Rating:  Summary: Good Theory...Unrealistic Application Review: The manifesto was brilliant in thought and style but the concept itself would never function in today's economy and government. As long as human beings as a whole are greedy, envious, and materialistic at heart there can never be such a system at work. Marx in his ideallism never accounted for the basic depravity of mankind.
Rating:  Summary: Wrong in practice BECAUSE its wrong in principal Review: This book is worth reading as a lesson in what is wrong with state / collective compulsion.The reader will observe how individual men and women are considered material to be shaped into 'society' by Marx. Do you consider your person, your very thoughts to be property of a collective or your own? Communism cannot work in practice because it is wrong in principle. To work it would require absolute agreement - as a desire to be free to live your life according to your values is not compatible communism, any individual who attempts to do so is crushed or (if lucky) banished by the state. In this sense the old USSR was a successful implementation of communism, contrary to recent opinions. To understand what it means to live in a communist state read '1984', 'anthem' and 'animal farm', or simply stay where you are and allow your rights to be eroded by each new piece of legislation which purports to be "in the interest of the people". I quote Trotsky : "He who does not obey, does not eat"
Rating:  Summary: The Ideology of Death Review: A clear thinking person can not walk away from this book and not feel just a little worried. All you need to know about why communism has never worked is contained in the manifesto. Read condition number 4 for a communist state: Confiscation of property of all emmigrants and rebels. This one statement explains why there is no such thing as a democratic communist state. It also explains the prison camps of the Soviet union. It is any wonder why this ideology has led to the deaths of 100 million people? An ideology that does not tolerate dissent has no choice but to destroy opposition through destruction and propaganda. Friedrich Von Hayek's The Road to Serfdom spelled out exactly why communism is doomed to fail on economic and democratic grounds. As an aside, 50 years since the publication of The Road to Serfdom NOBODY has ever tried to refute Hayek's argument. Thirdly, the manifesto states that thinking is a product of class and therefore the bourgeois will never be able to understand communism. Marx was a university graduate. Universities in the first half of the 19th century were light years more elitist than today, so wouldn't that make communism a product of bourgeios thought? Lastly, Marx and Engels never give any hint as to how a communist state will arise. All they say is that it is the inevitable conclusion of history. This idea served killers like Pol Pot, Mao, and Stalin very well. Communists should ask themselves why only murders and tyrants have espoused their ideology.
Rating:  Summary: Workers Unite! Review: The Communist Manifesto blew the liberal door of thought wide open! It set forth a concret plan for bringing utopia into action. While the Communist Manifesto is to authoritan for my Anarchist taste buds, I do belive that this book is a torch for many workers to see their position in this corrupt world.
Rating:  Summary: Revolution Forever!! Review: This book is responsible for the intellectual liberation of thousands of people, however, the principles in this great manuscript were grossly applied in the USSR and China. Just because some men decide to twist a view of a utopia we would all like to live in, does not mean that this Manifesto is any less pertinent today. We now live in the society that Marx envisioned, where we are surrounded by homeless, and the ever-widening class gap.
Rating:  Summary: Forgot to take other factors into account. Review: A well written treatise, on par with Plato's "Republic" and Sir Thomas More's "Utopia". END
Rating:  Summary: It was an advocate of Wellfare and the innovator of sloth. Review: Really. if Karl Marx had any guts, he woiuld have advocated the working man's form of economics, Capitalism. This "idea" of communism, it is totally possible, I'll grant you that, but plausible? I think not. Any person fwho advocates communism likes the idea of letting other people work while they reap in the benefits, but in reality, the people who woiuld actually be doing the work would not let the system work, they would ask for justice. I mean, if you busted your hump all day long and only got 1/2 of the benefits, while your beer-swigging-drug-using-Next-door neighbor got the rest, what would that make you think? In all I think that this "communist manifesto" is well written but is vouching for all the wrong ideas.
Rating:  Summary: Do You Hear the People Sing ? Review: Marx's manifesto describes the Utopia many of us long to live in. However, in judging this piece, one must differentiate between the Marxist-Leninst system established in the former Soviet Union and the views of Karl Marx. Marx never spoke of the Communist party, nor did he speak of the purges or the killings. Marx simply dreamt of a worker's haven, and it would be unjust to judge him according to what Lenin's and Stalin's followers did in Russia.
Rating:  Summary: A classic for the working man and woman Review: Marx's "Communist Manifesto" reads as true today as it did last century. Some of the content is rather dated now, especially given that much of this book refers to political parties and events which date from last century. The core of the book, however, highlights fatal contradictions in capitalism which are still valid today. Those that seek to blame the horrors of Stalinism and Maoism on Marx understand nothing of Marxism. To Marx, ideology does not come first, but rather the concrete material conditions in which goods are produced and consumed. Rather than placing ideology over human nature, Marx places economic realities over ideology. Those that don't understand this completely miss the point. Human nature, and ideology, is a result of the interaction between social classes, and in the recognition of this fact lies the genius of Marx. In the Communist Manifesto Marx points out the fatal contradiction of capitalism: in order to survive, it must seek to widen the gap between the rich and the poor. It is this tendency which, according to Marx, will be responsible for the ultimate collapse of capitalism. The Communist Manifesto is a call to arms to all workers to put aside differences of race, nationality and religion, to fight back against this tendency of capitalism, and to ultimately replace capitalism with a fairer system. Socialism can only survive globally, with the support of advanced industry, and the workers in industrialised nations. That "communist experiments" have failed in backward peasant countries by no means disproves Marx's thesis but only highlights how right Marx was and how wrong so many of his self-proclaimed disciples were. In the Communist Manifesto, above all, Marx argues it is right to fight oppression. This is true of impoverished peasants in the third world, underpaid workers in the western world, or opressed citizens in Stalinist and totalitarian states. The Communist Manifesto is not the most readable text on socialism, but is nevertheless a working class classic.
Rating:  Summary: A Bunch Of Drivel Accepted As Great Thinking. Review: This book is one of the worst written in history, not just because of the results it has had on humanity, but because it is crappy writing. I can't stand to hear people say that this is a classic, for whatever reason. It was written by a bum who had a host of illegitimate children, and then put them in orphanages so as to not have his reputation as an "intellectual" damaged. And you people think this is great writing??? Please, get off the crack!