Rating:  Summary: Comments on "On-purpose person" Review: Actually, I was a person who didn¡¦t have any purpose. Therefore, I always wait for others to play with me. When I was playing with them, it was a very happy time for me. However, I felt lost and lonely again when I was at rest. After reading this book, it really changed me a lot. Since the author was going to teach the readers to become an on-purpose person, it is very worthy to read this book if you feel lost in this moment. Here are some comments from me:- Well-structure Since it is a very difficult to make a person become on-purpose, it is very hard to understand. Therefore, the author used a very good and clear structure to express the ideas and methods of being an on-purpose person. For example, he divided the content into 3 steps. Then, it is very easy to follow the ideas and methods. - Interesting In many books, it is very boring if it is related to any philosophy. However, it is a very interesting book since it is wrote in story format. Also, different characters told different steps in the book. Moreover, the methods and ideas are related to the characters¡¦ own experiences. When you are reading, you will become one of the characters in the book. So, it really can help you to involve in the story. - Meaningful The concept of this book is clear ¡V how to be an on-purpose person. From my point of view, being an on-purpose person is very important. I can¡¦t imagine that how terrible is a life without purpose. Besides, I was strongly agreed that the author used a light switch to make a metaphor. When the switch is off, that means you are off-purpose. When the switch is on, that means you are on-purpose. Therefore, it is no need for us to switch on the light in the whole day. But it is necessary for us to make the switch if you want a bright life.
Rating:  Summary: The On-Purpose Person Review: I have posted a previous review and wanted to add a few more thoughts. There are 2 groups of people that will respond to this book immediately. One group are those that are unhappy, unfullfilled, having a mid-life crisis, bored in their work, overwhelmed, lost thier drive, unhappy with who they are, and feel like every day is a repeat from the day before. The other group is highly motivated, goal driven, excited, and have momentum on thier side! Both groups will relate to the story and find the methods simple and easy to apply. If you read this and find it amusing but not applicable at this stage of your life, just wait until you become like the first group and re-read this book. You'll surely get it then!
Rating:  Summary: Follow the Book and Reap Rewards! Review: I picked up this book at the beginning of the year after reading rave reviews in hopes but not truly expecting it to help my mindset. Each year I set goals and though I may accomplish one or two..generally the next year I am setting the same goals.
By the time I had completed the first half of the book my way of thinking had changed. I completed the exercises as I read the book.
You begin by listing your goals. Then you decide which is more important and finally which is MOST important. It seems so simple yet the way the author teaches you to do this gave me greater success than other methods.
I was really surprised to find what my most desired goal was. I thought it was something else. But by following the exercises I realized a I had a strong desire to accomplish another goal I never realized was the most important to me. Next you work towards accomplishing your goal.
McCarthy uses the image of a light switch. If you are switched on you are working towards your goals. Conversely if you are not you are not ON PURPOSE.
Within days I was accomplishing tasks to help me achieve many of my goals! An excellent book and most highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: If you want to achieve anything, follow Kevin's advice. Review: Kevin recommends reading the book through once and then going back to pick up the structure and technique. I heartily recommend following his advice. I've read a great many self-help and success books and listened to many tapes. I've heard about this book from many people that I respect and it has exceeded my expectations. Kevin walks you through a "process" designed to put you "on the path" to achieving your dreams and being "congruent" with your purpose in life. If you don't yet know what that purpose is, Kevin's wisdom will guide you in finding it. GET THIS BOOK and if you want to discuss the process after you've read it, email me. Pat
Rating:  Summary: I'm Super-Mom now! Review: Kevin's system of organizing the important things-to-do in your life has really helped me streamline my life. Sometimes I get complacent and don't have my to-do list written down, but then I'll feel super overwhelmed...my husband calls it "overwhelmed to the point of paralysis!" Soon, I realize I need my OPP to-do-list form! I print out a copy of the form I made on the computer, and start writing my to-do list using Kevin's formula. Then I can sleep soundly knowing my priorities for the next day or two.
Rating:  Summary: I'm Super-Mom now! Review: Kevin's system of organizing the important things-to-do in your life has really helped me streamline my life. Sometimes I get complacent and don't have my to-do list written down, but then I'll feel super overwhelmed...my husband calls it "overwhelmed to the point of paralysis!" Soon, I realize I need my OPP to-do-list form! I print out a copy of the form I made on the computer, and start writing my to-do list using Kevin's formula. Then I can sleep soundly knowing my priorities for the next day or two.
Rating:  Summary: The On Purpose Person Review: Recently I was reminded that most men lead lives of quiet desperation. I had forgotten that I was one of those men back in 1992. Like most, I have been on a hero's journey to discover the treasure of a life of meaning and purpose. Far too often I have chosen the futile pathes that masquerade as meaning and significance for my life. I have read every self-help book under the sun and listened to every personal development tape series in existence. Nothing has had greater impact in my life than The On-Purpose Person. First, it is a parable that is elegant in its simplicity. It can be read in about 2 hours. It avoids the cook-book how-to approach that accompanies the multitude of inspirational literature. Second, it is a truly interactive book. The author engages the reader with compelling questions along the storyline. I found this quite refreshing. It's like having the mentor you've always wanted. We all want someone in our lives to not let us get away without being who we really are. The greatest value I perpetually gain from the book is the growing sense of profound identity that we all seek. Only by discovering my reason for being here, or, my purpose, did I harness my profound identity. I thank God for this, for I have lived almost 1/2 of my life without clarity about my profound self. I had too much practice affirming my mediocre self to notice. I gained distinction in my life between purpose, vision, mission, and values. The author masterfully illustrates the distinctions and linkages between them. I learned that my life was truly off-purpose resulting in feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, fear, and meaninglessness. After reading the book, I have become anchored in my true purpose which gives me substantial feelings of hope, boldness, clarity, and peace. The only complaint I have about the book is that I wish it had been written 20 years ago. Had I received the special message in the book then, I would have made wiser choices educationally and professionally. I'm glad to say that all is redeemed when you're on-purpose. A must-read for anyone in transition and people who need to revitalize their lives.
Rating:  Summary: Trivialities served with incredible pomp Review: The number one stressor for people is not having a life purpose. This book gives you an easy straightforward way to determine your life purpose. It is short, easy to read and understand, and it applies to people of all ages. This book was given to me and I am purchasing one for my best friend.
Rating:  Summary: The On-Purpose Person Review: This book changed my life from chaos to simplicity. It is easy to comprehend, simple to apply, and is awesome! I have personally given this book to over 80 friends, family, and my partners. I have had several conversations with the author and now have a tool in which I can lead my life and help others. This book says everything in fewer pages than other self-help books. We require all new employees at TOM JAMES CLOTHIERS to read this book when they start their career.
Rating:  Summary: Getting On-Purpose Review: This book was given to me by a friend eight years ago in response to a plea for some assistance in organizing and managing a very busy life. What I was looking for was a book on time management. What I received was a book on life management. This book almost singlehandedly enabled me to organized my life in several key areas: family, church, job, and being a full-time graduate student trying to finish a Ph.D. One might be skeptical of a book you can read in over an hour having that profound an effect, but do not dismiss the ideas and claims of Mr. McCarthy: they work. This book reads like a story and is most engaging. No two people will ever interpret or use the book in the same way. I have given this book to people as a gift, knowing that it will meet needs in their life, if not immediately, at some point in the future. When so many sources are claiming to "change your life", this one not only makes claims, it fulfills them. It is a must read for any person needing to prioritize their life and to find simplicity in becoming an "On-Purpose Person."