Rating:  Summary: A companion to the WARREN REPORT and CASE CLOSED Review: The fact that anyone, anyone at all, (besides Jim Fetzer's mother) found this book credible is evidence of the fact that there are people out there who will believe ANYTHING. The arguments in this book are so ridiculous and illogical that I cannot believe that there is a single educated person in the country that buys Fetzer's garbage. The weaknesses in this book have already been discussed by other reviewers, but it appears that Fetzer has entered the weird netherworld inhabited by Jack White and other conspiracy mongers where nothing is as it seems. No one can be trusted, white is black, right is left, and everything is not as it appears. Sadly, in the real world, if it looks like a duck and it swims like a duck and it quacks like a duck--it IS a duck. The available evidence points to Lee Harvey Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald alone. If it pointed to someone else, the conspiracy press would have provided a name by now forty years after the fact. They have not as yet and they never will. They are more than willing to take the guilty hat off of Oswald, but they do not want to risk the public embarassment they will face if they place that hat on anyone else. Because they know very well it will not fit. Fetzer, in all of his books, has yet to add anything of real historical value. Within the conspiracy world, Fetzer is a god. Within legitimate academic circles of real historians, he is a carnival con artist. This will eat at him forever.
Rating:  Summary: Our nation's intellectual future is doomed Review: The fact that anyone, anyone at all, (besides Jim Fetzer's mother) found this book credible is evidence of the fact that there are people out there who will believe ANYTHING. The arguments in this book are so ridiculous and illogical that I cannot believe that there is a single educated person in the country that buys Fetzer's garbage. The weaknesses in this book have already been discussed by other reviewers, but it appears that Fetzer has entered the weird netherworld inhabited by Jack White and other conspiracy mongers where nothing is as it seems. No one can be trusted, white is black, right is left, and everything is not as it appears. Sadly, in the real world, if it looks like a duck and it swims like a duck and it quacks like a duck--it IS a duck. The available evidence points to Lee Harvey Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald alone. If it pointed to someone else, the conspiracy press would have provided a name by now forty years after the fact. They have not as yet and they never will. They are more than willing to take the guilty hat off of Oswald, but they do not want to risk the public embarassment they will face if they place that hat on anyone else. Because they know very well it will not fit. Fetzer, in all of his books, has yet to add anything of real historical value. Within the conspiracy world, Fetzer is a god. Within legitimate academic circles of real historians, he is a carnival con artist. This will eat at him forever.
Rating:  Summary: The smoke is gone but the mirrors remain. Review: The Fetzer Team has outdone themselves again. But this time their continuing, scientifically documented exposure of the JFK assassination cover up is so hard hitting it generates shock waves in the reader's mind like the crack of the original rifle shots echoing in dealy plaza. In their recent release, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, the Fetzer Team discloses and meticulously documents their monumental discovery that the Zapruder Film was actually concocted in a film lab. This key revelation is shown to be a clear example of the sophisticated and yet paradoxical methods the gov't has used to continue the cover up and even advance it. The Team has shown conclusively that even now, years and years after the Warren Commission delivered its conclusions, the gov't and media instituted cover up continues. The Team's first book in the series, Assassination Science, was a blockbuster that systematically proved for the first time ever, that the autopsy X-rays had been altered and that another brain had been substituted for that of JFK, which meant that previous gov't investigations had been based on faked evidence. It also proved that Arlen Spector's magic bullet theory was indefensible. And these findings by the Team were entirely based on meticulous scientific studies and proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the gov't itself instituted the cover up. The Team's second book, Murder in Dealy Plaza, also a blockbuster, showed conclusively, also with very strong scientific evidence, that the Warren Commission was but one part of a carefully crafted conspiratorial gov't cover up of the truth that the assassination involved at least two shooters and more than three bullets. Convincing circumstantial evidence was also presented suggesting that in addition to the gov't instituting a cover up, it planned and orchestrated the assassination as a sophisticated domestic covert operation. I predict that the Team's third book, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, will be an even bigger blockbuster than the first two in the series due to its shocking and well documented discoveries. This book goes further in breaking new ground to expose the cover up than any other book so far and its revelations are explosive. The Team has again carefully applied the scientific method to conclusively prove just how extreme the measures are that various gov't entities have taken in order to fabricate evidence to confuse the truth and generate a contradictory evidence trail. The team has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the Zapruder film was created in a film lab to generate cognitive dissonance among assassination researchers to neutralize any real progress uncovering the true facts of the assassination. This book tells me that the Z film was concocted to exaggerate the JFK head snap backward to convince that JFK was hit with a high velocity hard hitting shot to his right temple from the right front. Paradoxically then while the gov't created the Z film to provide false evidence proving a conspiracy of more than one