Rating:  Summary: BEST BOOK EVER ON Z FILM FAKERY: I AM NOW A BELEIVER! Review: I used to think the Z film was authentic...no longer. Fetzer's masterpiece has now convinced me that the Z film is nothing but a cartoon. In fact, perhaps there were TWO Zapruder's (anyone ever thought of that?). Anyway, kudos to Fetzer---THE Z FILM IS A FAKE. Buy this book!
Rating:  Summary: A Forty Year Hoax on the Citizens of the United States Review: If there was ever another textbook to add to any forensic researcher's library, this is the one. Each section is painstakingly detailed with information, much of which has been declassified since The JFK Act was put into effect following the Oliver Stone film, "JFK", in 1991. This book covers the falsification of evidence following the President's ssassination in Dallas at the hands of the FBI and the Secret Service, with a little help from their friends. One of the principal pieces of evidence allowed to be entered into the Warren Report was a home movie of the event called the Zapruder film, which according to Zapruder himself, on being examined by the Commission, expressed not his memory of the sequence of events as he observed it through the lens of his Bell & Howell the day of the filming, but how they now appeared in what he was being shown by the Commission. "Is that what happened?", he's been quoted as saying, almost off-handedly, during his deposition. The way in which the film could have been altered is discussed in detail and many proofs are presented of what was done to it. Some may find parts of this book a tad too technical, and may pass over those aspects due to the amount of data generated here, yet there is much valuable information to be gleaned from its pages, including chapters by leading experts in the field, such as Jack White, David Mantik and David Lifton. A short appendix on the possibility of listening devices in Dealey Plaza, although difficult to assess, suggests how far things appear to have deteriorated in relation to The Sixth Floor Museum, which several contributors--not only John Costella, but also David Lifton and editor James Fetzer--suspect of taking an active, perhaps leading, role in the continued dissemination of false information regarding this case. This book is a treasure chest and presents to everyone who seeks it, hard evidence coupled with viable analysis, as well as, quality research compiled by some of the finest scientists in the field today.
Rating:  Summary: There is a lot hanging in the balance. Review: If you don't buy another book this year, you should buy this one: THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX: DECEIT AND DECEPTION IN THE DEATH OF JFK by James H. Fetzer. I sat and read most of this book while still in the bookstore. It's so well-written that it is an easy read despite the complexity of the subject matter. Fetzer explains things very clearly, step by step. He is a professor, after all, and a very experienced teacher. He connects the dots for you. After so much conflicting information on the Kennedy assassination over the years, this book makes me confident that we can truly get to the bottom of this matter, finally. And why should we care? Because we are very likely living under a military coup that began with the Kennedy assassination. If it's true that the combined forces presented in this book did indeed murder Kennedy - and it is obvious that they did - then it follows that we are still living today under the same blackmail from those same "forces". The events that are occurring today, our economy, the leaders who succeed in getting elected or succeed in staying in office today, all have to make a similar "deal" with those same powerful, dark, and self-protective forces that murdered Kennedy and would murder today's leaders if they tried to stop or dismantle them. As Americans who care about our country, we should be VERY concerned about all of this. If the executive office of the United States is being controlled by the military, the CIA, and organized crime, that amounts to a treasonous situation, undermining the very principles this country is built upon, undermining the balance of power among the three branches of government - the executive, the judicial, and the legislative. It means we are being interfered with. It is affecting us in many ways we probably do not even know about. The Kennedy assassination - it happened so long ago, you might say, but these "forces" are still around, still alive, still affecting our economy, still affecting our young people who go to war and get killed and maimed, still tying the hands of our leaders under threat of death. We need to end these conditions, or we risk being pulled into continuous wars so that these underlying "forces" can continue reaping the incredible war profits - billions of dollars, and all of it going to a very few people. And we risk having our good, honest leaders murdered or controlled or driven out of office. This book represents an outstanding depth of research, and it will make you an expert. The only question left will be "What can we do to stop this situation?" I only hope that, if enough people embrace the education available in this book, we will find a way to end our slavery to these powerful, intimidating forces.
