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Rating:  Summary: Beautiful , Exceptional and Inspiring Review: Dr. Pearl's effort to go beyond the 'technique' and show us how just be the instrument of healing is to be praised. "Reconnection," reads like an autobiography, because it is... What comes across, though, is his most complete bafflement with what was happening to him and his sincere efforts to understand. We are invited to participate in his personal journey. I haven't finished the book, yet and am already recommending it to friends and wanted to see if it was available here. The reviewer who didn't like his book, must have missed the part about letting go of techniques. I've read Barbara Ann Brennen's books and while acurate in matters of energy anatomy - her techniques don't blend well with me as she is VERY technical. On the other hand Eric Pearl is more free flowing allowing his bewilderment to lead him into the unfoldment of being a conduit for healing. I just can't wait to read the rest of the book.....
Rating:  Summary: This is the book I've been waiting for. Review: Finally a simple explanation for this wonderful energy work called "Reconnective Healing". I could feel the energy in my hands every time I picked up the book. I just know that my energy is running at a higher vibration after finishing it. It's certainly not a dry how to manual. Dr. Pearl really knows how to tell a good story and make everyone feel at ease and explain how easy it is to do. You can really feel the care, effort and love that he put into this major project with his busy traveling schedule. I'm so thankful he took the time to do this. I've passed out 9 copies to my students and will be ordering more. They are all raving about it too and telling me how they can feel the energy from the book. It's wonderful and everyone in any health related field should read this book to help themselves and their clients. Everyone else should read it to help themselves.
Rating:  Summary: more of the same Review: For a long tiume, I have heard about Eric Pearl, and decided to give the book a try, to find out what the fuss was all about. After reading the book, I am a bit baffled: After having been active in the healing and energy field for 30 years, I expected to find something new, but found all the elements that characterize a run-of-the-mill new age healing book from California: 1) Claims that this is a new level, a new energy or a new level of light. This is the main mrketing plot in new age circles to this very day: "Teacher A. brings a new level of energy": "others may bring some light, but master B. brings the highest light, a level the world has not seen befor, but you can be among the chosen to take part in this light - if you pay for the seminar". Pearl's basic tenets fall right into this bracket, and are no different than any of the other claims. 2) Mythologizing of life events. A natural life development is twisted into something extraordinary. Truth is, so many thousands have (like me) had life-changing experiences with energy or light or another level breaking through. Each story is fascinating and special, like each life is. But some people have the need to link into Savior archetypes and make it into something more. What are their motives? They will get a power to make others follow them - but what happens in the long run - freedom or bondage? 3) "My approach is special". Instead of seeing that the field of energy work is like the parable of the blind men and the elephant - each different individual working their own different ways into exploring the potential of healing energy/consciousness, Pearl goes to great pains to explain that his approach is different from the others, but nowhere showing in what way it is, ending in an "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"-stance. He has a special healing energy, it is not a technique, etc.; Matthew Manning and a thousand others are saying the same, and having their followers contorting on stage. The "miraculous healings" follow the same patterns as scores of such seances I have witnessed in fundamentalist religious meeting - in Norway we have a magazine reporting such ocurrences from a Christian viewpoint, healing of blindness, deafness, AIDS, contorted back pain, etc. - Pearl's tales would go straight into these pages. But there is a difference. The Christian healings are free of charge. 4) This is not a technique (but you can take level 2), it is unique and not teachable (but for an exorbitant price you can get it from me). Pearl debunks other healers' "technical" approach, but ends in the same basic stance. 5) And this is my basic problem with Pearl'sa approach. What are his motives for using so much time to ridicule the work of others in the field, who are doing their sincere work, presumably from the same motives as his (but not attaining the same level of fame and fortune. Others painstakingly try to translate the energy experience into writing - Pearl easily debunks it as "tango". He uses the "new age" label denigratingly on others an astounding number of times, ignoring that he himself falls right smack in the middle of this category. 6) With his generous claims of heling serious diseases, he has a huge responsibility. Why does he not, then, present serious research or stringent reports on his web site, but instead sticks to the snake oil marketing schemes?Pearl has been a huge disappointment. But the good news: There is a lot of promising research in this field now coming up, much of it presented in James Oschman's excellent book "Energy medicine". And there is also a book that. maybe for the first time, satisfactorily translates the energy experience into writing: Donna Edens book, also titled "Energy medicine". These two books actually present a new level in the field, without bragging about it, like Pearl does. My recommendation: Go for these two, and leave Pearl.
