Rating:  Summary: 21st Century Leadership, Timeless Principles! Review: The thing that first attracted my attention was the foreword by the famous leadership guru, Kenneth Blanchard. But as I read "Survival Kit For Leaders" chapter by chapter, I became increasingly convinced that Lester and Kunich have written a book that is at least the equal of anything Blanchard, or any of the other "big names" in leadership and management, have ever published. In fact, this book is so packed full of fabulous insights that many lesser authors would have taken any one its chapters and fluffed it up into an entire book. But not Lester and Kunich. They have given their readers a tremendous value for the money, with each and every chapter worth the price of the whole book.
I have never read a more compelling account of the role of inspiration in leadership. The splendid distillations of the examples of Marva Collins, Jaime Escalante, Raoul Wallenberg, the Flight 93 heroes, and many others, were a revelation to me. Each case study is quite different, and yet they all fit together into the authors' paradigm, and they make their lessons accessible to all of us.
Likewise, the chapter on the similarities and differences between leadership and management took what could have been a dry, academic subject and made it spring to life. This chapter actually shows how to recognize why an organization is performing at a suboptimal level, and what to do to correct the malfunctions. And it is easy to remember and easy to apply.
Mentoring also receives a brilliant exegesis, with terrific examples from real-life case studies. Everyone talks about mentoring, but these authors have actually demonstrated how to do it, and do it well. I loved the mnemonic devices built into this and several other chapters, too. They helped make the book's information stick in my brain so I could recall it and use it later on. There are very few books that can match that claim, in my experience.
I thought the law for leaders chapter was especially valuable, given the legal quicksand that awaits us at every turn. If only more CEOs had read this book a few years ago, we could have averted the corporate scandals that rocked our nation. This chapter is absolute must reading for everyone in a position of responsibility anywhere, at any level.
The time management chapter was also a jewel. There was more practical, useful information in it than in many whole books on the subject I've read. Yet it isn't dense or difficult reading. It's cleverly written, often witty and enjoyable. And in a couple of spots, it was also very moving. A tour-de-force in a single chapter. I've never read anything else quite like it. I learned so much about ways I could get more out of life every day...I never realized how much time I was misallocating to suboptimal pursuits, nor to what extent my priorities were out of balance. I now find myself doing more, and more that is truly important, than ever before, and yet feeling less rushed and more satisfied with my life. Bravo!
There's no mystery why Kenneth Blanchard endorses this book so strongly. Quite frankly, there's no other book on the market in either the leadership or management genre that can surpass it for wit, wisdom, fresh insight, and up-to-date application of timeless truths. And it's all so user-friendly and memorable. Anyone who reads it will be the better for the experience, I'm quite certain.
I could go on, but you get the picture. "Survival Kit For Leaders" is an amazing book of inestimable value. I recommend it enthusiastically.
Rating:  Summary: This IS the Survival Kit for Leaders - A MUST READ - Review: There are a myriad of different management books available today. This one is different. You already know why you need a new book on management or you wouldn't be looking into this book now. What was available before "The Survival Kit for Leaders" just didn't fill the need. We need to more than survive. We need to flourish and it's a jungle out there. This book provides a workable roadmap that can be used to navigate the pitfalls that can befall both new and veteran leaders and allow leaders to do more than just get by... this book will help direct you to success. The chapter on mentoring alone is worth the cost of the book. Do you know why you should be both a mentor AND be mentored? You will after reading this. After this read, not only will you want to mentor... you will actively want to FIND a mentor for yourself. Each chapter brings new level of revelation/insight to sometimes seemingly tired concepts. While you are setting your goals, make the first one to read this book. The time you spend reading "the Survival Kit for Leaders" will be an investment that everyone around you will benefit from. A good leader has an edge. A great leader has also read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Learn How to Lead! Review: This is a leadership book that can actually teach you how to lead! You can read the 693 other books on leadership and management in your library, or you can just read "Survival Kit For Leaders," and put it to work for you. This is one of a kind: a truly interactive book that challenges, involves, and transforms you. The discussion questions in each chapter are the key. They make you participate in the many vital principles contained in the book, not just passively sit back. What a difference!
Rating:  Summary: Learn How to Lead! Review: This is a leadership book that can actually teach you how to lead! You can read the 693 other books on leadership and management in your library, or you can just read "Survival Kit For Leaders," and put it to work for you. This is one of a kind: a truly interactive book that challenges, involves, and transforms you. The discussion questions in each chapter are the key. They make you participate in the many vital principles contained in the book, not just passively sit back. What a difference!
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst books available. Review: This is truly one of the worst books on leadership that I have read.
The poor writing and ridiculous cliches would have been bad enough but there is simply nothing there. Kunich and Lester offer a loose rehash of other's ideas and includes valuable tips like 'don't watch a lot of television' and 'use a filing system'. If you aspire to leadership and can find value in the "Survival Kit for Leaders" I suggest that you have a long line of real business writers to make acquaintance with; authors such as Peter Drucker, Alec Mackenzie, and Clayton Christensen.
Rating:  Summary: The New King of Leadership Books Review: Whether you are a leader within the business, military, non-profit, community, church, or family sphere, "Survival Kit For Leaders" is overflowing with ready to use survival tips. This book cuts right to the chase and doesn't waste your time with fluffy filler, blank pages, cartoons, or academic jargon. It is fast, fun, and very practical.The time management chapter is the best of its kind I've ever encountered. It says more of real value in one chapter more than many entire time mgmt books manage to say. The same goes for the chapter on mentoring. It's hard to believe how much great information the authors can pack into one chapter. Refreshing, when so many books are really just a pamphlet that has been puffed full of air to make it look more substantial. All the great books on management, leadership, time mgmt, mentoring, and success have a new king. "Survival Kit For Leaders" rules them all, where it really counts...in results.
Rating:  Summary: The New King of Leadership Books Review: Whether you are a leader within the business, military, non-profit, community, church, or family sphere, "Survival Kit For Leaders" is overflowing with ready to use survival tips. This book cuts right to the chase and doesn't waste your time with fluffy filler, blank pages, cartoons, or academic jargon. It is fast, fun, and very practical. The time management chapter is the best of its kind I've ever encountered. It says more of real value in one chapter more than many entire time mgmt books manage to say. The same goes for the chapter on mentoring. It's hard to believe how much great information the authors can pack into one chapter. Refreshing, when so many books are really just a pamphlet that has been puffed full of air to make it look more substantial. All the great books on management, leadership, time mgmt, mentoring, and success have a new king. "Survival Kit For Leaders" rules them all, where it really counts...in results.
Rating:  Summary: Best of the Best Review: With a sell through of the first print run, Survival Kit for Leaders is proven to be comprehensive enough for a formal college-level course as well as concise enough for a seminar, and practical enough for self-study. Survival Kit for Leaders is a quick, handy book to keep on the shelf for fast reference while on the job. Renowned authors/educators, John Kunich, J.D. and Dr. Richard Lester have written a book that reflects the most recent strategies for leaders. Used by the top universities for classroom study, Survival Kit for Leaders is a must-read for those who seriously desire to be leaders in today's business environment.
Rating:  Summary: Superstar Leadership Review: Wow! In one highly readable book, everything a leader or manager really needs to go from good to great. Numerous enthralling examples, easy to remember principles, helpful practical tips, and interactive discussion questions, on everything from mentoring to quality to time mgmt to effective communication. This book is a national treasure!