Rating:  Summary: The final cut... Review: Important adjunct and successor to the author's Murder in Dealey Plaza demonstrating the faking of the Zapruder film. Very technical, yet clear, but one might wish to start with the author's first book Assassination science. The argument here is very strong, despite a few speculations that appear on the sidelines. It is difficult to maintain the discipline of sticking to what one can know or prove and the author's approach succeeds where so many books on the subject pursue phantoms.
Rating:  Summary: people like mjanovec support the conspirators Review: Is not that the author "...turned to discrediting the film that was the backbone to their theory these many years", quoting "mjanovec" accusation to Mr. Fetzer's book, but that to prove that the original Zaprudeer film was edited by the conspirators. Is well known that there are several versions of the unedited original and how they took over the original film. Why this unethical critic is distorting the purpose of this excellent book? How much did get paid for it? Is time to put end to the cover up!!
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Foolishness.....Conspiracy Invention Review: It takes one hell of a lot more creativity and intellectual stretch to even begin to believe this invention than it does to believe the film we have all seen. Some people, no matter how much education they have behind their names, just can't help themselves when it comes to creating contraversy and drawing attention to themselves. You have got to have an agenda and a willingness to suspend common sense and reason to buy this stuff. I must admit that it does take a certain amount of skill to turn simplicity into the proverbial mystery wrapped in a riddle.
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Foolishness.....Conspiracy Invention Review: It takes one hell of a lot more creativity and intellectual stretch to even begin to believe this invention than it does to believe the film we have all seen. Some people, no matter how much education they have behind their names, just can't help themselves when it comes to creating contraversy and drawing attention to themselves. You have got to have an agenda and a willingness to suspend common sense and reason to buy this stuff. I must admit that it does take a certain amount of skill to turn simplicity into the proverbial mystery wrapped in a riddle.
Rating:  Summary: The Zapruder Film edited by Pixar Review: It was 1969 and I was showing bootlegged copies of the Zapruder film to my fellow classmates at Arizona State University when I got a call from my father (a noted photographic expert on the Assassination) Fred Newcomb. He was quite agitated..."Lifton has solved the JFK Assassination!!" "What?" I said..."He has it all figured out...even has films of the assassins coming into Delay Plaza, firing and exiting"...I was stunned...and excited..."he has proof way beyond a reasonable doubt". I returned to Los Angeles and saw the "proof" and was convinced. It changed my life forever..We were all full of revolutionary zeal back then. And way too idealistic as I look back now in hindsight.Years later Dad and David went there seperate ways(after parting as associates working together). David revealed his "surgery of the head area" thesis in his 1980 book Best Evidence which was a best seller. My father wrote his tome Murder From Within in 1974 with his "The Driver did it" thesis and it gained a lot of note worthy attention from the JFK Assassination underground community where it was circulated via xerox from a shady Canadian entreprenuer. Back then and even today everything seemed to revolve around that Zapruder Film . What does it show?? Shots from the front?? Side? Rear? 4 shots? 3 Shots? Grassy Knoll?? Secret Service? CIA? Anti-Castro Cubans?? What??? A 10 year old kid in my Dads living room was the first to say out loud "The driver shot the President"!! That was 1969 and years ahead of William Cooper and others who proclaimed the same. But what does it really show??? Is it all in the eye of the beholder? Is the most famous historical 8mm film of all time a subjective "cartoon"?? After reading the assembled articles in James Fetzer's book (including David's "Pig On A Leash")I have to say that not a single frame in the 400 some odd frames of that historical film can be trusted as "real". It's all Alice in Wonderland. And we have all been left to agrue about it forever. "They" must have known this from the outset...and smiled to themselves knowlingly..."If you can pollute a river at it's source all facts downstream are polluted as well" is what Lifton once told me... Is there "proof" here of "fakery"?..I think so. What say you??? Read it...5 Stars... Ty Newcomb
Rating:  Summary: An historic work! Review: Once referred to as a time clock of the assassination of JFK, the famous Zapruder film is now shown to be a fraud, a hoax, as much a part of the official coverup as the Warren Commission Report. This book will stand as a landmark in the area of JFK research, the result of a gathering of leading experts with decades' worth of research into this case. The Zapruder family received $16M of taxpayer money for the 27 second film taken by Abrahan Zapruder on 11/22/63. Yet, the authors prove beyond a doubt that the film has been altered, fabricated, edited, and then dangled before the public like a prized pig. I highly recommend this book to all seekers of truth. As one who has seen a different, more accurate film of the assassination there has never been a doubt in my mind that the extant Zapruder film has been highly manipulated. Now, at last, we have a compendium of skilled research providing the proof of the greatest hoax, to date, presented to the American people.
