Rating:  Summary: Proper Business Practices Review: "The Essays of Warren Buffett" is a textbook on proper business practice used at Cardozo Law. Yeah, I know you can go to the Berkshire Hathaway website and get all of Buffett's letters to the shareholders (in fact those who truly want to know more can do this). But this book cuts to the chase. It is edited in such a way that the essays are grouped in a logical manner. Thus, you don't have to plow through all the letters ( which at times can be boring and redundant).This makes reading rather convenient and efficient. The parts of the book that are most useful for an individual investor are the sections on "corporate governance" (in which Buffett describes what makes a good CEO and Board) and on "corporate finance and investing" ( in which Buffett argues against the Efficient Market Theory and argues for the Graham-Dodd approach). I found the essays on "accounting and valuation" and "accounting policy and tax matters" a bit tedious (though the section on stock options was rather interesting).
Rating:  Summary: Proper Business Practices Review: "The Essays of Warren Buffett" is a textbook on proper business practice used at Cardozo Law. Yeah, I know you can go to the Berkshire Hathaway website and get all of Buffett's letters to the shareholders (in fact those who truly want to know more can do this). But this book cuts to the chase. It is edited in such a way that the essays are grouped in a logical manner. Thus, you don't have to plow through all the letters ( which at times can be boring and redundant).This makes reading rather convenient and efficient. The parts of the book that are most useful for an individual investor are the sections on "corporate governance" (in which Buffett describes what makes a good CEO and Board) and on "corporate finance and investing" ( in which Buffett argues against the Efficient Market Theory and argues for the Graham-Dodd approach). I found the essays on "accounting and valuation" and "accounting policy and tax matters" a bit tedious (though the section on stock options was rather interesting).
Rating:  Summary: A Buffet Gem Review: Any book by Buffet on finance and business is in my humble opiniion worth 5 stars at Amazon.com.This is a low key Buffet style presentation (collection) of many of his key ideas such as coporate governance, investing, mergers, etc. including an interesting section called "Accounting Shenanigans". These are pulled together from a series of writings that Buffet sent to his fellow Berkshire Hathaway shareholders over the years. He is always a person that makes a lot of sensible and solid comments. The book was well received by the professional financial press. On a sort of funny note Lawrence Cunnigham writes a short piece on how he put together the colllection of writings on Buffet and Buffet's comment. In Buffet's low key way he wants the reader to understand the success is not due to him but Buffet is just putting into practice what his teachers taught him - those being Graham and Dodd. He forgets to mention that perhaps he was the one that best took those lessons to heart. If you had given Buffet $20 in the 1960's, you would have close to $40,000.today - steady progress upward. It is a Recommended BUY! Jack in Toronto.
Rating:  Summary: Highest clarity of business vision Review: As a professional business consultant and investor, I have read many of the books that claim to offer clarity and vision in the corporate world. This book alone truly offers that clarity of vision. Buffett is the keenest observer of the workings of modern finance and businesses alive today. He blows away the smoke and mirrors, and lays out the truth underlying how the business systems actually work. After reading this book, I read the other classic value investing titles ("securities analysis", "intelligient investor", et al), and then reconfigured my portfolio in a more buffettlike way (including a major purchase of Berkshire Hathaway equity). My only concern with this book is that it is based on the ability to compare "current market price" of a stock with "current business value" of the business it buys. Sadly, it never gives a methodology (there are many) for determining analytically what that business value is. One can only assume that the methodology suggested is the one put forth by his mentor Graham in "Securities Analysis." If "business analysis" was awarded a Nobel, Buffett would be making a trip to Stockholm, and this book is the layman's guide to his science.
Rating:  Summary: Packed with wit, humor, and profound wisdom. Great read!! Review: At the 1998 Berkshire annual meeting, Buffett himself credited this book by saying it is better than all the other biographies and the best business investment book to read. Who could ignore such a high recommendation? Having read several other books claiming to have captured and outlined Buffett's investment wizardry, I am excited to report that finally some one has done so beautifully. Cunningham distills and presents the Berkshire philosophy in a coherent and organized manner that puts it in a whole new light. This book is an excellent investment guidance source for everyone, from the novice to the more seasoned investor. You will find yourself dog-earing pages and underlining like crazy. Absolutely brilliant!
Rating:  Summary: Buffett Says Two Thumbs Up Review: At today's 2000 annual meeting of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett answered a shareholder's question about good books to read by saying this one is the best book on investment philosophy and that Cunningham did a great job. Buffett had said a similar thing a couple of years ago at the annual meeting right after the book first came out. I think he is still right.
Rating:  Summary: Abandoned his own principles in the late 1990s Review: Buffet is trenchant and smart but abandoned his own principles in the late 90s after run ups of KO, FRE, and other stocks he had the foresight to purchase in the 80s. He attempts to justify this in the 90s with inapt analogies, covering up his own failure to stay true to the principles he learned at the feet of Dodd and Graham. His stockholders paid, and he has since and recently recanted. Only this leaves him in the category of those investors who deserve the platinum medal of investing .... one of the all time greats.
Rating:  Summary: All Weather Investing Review: Buffett and Cunningham have the touch of explaining in a smart and common sense way the basics and some "advanced" lessons on how to invest. Ben Graham seems to have had an impact on both. I became exposed to this book in a college class on finance and have to say it is the most interesting and valuable educational tool I've ever been assigned to read. Thanks prof!
Rating:  Summary: MUST READ Review: Don't take my advice - listen to the Whip himself. He recognized this book as the best business investment book. The Whip is a genuis but conveying that to a reader is something different. Cunningham's writing is as good as the Whip's investment expertise. This book is for EVERYONE not just for investment pros. Cunningham - keep up the good work! upsiderisk@aol.com
Rating:  Summary: Essays of Warren Buffett Review: Excellent book that reviews the basic investing strategies of Warren Buffett. I have read many of his annual reports and they are excellent writings. But this book puts everything of "How to invest" in one place. It doesn't, however, go over the details on buying companies at less than intrinsic value. Buffettology goes over the numbers in a simple fashion (which would help any beginner). I highly recommend this book, and of course his stock