shooter, it was also simultaneously continuing to support the "king's new clothes" hypothesis of the Warren Commission. The Team's ability to clearly prove by the scientific method that the cover up involved the systematic use of sophisticated misinformation tactics as well as the controlled release of faked evidence, illustrates just how advanced the cover up operation has been as a continuing covert operation. Emile Durkheim, the great French sociologist would have understood that "knowing truth" in our contemporary society can only occur when the "moral density" of the mass media is used to reflect truth back to a public that trusts it in mass because it supports their actual beliefs. This can never happen in our society at present because of the massive amount of cognitive dissonance which has been generated by the gov't and media by habitually telling the public a lie and forcing them to operate as if it was true and then allowing them to see evidence compelling them to believe it is really a lie. Much of this "evidence" is at least partially based on falsities which can later be exposed to discredit the "truth" if desired. Pretty soon the citizen trusts nothing the gov't or media states even though he or she must carry on in society as if it is true to avoid being labeled and discredited. The citizen must continue to acknowledge the "king's new clothes" just to be able to exist and function normally in society. Surveys have shown that most of the public have come to believe that JFK was killed by more than one shooter, thus by a conspiracy, and most also believe that at a minimum the gov't instituted a cover up of this conspiracy. Many believe that the gov't itself could have orchestrated the assassination. Although citizens believe these things in mass they can never know them in mass because of the sophisticated misinformation ops that have been employed against them by the gov't and the media. Thus the citizens have become deeply alienated from themselves, each other and their society. What reasonable person (unless they are knowledgeable about "trade craft") could ever conceive that gov't misinformation ops are so sophisticated that contradictory evidence from both sides of the argument has been and continues to be concocted by the gov't and espoused by a willing media? Who would ever guess that the gov't would desire to elicit true thinking that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy by concocting and releasing dramatic false evidence? These types of practices have been referred to as black politics, the black arts, Machiavellian ops, the art of low intensity warfare, fifth column tactics, or the practice of deceiving by equivocation which is the arguing that black is white and white is black by emphasizing flimsy common threads. Are the gov't entities responsible for instituting this continuing and most sophisticated cover up op aware that the average citizen believes that the gov't conspired to cover up the JFK assassination? After reading this book one is compelled to believe that these gov't entities understand that the public generally believes there was a conspiracy to kill the President. It also becomes clear that this is what they want the public to believe and have conducted sophisticated activities to insure this. What they don't want is for the public to know this to an absolute certainty which would be characterized by the mass media clearly regurgitating the facts supporting this belief, thereby allowing mass society in general to know this as being factually true. Public knowing cannot exist without the mass media serving up the facts supporting this belief back to the public on a regular basis. The gov't has known for a long time that if it controls the mainstream mass media, the public can be prevented from knowing that the king is actually naked. It is also aware that it can then feed the public a certain selection of "facts" for eliciting the type of believing or limited knowing which it allows. What would the gov't have to gain by making sure that the public believed in the conspiracy without knowing it to exist with absolute certainty? In simple terms, quite a lot! Such a condition provides a clear statement to the public that gov't departments and agencies have attained enough absolute Caesarian power to rule over the citizen, Congress and the mass media, and that they have been able to maintain it over many different administrations regardless of who is elected to political office from the citizenry. Those who enter gov't (elected or appointed) come to know quickly that even though the king is naked, they must pay homage by acting as if they believe that he is clothed with the finest fashions. And they come to know quickly what will happen to them if they don't pay such homage, that the full force of Caesarian authority will be brought against them "with prejudice". "With prejudice" is a legal term which means that a judgment is absolute and final and cannot be challenged. Caesarian power is unlimited "with-prejudice" authority that uses legal and extra-legal means at its disposal consisting of overt and covert acts of varying viciousness as judged necessary to attain the desired outcome (end justifies the means value system). Of course this was the same authority which authorized the assassination of JFK in the first place and ordered the cover up. Certainly it would be reasonable to view the murder of a U.S. President as an act of extreme viciousness, just as the various "with prejudice" terminations instituted during the first twenty years of the cover up should be viewed. Such terminations "with extreme prejudice" are no longer necessary as a part of the assassination cover up, since the continuing misinformation ops have been successful beyond the gov't's wildest expectations and can withstand any "assaults" from independent assassination researchers. The gov't entities which hold and exercise this absolute Caesarian power believe and know that if necessary they must be willing to act with much more viciousness than any of those who might challenge their authority, if they want to maintain rule over them. But most of the time it is only necessary to keep the gov't misinformation machine dispensing contradictory "facts".
