Rating:  Summary: how not to predict future Review: as been born and raised in Soviet Union I know communism from real life not books.the only people who gives Communist manifesto 5 stars are the ones who never lived it. books and real life are two different dimensions. mixing it up gives us poison.and people who make it dont drink it.
Rating:  Summary: A Short But Important Work Review: The goal of Marx and Engels in The Communist Manifesto was to lay out the basic ideas behind Marxism. Marx believed it to be inevitable that the proletariat would "rise to the position of ruling class" and that it was only a matter of time before this would occur. Touching on topics like the increasing divide between the upper and lower classes, the destrution of the middle class as well as the destruction of the family, and the idea that the working class were powerful enough to overthrow the bourgeois and come into power were all ideas dealt with in a clear and concise manner in the Manifesto. Although it's easy to read, the Manifesto is packed with important information that should be studied and understood, as well as applied to our current society, where its ideas are still extremely relevant. It was refreshing to read such a different perspective, and finish with the hope that the inequality and injustice in our capitalistic society will one day be destroyed.
Rating:  Summary: A Reminder to all Mankind Review: The Manifest der Komministischen Partei (Communist Manifesto 1848). Marx and Engels book should undoubtably be read alongside with Das capital the difinitive, last word on Capatilism (as even capatilists have to agree).The Manifesto doesn't look at society through rose tinted glasses, Marx and Engels layed out a system that could work. let us not confuse communism with Stalanism or Trotskyism, for it has little resemblance, nor should we utter the word Socialism in its presence. Whst is clear is that the Proletariat never realise their power while the upper classes and aristocracy do nothing but recognise it through subjugation of the working masses. Whether this ideology is ever to be realised who can foresee, for empires fall and new ones take their place, what is certain is that Apathy is now the drug of the working class, and the world will shake when it inevitably the sleeping giant awakes. Capitalists Beware.
Rating:  Summary: The state that never emerged! Review: Obviously, Karl Marx as a great thinker unmasked the blueprint of a communist type of state. in his communist manifesto, he revealed and predicted the pattern for the best state that never materialized. he had the vision of a type of government that will benefit the prolectrate, though it was astoundingly powerful to run, but it failed in the shrouds of capitalist.it never emerged, because capitalists were self-centered and greedy, comunism is only seen by the masses as being good, to the rich, it was bad, even an omen since capitalists are profited oriented. in this manifesto, the versatile genius decodes how a unique and immaculate community should be ruled by maping out strategic standards for the smooth operation of a perfect communist state. it pains see the fall of communism and the rise of capitalism to imperialism and now globalization, thereby eliminating the elements and properties of a communist society. Karl Marx forcast the evils of capitalism when he saw how the poor are malginalized as a result of their lack of access to state power. he tries to shun the arrogant ways of capitalism and usher in a new trend of economy system which is communism. but it is a pity that today, the former has eraesed the latter to take up the scene and unless communism stands, there will never be a better governance for equality and transparency. but capitalism has gone too far to be destroyed and it will continue to grow and advance. it has grown from its original stage into imperialism and now it has fully blown into globalization. the auther was a great thinker, he designed this blueprint for the best society in the globe, it is a socio-political and economic structure well study and presented for a republic without any form of biaz or choas, but it was murdered in the process of advancing into maturity. even at his death, no one will ever have his hopes, dreams and aspiration for a better society with the best Blueprint ever programmed. Though he state the factors of a state, he never oppossed values, conflicts or rights, rather his system was meant to restore dignity to man and prosper him through integrity, giving to every man according to his needs, you dont have more than, and you wont have less than, it is to be contempted at your level. the book is nice, though non scholars could find it too ambigious to quantify and understand but it is the real expertized and genuis touch. it has a perfect polishing and the best finishing ever, why not go take a glimps at its contents, you may find it nourishing than blueberries. but as controversial as it is, it has failed and will never rise again. just feel my pains. a good work that died. go get it. dont forget, its for keeps.
Rating:  Summary: Tough English! Review: I had to read the book in college! Hard to understand and unfortunately doesn't stay long in your memory but I bet this is a great book!
Rating:  Summary: Joe Bloggs Review: I gave this book 5 stars only to balance out all the hilarious, hilarious reviews on here. They make me wonder... did people seek out this book on Amazon so they could denounce communism? Hilarious. The point I wanted to make was to those who claimed the book was badly written... please remember that this book has been translated into English. Besides which, saying the Communist Manifesto is badly written is such a mind-numbingly stupid critique that I can do nothing but laugh.