Rating:  Summary: At the very least, it's worth a try Review: I just finished the book (I found my copy at a garage sale), and all in all, I'm glad to have found it. I've read several of the 26 comments submitted thus far, and am surprised to find so few negative (or low-star) submissions, just because of the topic's metaphysical nature. I don't feel that it alienates so much as offers to include ANYone willing to give it a try. There's no apparent drawback, as long as you follow such key directives as "set no expectations." Sounds like an easy-out, but in context, it isn't...to me anyway, and I tend to be quite skeptical. If you feel you're on a path that involves healing lives in any aspect, this book is at least worth the time it takes to read the 220 or so pages it comprises.
Rating:  Summary: Not just a book, but an experience Review: I read Dr. Pearl's book, straight through, in one sitting. I couldn't put it down; the story is compelling. The book is about Dr. Pearl's experience of what he calls RECONNECTIVE HEALING. RECONNECTIVE HEALING is beyond "energy" work, "faith" healing, or "spiritual" healing. It has nothing to do with "belief" or "sending" energy. It's about -- if I'm reading it correctly -- tapping into the quantum, reconnecting with "virtual strings of DNA" and having one's vibration, frequency -- whatever you want to call it -- raised to a higher level. In that higher level, writes Pearl, amazing things happen, one of them being "healings" on the physical, mental, and emotional levels. Pearl's down-to-earth narrative, his self-effacing humor, and his iconoclastic views of many New Age techniques, methods, and healing rituals was welcome and refreshing. And, as strange as it sounds, I, too, like many others, have had the experience that my hands become warm just holding the book or thinking about the energy Pearl describes. In fact, for four nights following my reading of his book, I dreamed I was offering healing to others and my hands became hot as fire. So hot, that I woke up and my hands actually were hot and pulsating with an "energy" of some sort. This has never happened to me in a dream. "The Reconnection" is not just a book; it's an experience. One of the best books on healing I've read, and I've read a ton. This is a must-read for anyone with even the slightest interest in healing or energy work.
Rating:  Summary: Don't expect miracles Review: Most of the book (2/3 of it) explains Dr Perl's life experience with this phenomina as well as his experiences growing up as a kid (on through adulthood). The last 1/3 of the book is devoted to "tecniques" that can be used to aid the user in his/her ability to use the healing arts (although he saids, that you cannot teach it). I've read other books that deal with healing with hands techniques as well, and they offer similar insights to this book. After reading the book, I tried this on myself... So far nothing has happened (he explains that for some poeple it may take weeks for the reconnection to occur). One thing that cannot be verified in this process is whether or not there is a sort of placebo effect of the book (somebody says that it works, and for many people a placebo does have some results). Not saying that the book does or does not work, it's just that I wouldn't expect any sort of miracles to happen after you've read the book. He claims that by reading his book, that you will receive the specific type of energy necessary in order supposedly open up pathways that may facilitate a greater potential for healing in an individual. Spiritually, I can understand why this might happen (it's like chemistry, you are about 75% of your own environment, unless you are a young soul, with older souls or with karmicly ridden people the percentage is higher. Coming into contact with other people of different levels of awareness and energy patterns preclude that you react to the other person in a certain type of way. You can see some evidence of this in astrology and numerology.). This is not to say, however, that this is actually happening. Different people will have difference experiences and I suspect, like with medicine and foods, different people will be impacted differently depending upon their own personal circumanstances. It didn't do much for me, but apparently from the other reviews it seems to be doing something for other people. If you can get it from the library or get it used, then there is very little to lose from reading it (other than money). Although some poeple will feel that they are getting conned after reading this book (especially if they don't see any results).
Rating:  Summary: The "Reconnection" is for real Review: This is truly an inspired book and one that anyone can benefit from. Without a lot of jargon, Dr. Pearl has written what we all know in our souls - that we are all connected and that we all have the ability to use that connection to heal. Those who have stated that there is no science to his healing are missing the point. Medicine is not a science. It is an art. Just ask any honest physician and he/she will tell you. I too have experienced increased vibration and energy in my hands. In fact, I used the energy to heal my cat who used to vomit at least twice a week (sometimes more). Since the reconnection energy, (two weeks ago) she has not spit up once! There is something to this and it is really simple and useful. Don't wait, just buy the book, read it and experience the energy for yourself.
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