Rating:  Summary: From an email review from Steve Summers Review: Steve writes: <<The Z-film hoax book is also both interesting & disappointing. The stuff by Jack White is so embarassingly drivelsome I skipped it entirely. Others are so disorganized as to be unreadable--much like David's long-ago Ramparts article on the possibility of 3 shooters (which I personally rate the most soporific essay since the Book of Mormon). The John Costella article is interesting only in it's odd combination of scientific rigor juxtaposed with far-fetched theories and excessive detailing of shadowy figures who follow him about--not only in Dallas, but in Melbourne, Australia. Alas, like Mark Lane and Jim Fetzer, he shares their instinct for the capillaries, giving extraordinary lengths of print to photographic artifacts so obsessively minute and muddy that the reader begins to wonder if perhaps the really obvious & glaring things aren't figments of a hypercritical perspective. There is also an oddly revealing passage where he describes hearing Lifton describe Abe Zapruder as a lucky bystander with a movie camera--a novel perspective he'd never before considered, so automatically did he (Costella) assume that Abe was a prepositioned agent of the CIA. There's a very interesting appendix item in the back, a book review by one George Costello (obviously no relation to Costella) from the 5/2000 issue of Federal Lawyer explaining the salient points of Fetzer's Murder in Dealey Plaza for guvmint lawyers in clear, straight-to-the-point terms that I'm sure Jim Fetzer never used. The concise summary at the end was dynamite in print. You wish that all books on the JFK debacle had been written by such writers. I wonder how many people read this review. The only other part I found readable and informative was David's. It's amazing how far his writing has come since Ramparts. It covers nothing remarkably new as it is mostly a historical narrative told in a series of very illuminating anecdotes. Hey, didja know that Livingstone tried to sue David for $50,000,000 for being part of a conspiracy to kill him? The contrast between David's stuff & the others is also interesting in that he seems the only person in this book with any active interest in or knowledge of psychology & human nature. None of these other writers seem to see the limits of extrapolating vast conspiracies from single pieces of suspicious evidence, a common failing which I think probably accounts for the odd fact that most Americans vest little more confidence in conspiracy theorists than they do in the Warren Report--despite the obvious logic that some theory of conspiracy is a virtually mandatory alternative. David apparently has been working heavily on assembling material on the WC's bogus evidence incriminating Oswald, a fact which fills me with some hope, since I think that this material is the most flagrantly-exposable jugular of the No-Conspiracy dogma. I think one clearly-written book on this subject could mean the end to this embarrassing 40 year coverup. I wonder if he could be persuaded to work with George Costello. Another point of disappointment is the astonishing number of typos and whole sentences rendered meaningless by missing words. I'd bet that an errata sheet for David's essay alone would run to half-dozen pages. Oswald's name is misspelled, Langley (CIA hometown) is consistently spelled Langely, and even you are once renamed "Newomb".>>