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Addicted to War : Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism

Addicted to War : Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism

List Price: $8.00
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: War: who is it good for?
Review: This is a superbly illustrated satirical exposé of the military-industrial complex. The weapons industry has emerged to become the worst source of terrorism that ever existed over the past six thousand years of recorded history, yet despite its inherently ugly nature, the Business of War remains the main staple of the U.S. economy.

Worse still, the hawks and other beneficiaries who advocate the use of military force have slowly risen to a position where they can dictate our foreign policies, and we have allowed them to run amok while swallowing their flimsy cover stories for countless horrific interventions all over the world -- interventions that all too frequently shore up the economic interests of corporate America.

We have become corrupted by Big Business and bloated military establishments and if we insist on arming dictators -- or strongmen, as our leaders prefer to call them -- and supporting one brutal regime after another, then we are effectively digging our own graves. But then this is an industry that is constantly fighting for its very own existence and it is one that requires conflict if it is to survive. Let's face it: in the eyes of the profitable military-industrial complex, peace is about as welcome as the Black Plague.

Ignorance will not bring peace. Denial will not bring peace. Engaging in fraudulent wars will not lead to peace. Instead these are well-trodden paths that lead to further hatred, desperation and revenge. We all need to wake up to this reality; only then can we begin to seek a genuine and lasting peace.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Needs to be in schools.
Review: This is one of the more elucidating history books besides Howard Zinn "People's History", and my favorite, Ronald Takaki's "A Different Mirror". It seems that this comic format is becoming a necessary vehicle for getting this kind of information metabolized by the populace. It is a relief, in a time when it is like we are engaged in a high school debate where both sides are only allowed to argue "pro" or "con", but never both. Scary. It is interesting that as we slip into fascism, people are still decrying those who inform themselves with the whole picture, and care about the world our children will live in as "hippie lefties".

This book is an amazing tool for transcending the cultural trance and complicity in complacency that lulls this great country. I recommend it as a top and essential gift this year...of course, you may have to consider using cash, as buying this book may or may not awaken the Total Information Awareness behemoth that is now a part of our Orwellian existence. It is just as well, buying "1984" may illicit the same response, and more than ever, we need awake people. the more, the merrier. peace.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: No facts here!
Review: This poorly-drawn comic book is neither "witty" nor "devastating" nor "enlightening" nor any of the other compliments that are splashed all over its back cover by people like Howard Zinn. It's simply an extremely transparent propaganda paphlet written by a socialist university professor in an attempt to indoctrinate ignorant new minds into his dillusional ideology.

Some leftists can make a fairly coherient crtique of US foreign policy. This book doesn't even attempt to do that. It simply repeats the most common cliched lies about the US military's conduct in foreign countries, which the author in turn rationalizes with anti-Capitalist rhetoric.

It's almost laughable at parts. I wish I had the book with me right now so I could quote his "explanation" of the Korean War. Basically, he says the US invaded Korea for no reason, killed a bunch of people and then kept their military in the South. Nowhere is it mentioned that the Northern regime was a brutal Communist dictatorship supported by Stalin himself. Nor is it mentioned that it was actually this regime that started the war, and the US drove out the invaders under the UN banner. Nor is it mentioned that today South Korea is a stable and prosperous democracy, protected by the US military, while the supposedly "anti-Imperialist" Northern regime is one of the worst hellholes on earth.

The author describes the Vietnam war in similar terms, and praises the "peasant army" for overthrowing the evil US imperialists. Wow, Vietnam must be a jolly place to live then? After all, no more US, right? No wait, it's a hellhole too! Run by the very totalitarian dictators that America was trying to fight!

Ah well. I'm sure this is a good book for people who need transparent one-sided tripe like this to justify their pre-existing beliefs.

If you're looking for facts, keep looking.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Addicted to War Belongs in All Schools
Review: Was very impressed with how this comic book of all political comic books is so much more informative than the norm. If you are of the right, politically or the left, politically, this book brings war and all of its hidden realities into sight. Some of the war deeds perpetrated by my country had been known to me before reading this book, but more deeper information was brought to surface. Other deeds of war action done in the name of God and Country and our tax dollars, were starteling. I recommend all High School teachers insist that this be a required book for Senior yr. students before these young men and women walk blindly into the world by themselves.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hats off to Joel Andreas!
Review: What an absolutely fabulous little book! In clear concise and honest fashion, this book lays out in easy to read illustated pages, the real history of this country. No where in my college level education were these easily verifyable facts presented. My family and friends read this book, and all agree it should be required reading for every highschool student in the country. It has never been more needed than right now with our insane military aggression threatening to engulf the Middle East in a terribly destructive ... war. Read who is doing this and why, read who profits from this madness, take a copy to your next PTA meeting and ask the teachers to read it!
Buy this book! Better yet but 5 copies and hand them out!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Exposing the War Hype
Review: What an eye-opener!

I'd never even heard of it when a friend gave me a copy. If heeded it will steer us clear of Armageddon. The facts it presents, and the patterns of those facts will help to make actual patriots of the "Woof Woof" variety. It exposes our gov't's Big Lie artists, the forms, patterns and purposes of their lies, and their actual motivations. As the basis of our republic is the informed consent of its people, this is the indispensable book of the moment. Don't wait! Get it now!

It incidentally exposes our celebrity-sotted, courtier news media.

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