Rating:  Summary: Relevant with this age Review: This short book is historical document .Indeed, marxism is now to its end ,and we shall not see it in future in its classical shape,but this book will remain relevat of ,atleast.this age This book has several merits .with litratry language and emotional arguments it analyse several historical issuse of humanbeings .Philosophy of ethics ,religion.class struggle are basic topics where its views will remain intact .Historical matterialism, the main issue is an important question for every educated person with philosophers and historians.It can't be rejected easily I think this book is a great work in human history and it should be published regularly
Rating:  Summary: How could one little book spawn so much evil? Review: That is the question historians looking back on the 20th century will have to answer. This book, along with "Mein Kampf", spawned ideas that were ultimately responsible for the murder of millions of innocent people, yet we still have no clear cut explanation as to why. After all, communism, according to its supporters, was supposed to be the "perfect" way to organize society, and yet, everywhere it was tried, the result was tyranny, oppression, and misery. How could this be? There are numerous explanations, perhaps the most popular being the notion that it simply didn't conform to human nature. People aspire to achievement and success, these critics claim, and communism squashes these desires in its quest to create a society of social and material equality. But I think it goes much deeper. One of the most obvious flaws of communism was its arrogance. It basically took everything that had gone into Western Civilization, dating back to Athens and Jerusalem, and tossed it in the trash bin. Democracy, individual liberty, human dignity, belief in God, it all had to go. The Communist Party was all that mattered; it set itself up as the supreme authority, and demanded absolute loyalty from its subjects. Communism has been called an economic system, but in truth it was much more. It was, in fact, a religion in every aspect except belief in a Supreme Being, a belief system that was, in essence, based on the worship of itself. And that, at the core, was its fatal flaw. From a religious point of view, it was nothing less than a form of blasphemy, with Marx and Engels shaking their puny fists at God as if to say "We don't need You. We don't want You. We can create our paradise here on Earth without You!" Is it any wonder then, that communism worked out as badly as it did? That, far from creating heaven on Earth, it created hell instead?
Rating:  Summary: a must for anyone who is opposed to the WTO Review: This is essential reading for anyone opposed to globalization of the economy. There is no anti-global material that seems fresher or more up to date even though the manifesto is over 150 years old!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, But Without Soul Review: Aloha, First, this is an extremely poorly written book. Nonetheless, Marx quite accurately diagnoses the problem, namely people in power exploiting and taking advantage of the population. A problem that is as big an issue today as it was in the days of Marx. However, his cure seems formed in a laboratory, away from the real world. It's deeply intellectual, yet lacking in heart, soul, and street smarts. Feeling the pulse of this text, it is easy to conceive how it would serve to shape the Soviet Union into the cold and lifeless entity that it became. ------------------------------------------------------------- Marx fails to see that the issue confronting mankind isn't so much an external issue of what political system they live under, but rather a crisis of the heart and soul which is a deeply internal matter. Marx basicly replaces the bourgeois with the state. The net results are largely no better than before the revolution. The bourgeois were selfish, corrupt and exploitive, and so were the members of the state who replaced them. He kicked out one set of crooks, and replaced them with another set of crooks. ----------------------------------------------------- An outward revolution cannot, and will not ever change the inside of the human heart. And until there is radical inward transformation, there will be no significantly fruitful outward change in the state of the world. Marx's system would work great if the ruling entities and the masses were all Buddhas, Christ figures, saints and sages. But to be honest, Capitalism would work great under those circumstances as well. But humans are far more flawed than that. They are fearful, greedy and selfish mixed with attributes of goodness. ------------------------------------------------------- The question becomes, what political/economic system bests nurtures the goodness, yet keeps the selfish aspects from running wild? Good question! Yet I see the extreme leftist theory of Marxism to be very similiar to the extreme rightist beliefs of Bastiat. One tries to control too much to the point of squeezing the very life and soul out of the population. The other controls too little, essentially letting the wolf has his way in the hen house. Yet they become one at the point that neither will ever work unless all involved are truly enlightened beings who genuinely have the welfare of his neighbor at the forefront of their mind. -------------------------------------------- We're not there yet, and it's going to be awhile. At this point in human developement, we should focus on something in between the two poles. Something that effectively mixes liberties with social responsibility and equality. And in the meantime, we can continue to chip away at the selfish and fearful core that tortures mankind. Only when that inner freedom progresses significantly, can we have hope for a bright new day.