language is not what holds black American children back in school, but rather the combined effects of the triad. I agree. I think if the triad can be corrected, Ebonics will be a thing of the past.
Assimilation. Acculturation. Join the melting pot. Maintain your heritage and your ethnic pride, but be a positive, integral part of mainstream American culture. The black American community brings a richness and strength to the table that is unique. All of America will benefit from it. It seems, though, that black Americans, rather than being held back, are holding themselves back. Perhaps that's not too surprising given their history in this country, but it's an outdated reaction. It's also sad and unfortunate for us all.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: not perfect, but still good points
Review: Losing the race is not a perfect book because McWhorter mainly deals with his own personal experiances. The book does not really deal with black society as a whole. However, McWhorter is still brave for writing this book because it does dare to question African-American academic acheivement. Losing the race is a good source to help understand race in this country but needs to be combined with other sources like america in black and white and end of racism.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: provoking and enlightning
Review: In my humble opinion this book is one of the most important books i have read in my life, ranking up there with daniel Quinn's Ismael. I enjoyed this book mainly because it opened my eyes and mind to a new way of thought, one that is both positive and thought provoking. I am not saying that i agree with Mr McWhorter whole-heartedly but cannot honestly say that I disagree with him either because many people would come up short of finding logical agruements and coherent evidence to totally dismiss the points he made in his book. I will admit that I am not an authorative in this matter and my view maybe considered a little myopic but i encourage everyone to read this peice, particularly fellow African-Americans because it is about time that we hear the other side of the arguement. I promise you, if you are open minded enough not to throw the book across the room screaming " cultural blasphamy" then you will definitely finish this book looking at black America in a whole new light.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BULLSEYE!
Review: Thanks to John McWhorter for having the courage and honesty to write this book.He writes of things that are desperately overdue to be talked about;things that our politically cockeyed and o so correct times have wholly failed to address.Thanks to Mr.Mcwhorter for tearing into those who would perpetuate the "I'm a victim" syndrome for their own selfish interests(the Reverend Sharpton and his ilk).I personally have seen the anti-intellectualism and cult of victimology that pervades inner city students especially.I went to school with many kids who were afraid to succeed for fear of what their "homeboys" might think of them.So much wasted potential and time-it is sickening to think about.One thing that Wcwhorter could have gone into depth about but didn't, was how the mass media portrays the only successful black Americans as football and basketball players,and ignores the sizable contributions of black scientists,doctors,lawyers,educators and many other professionals.This book will anger you,make you question the motivations of the same old talking heads rehashing the same old politics that has yet to provide solutions, and it offers hope that people are waking up to the fact that the past cannot be used as an excuse for failure.Most of all it shows that the saviors and sheisters(one and the same usually)and papa government and its endless programs will not cure the problems so long in the making.This book is a wake up call for our society in general and the black community especially.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Real Reasons Why Some Blacks Are Unsuccessful
Review: Ever so often a book appears that is so cogently and logically argued that you wonder how anyone but demagogues can disagree. "Losing the Race" is such a book. The author, an African-American linguistics professor from Berkeley, explains how the feelings of victimology, separatism, and anti-intellectualism are keeping many blacks from succeeding in society.
Sadly, even successful blacks, and that now includes approximately 75% of the race, are indoctrinated into this mindset that is subtlety preached from birth.
McWhorter not only spells out the problems but also concludes his book with proposed solutions.
If you want to see this huge problem discussed rationally, then read this book. If you want to continue having the situation misrepresented and demagogued, continue listening to Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al, and the left-wing media.

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