Rating:  Summary: Pill Power Review: As I read The Leadership Pill, one thing that became clear to me is how focused we are in today's society on the quick fix. The reality though is that there are no shortcuts, and the authors of The Leadership Pill give us good direction for how to be successful leaders over the long term. I really enjoyed this book and recommend it highly to others.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Read! Review: Author Ken Blanchard's literary franchise began with the stunningly successful The One Minute Manager. He has mastered the art of a certain type of book for supervisors and higher executives who need to learn more about management, values and leadership. These readers probably don't have a lot of time and they like to get right to the bottom line - Blanchard obliges. His book enjoys the blessing of brevity, and he takes an accessible, creative approach to demonstrating that effective management really matters, that it takes time to develop and that it is not the result of trendy theories or relentless bossy practices. Blanchard encapsulates his lessons in an bouncy parable about a contest between a company that uses a manufactured leadership pill to instill a pumped up results-only approach and a company that uses value-driven leadership based on integrity, partnership and affirmation. Although the medicine may be a bit basic, We recommend this dosage for students of the art of effective leadership. It's a spoonful of sugar.
Rating:  Summary: The Leadership Pill Review: Awesome Book - I love the way this book engaged my heart not only my mind in the role of leading others. Efficient leadership is deterimed by those who are asked to follow. This little book has been able in a parable reveal what it feels like to follow both the in-efficient and efficient leader. Most of my formal management training classes/courses and books on the subject have helped to analysis the cost of poor leadership in financial terms. It will help you to get the feeling of what are the ingredients of truly effective leadership. This book covered efficient leadership in everyday situations. The book will inspire those who truly are interested in efficient leadership strategies for the next generation. Leadership can no longer afford to be emotionally detached this parable reveals the connections of leadership to morale, productivity and active engagement at all levels. Read the book then pass it on. Give it to your peers with in organizations in which you lead. But then try something different give it to a young person that you want to bless and give a head start in becoming an effective leader at school and at home. It's easy to read and short. I recommended that you buy this book read.
Rating:  Summary: A Contemporary Leadership Classic! Review: Blanchard and Muchnick's new book, The Leadership Pill: The Missing Ingredient in Motivating People Today, is a quick and enjoyable read filled with solid truth and no-nonsense lessons for contemporary knowledge workers, leaders all. Recent studies by The Conference Board (Barrett & Beeson, 2002; Garone, 1999) document the narrowing of the gap between leadership and the knowledge worker. The Leadership Pill provides the keys to optimal performance for these individuals and teams widely populating modern organizations. Written with a broad audience in mind, this book will cross the lines of traditional business and find applicability in education, non-profit, and religious organizations as well.
Rating:  Summary: One-page, thirty-second leadership Review: Go to page 110. Read the four themes: integrity, partnership, affirmation, and perfecting the blend. Perhaps read each of the three bullet points for each of the four themes. Do this while browsing at a bookstore or, better yet, at the local library. Good. You now have spent thirty seconds and saved yourself money and the other fourteen-and-a-half minutes it takes to read the entire book. Should we be grateful that leadership can be expressed so concisely and learned -- no, mastered -- so quickly? Or should we wonder who would pay a full-book price for 112 very short pages? Or should we wonder when the authors say, "The focus group data is (sic) compelling?" (p.3). Five-star reviews come from people in the first category. The parable is full of sweet, easily transformed people, coming alive after years of mistreatment by management, brought back to life by a simple yet incredibly powerful act or word from "The Effective Leader". There is little to be generalized from these simple, simplistic cliches. This is a variation on the incredibly successful "One-minute manager," which had similar characteristics to an article entitled, "McGregor" a few years earlier in "Organizational Dynamics," espousing one-minute praise, punishment and goals. In this case, Blanchard and Muchnick describe a people-oriented, empowering leadership model and contrast it with the pill-induced, autocratic, domineering, results-oriented style they attribute to "Patton, Napoleon and Attila the Hun." Suffice it to say, the pill doesn't work. It's poisonous. Like heroin, it gives the leader a rush of power and grandeur, but only until the followers get pretty sick and tired of ego tripping.
Rating:  Summary: Leadership Wisdom Review: I am impressed by the straightforward message of The Leadership Pill and commend Blanchard and Muchnick for laying out a clear prescription for being an effective leader. Within this clever, fast-moving story are valuable lessons about how to get sustainable results and the respect of your team. Great take-aways!
Rating:  Summary: A Blanchard fan, but don't buy this one Review: I feel badly saying something that is not positive about a Blanchard book, but I did not enjoy this book nor felt it had any value. It was creative in its style, but totally predictable in its outcome. I forced myself to finish this book and then immediately gave it away. I recommend Gung Ho or his book on Four Leadership Principles instead. Gung Ho is excellent.
Rating:  Summary: Same old song Review: I found this book lame and passe. The views expressed have seen print in seeming thousands of self-help books that came before. The story itself derivative of classic folklore including Paul Bunyan and John Henry. Just as the book suggests leadership cannot be found in a small pill or encapsulated in The Leadership Pill's pages. If you want to read about leadership invest your time reading about great leaders and judge their actions for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Great Read - Great Wisdom - Great Insight Review: I have read many Blanchard books and found this very refreshing. The "story" format was somewhat different for a managment improvement book. As I read it, I found many traits that I could see in great managers and how implementing some myself would be a great help in my business. A great addition to my book shelves.
Rating:  Summary: Great book and you have to try the assessment! Review: I just bought the book the week before last and really enjoyed reading it. The leadership values it portrays are so important to business these days and it helped me a lot in learning how to motivate my staff properly. But things really got started when I purchased the online assessment for this book I found on the web at TalentSmart.com. The authors of the book created a test that measures how well you size up to the Effective Leader from the book! It was fun and drove the message home. My results came in an e-learning program with movies to show the skills in real life, and a Goal Tracking system that I can use for six months to keep track of my progress and get feedback from others. I'm going to put this tool to use with others in my company.