Rating:  Summary: Know mankind most ferocious enemy Review: This book is paradoxally very interesting and should be read, at least, by every person interested in the history of political ideas and in the history of our century, to known mankind most ferocious enemy (communism) from his most important theoric source that is "The Communist Manifesto", originally published in 1848...
Rating:  Summary: Pure Garbage Review: This is the worst piece of trash ever written. Marx expounds line after line of putrid, uneducated drabble. His view of history is one of the funniest ideas ever concieved. The worst thing that he manages to concoct is the theory of polylogism. The only reason that this theory was developed was because the classical economists completely refuted everything that he came up with. They did this with logic though. So, Marx thought, we have to ditch logic. Besides, proletarians have a differebt logic anyway. HIs conclusions are absolutely laughable. Along with his other garbage piece, Das Kapital, he manages to concoct some of the most preposterous drivle in all of history. His socialist threory is not even original. It is virtually the same as David Ricardo's vision of the socialist state. This book is not worth the paper that it is printed on. It is quite funny however that people actually take it seriously.
Rating:  Summary: In defense of the people: A reply to nearsighted critics Review: In defese of Karl Marx I have to say that the Bible has actually killed more people than his Manifesto ever did. Capitalism promotes the individual not the team. Group efforts always succeed in the end over that of the individual. Capitalism promotes greed and savagery, murder and strife by forcing wholesale competition which Marx clearly staes. If humanity is to advance in the mental and spiritual realms it would do good to heed the words of Karl marx as expressed in the Communist Manifesto.
Rating:  Summary: Workers of the World, Forgive Me Review: "... wait a minute; on second thought let's allow individual men and women to contract freely with one another without the interference of the state."Please read this classic if only to contrast it with the venerable canon of works concerning liberty and justice that form the superstructure of western civilization. Try Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom," Friedman's "Free to Choose" and anything written by Solzhenitzyn as a start and don't leave out Weber's writing on the protestant work ethic and the development of capitalism. Marx's "Das Capital," in the context of its time, raised urgent questions about liberty and institutional exploitation of the individual yet reached conclusions that, when implemented by fanatics, led to spectacular destruction. The "Manifesto" was the bible of those modern barbarians. And, please, spare me the rebuttal that Marx's ideas were applied perversely. His ideas were utterly untenable in practice. Everything from the crumbling Maoist state to the Israeli kibbutzes has failed miserably. We'll leave the rape and sodomy of millions at the hands of totalitarian socialism to speak for itself. If only "Star Trek: The Next Generation" had been on the air in the late 19th century, Karl & Co. could have indulged their utopian fantasies in a little less pernicious fashion.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Book Review: This is by far the greatest book written. It is far more powerful than that of the Jungle or of Uncle Tom's Cabin. I encourage everyone to read it and join the Communist Party USA. The workers of all nations unite!
Rating:  Summary: It is a masterpiece of world litterature. Review: This pamphlet have inspiered millions of people all around the world to fight against opression. It has influenced the thinking of people living under various conditions so that they have got confidence in them selves and their own kind to stand up against the rich and welthy. Many sentences of the book have become slogans to change the world : Workers of the world, unite !
Rating:  Summary: An Eye-Opener for all Classical Liberals Review: In this book, Marx moves from the short-sightedness of classic liberal thinkers like John Locke and Adam Smith. However, this book is not his best- it is written as a propaganda pamphlet, not a political text. For those who wish to more completely understand Marx, I would recommend first "The German Ideology." In this book, Marx talks about historical materialism and the dialectic. For those serious about Marx, read "Das Kapital." It is a difficult work, but it is worth the reading. For the open mind, who is not put off by what the american media has termed "communism," Marx offers a critical analysis of the world in which we live. Though his normative position may appear a bit weak, Marx is one of the most profound discriptive thinkers this world has ever seen. I would also recommend "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith, and "The Second Treatise of Government"by John Locke to anyone iterested in reading Marx. Much of Marx' work is a critique of classic liberalism (not to be confused with modern "liberals"), and to appreciate him, one must have a comprehensive background in the area he critiques.
Rating:  Summary: Marx is a Naive Utopianistic Idealist Review: Marx writes from the assumption that man is basically good, that he will put the welfare of mankind in front of that of himself. Unfortunately, this is not true. Man, in general, works only for personal incentive. However, the writing style is at the very least interesting and Marx does do an excellent job in recognizing the role that economics plays and has played in history. But, if anyone wishes to really know how economics should, does, and always will work, they should read Adam's Smith's 'Wealth of Nations,' and ignore this, for the most part, worthless pamphlet.
Rating:  Summary: A spectre still haunts the World, and will forever haunt it. Review: So long as there is suffering, so long as there is despair, so long as men have the courage to assert their own humanity... In all recorded history, there have been but two secular written texts that have led to movements that have rattled the very foundations of society. One was the Declaration of Independence, and the other was the Communist Manifesto. For some, the text became scripture, as infallible as the Bible. To these, Marx has become a Christ-figure... we can, in fact, call these true believers the Christians of communism. To others, Marx has been rejected as a false idol and a demagogue. We can call these the Jews of communism -- the liberals and the capitalists. Finally, to a growing number Marx is measured as merely one among a long line of communist prophets -- the Muslims of communism -- certainly not a Secular Messiah, but at least one with the vision and courage of his convictions.
Rating:  Summary: The key to the fututre of humanity Review: Capitalism is with out doubt putting our world at risk. It exploits humans, and hurts us all. It is ruining the enviroment of the world we live in, and thus clearly and with out doubt endangers the existance of humanity on earth. The future of capitalistm is therefore inevitably ruin and destruction. We, however could decide whther capitalism will end with the destruction of humanity, or whether humanity will destroy capitalism, and instead create an intelligent organization of society. Karl Marx forsaw this future 150 years ago. There is therefore much to learn from him and his writings. The communist Manifesto is a key place to start and figure out how we could save humanity, and improve human exzistance many fold.