Laura Robb is one of a rare breed of teachers: She not only tolerates, but actually thrives on teaching middle schoolers. For her, their high energy level, regular challenges to adults, and constant seeking of identity and peer support make them a fascinating, rewarding group, even if they are occasionally rebellious, outrageous, or irritating. In Teaching Reading in Middle School, this teaching veteran of 35-plus years imparts her zeal for teaching this age group even as she explains exactly what makes it so different. The thesis of the book is fairly straightforward: becoming a successful reader is a goal within most middle-school students' reach. When educators remember that middle schoolers want to be "actively involved in research, reading, writing, talking, and thinking about topics that are relevant to their lives," they will be able to help their students build a solid foundation for learning. Robb focuses on strategic reading, comprehension, and creating a workshop atmosphere in the classroom, and packs her chapters with callouts, text boxes, quotations, checklists, 45-minute workshop block schedules, and very useful bibliographies and appendices. This highly organized, comprehensive guide to teaching reading will be a tremendous boon to educators who want to make a difference in the lives of the adolescents they teach. --Emilie Coulter