Rating:  Summary: excellent introduction to biostatistics Review: I used this book when writing a manuscript for publication. I stumbled across the author's web site, and found his approach remarkably useful. The book is clear and concise. It encompasses all general statistical methods needed for biomedical publishing for both basic and clinical research. It serves as an indespensible introduction for those, who like me, either never understood biostats as taught in medical school or who have not used these skills often enough to develop adequate familiarity with the methods and their application. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: excellent introduction to biostatistics Review: I used this book when writing a manuscript for publication. I stumbled across the author's web site, and found his approach remarkably useful. The book is clear and concise. It encompasses all general statistical methods needed for biomedical publishing for both basic and clinical research. It serves as an indespensible introduction for those, who like me, either never understood biostats as taught in medical school or who have not used these skills often enough to develop adequate familiarity with the methods and their application. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Biostatistics Book for the Non-statistician Review: I was delighted to discover this book four years ago, when I began teaching a course in clinical research methods. I have not seen anything else like the text or the optional companion software by GraphPad. The textbook is extremely well-written and well-organized. Not only have I been using the book and software in my teaching, but I have found that they handle about 90% of my own statistical needs for my research.The author's philosophy (to forget the fancy stuff since the vast majority of applications don't require it) and the way it is implemented (with just enough theory to protect users from making false inferences) are exactly right. Dr. Motulsky has done a a superb job.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great book Review: I'm a practicing physician who has found it necessary to try to educate myself on the use of biostatistics in the medical literature. I have read over 20 books on biostatistics. This is clearly the best. It is written so that even the non-statistician can understand the concepts, and explains the statistical approach and rationale without scaring the reader away with arcane formulas. It is very logical in its progression and addresses the errors and assumptions that doctors make when trying to evaluate a paper. This book should be required reading not only by every medical student, but by anyone who attempts to write or interpret the medical literature.
Rating:  Summary: Using it for a class now Review: I'm taking a class which uses this book as its primary textbook. Its good for people who would like a refresher to statistics, or those who have never been exposed to stats. But I found the book skimpy on some of the more important aspects of Statistics. The book is terse and packed with useful clinical information. I highly recommend this book to any clinical person who is looking to brush up on their stats. Edit: Updated 9/5/02. I have referred to this book countless times since my class has ended. Some topics that are not covered well in Motulsky's book are: multivariate analysis, ANCOVA, Reliability studies and ANOVA. I installed a demo version of Motulsky's GraphPad software and was very impressed. I had a question so I emailed the tech support and Dr. Motulsky himself responded within an hour!
Rating:  Summary: The Meaning of Statistics Review: This book does an EXCELLENT job of translating the formulas and rules presented in most statistics texts into relevant, applicable constructs. It focuses on understanding WHY you use one test rather than another, recognizing the difference in focus between statistical computations and clinical applications, and generally pulls you aside and says, "This is what he really meant to say...." A critical adjunct to assigned texts.
Rating:  Summary: Best statistical book I ever read... Review: This book is intended to understand statistics, but it contains a lot of information about how to use it. It is very, very understandable, and is designed to cope with either basic or clinical researchers.I strongly recommend reading this book if you think statistics is hard (you will learn that's not true)
Rating:  Summary: Priceless resource for my Prelims! Review: This book was an excellent choice for me to help review biostats for my prelims! Yes, although it doesn't focus on details of the more advanced statistical analyses, it does offer a common sense approach to data analysis. The assumptions for each test are clearly delineated, and the table at the back of the book is a quick reference for choosing tests based on what type of data you have. This is the ONLY biostatistics book I have read cover to cover.
Rating:  Summary: A unique statistics book Review: Unlike most statistics texts that emphasize mathematics, Intuitive Biostatistics focuses on proper scientific interpretation of statistical tests. The book is perfect for researchers, clinicians and students who need to understand statistical results published in biological and medical journals. Intuitive Biostatistics covers all the topics typically found in introductory texts, and adds several topics of particular interest to biologists - including multiple comparison tests, nonlinear regression and survival analysis. "This splendid book meets a major need in public health, medicine, and biomedical research training -- a user-friendly biostatistics text for non-mathematicians." Dr. Gilbert Omenn, Professor of Internal Medicine, Human Genetics, Public Health, University of Michigan