Rating:  Summary: File Under Fiction Review: The lengths at which the conspiracy theorists go to keep this case alive, and therefore keep padding their wallets, has taken a new low. Throughout the years, the conspiracy buffs often cited the Zapruder film as definitive evidence that Kennedy was not killed from shots fired from the rear. The film was their "smoking gun," supposedly proving there was a conspiracy. As more scientific analysis was applied to the film and understanding of how a head reacts to a gunshot wound was understood, it became clear that the film establishes that all three shots fired by Oswald match the evidence shown on the film. So, in order to keep the conspiracy theory alive, they have now turned to discrediting the film that was the backbone to their theory these many years. The detail at which Fetzer claims the film was edited is surely more complex than any conspiracy would want to undertake. Surely, the conspirators, instead of altering the film, would have been better suited by destroying the film before it achieved mass circulation. After all, lack of evidence would surely make a conspiracy harder to prove, would it not? If you want to know where the fatal shot made its exit from Kennedy's skull, look at the DVD from MPI called "Image of the Assassination." You don't even have to study the film. Look at the television interview Abraham Zapruder gave within an hour of the assassination. In the interview, Zapruder takes all five fingers of his right hand to encircle an area of his head above and in front of his right ear. He makes a motion to show how the brain material was blown out of Kennedy's skull. Even if Zapruder wasn't aware of it at the time, he was demonstrating the results of an exit wound. As an eyewitness to the tragedy with perhaps the best vantage point, the image of Kennedy's head wound was surely burned into his memory until the day he died. And his historic film backs up his description of the head wound that he gave before the film was even developed. (plus the MPI DVD directly establishes the chain of custody of the film, including copies that were made on the night of November 22, 1963). Who will you believe...Abraham Zapruder, the man who witnessed and filmed the shooting first hand, accurately describing the location of the head exit wound before his film could even be developed to back him up? Or will you believe Fetzer, a man whose connection to the case in tenuous and is mostly based on profiting from his multiple books and lectures on the subject? While a healthy skepticism of the government is a good thing, does one really want to buy the complex web of details necessary to prove the case of altering the film. After all, Fetzer shows his true conspiracy zeal on his web site, in which he recently claims the Space Shuttle Columbia was likely shot down by the government using EMP weaponry. Consider your source before you consider this book for your library. I await the day Fetzer and his like directly implicate Zapruder as the shooter in order to sell another book. Let those cash registers ring.
Rating:  Summary: We all know what happened... Review: The only questions that need to be answered still are WHO?, EXACTLY HOW MANY?, and WHY? Anyone who still believes in the findings on the Warren Commission is either fooling themself, or is truly blind to the truth. Massive exit wound eminating from the rear of Kennedy's head = shot from the front. Oswald was the patsy.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Contribution Review: This book, as well as two previous ones on the JFK assassination edited by Mr. Fetzer, are really well done and thought-provoking. The list of contributors includes some top-notch Ph.D.'s, physicists and photo analysts. In just about any book about President Kennedy or any other president, or about U.S. history in general, it is taken for granted that the Warren Commission was right, and no questions are ever raised about photographic authenticity. The Great Zapruder Film Hoax is a valuable step toward rectifying this situation. If the government can alter films and photos of the assassination and of the medical evidence and get away with it, we have to be deeply skeptical about anything the government claims. Are photographs of men walking on the Moon during the Apollo missions authentic? Was the U.S. government the true sponsor of the 9/11 attacks? Did the alleged cell phone calls from the hijacked 9/11 planes actually occur? Does vote-rigging in the U.S. occur on a truly massive scale? Although the book focuses on the JFK assassination and does not address these questions, I remember being stimulated to learn these issues after reading JFK books and websites. The authors are dedicated professionals who took the time and effort to meet at the University of Minnesota in Duluth in May 2003 at the request of editor Jim Fetzer. The reader is left with the sense that these are concerned individuals who are deeply loyal to each other and to their countries.
Rating:  Summary: A companion to the WARREN REPORT and CASE CLOSED Review: This is an extremely bad volume. Fetzer's theories are nutty and not worthwhile. Read the reviews of this book found in www.jfklancerforum.com for all the major problems in the books. Fetzer's previous books had worthwhile material, but this book is a joke book. It goes in the fiction section of the library, together with the WARREN REPORT, CASE CLOSED, and CONSPIRACY OF ONE.