Rating:  Summary: At last.......................................... Review: One of the gifts of having some maturity, now being "une femme d'un certain age", is I am learning to read selectively and critically. Often we encounter vital and needed information whose presentation may dismay; such is the case with T.S. Wiley, Julie Taguchi and Bent Formby's "Sex, Lies and Menopause". When I read this book something inside of my deepest being said, "at last..........an explanation, a solution!!!" Don't let T.S.Wiley's verve take you away from the real subject at hand. We have the dubious priveledge to live in an era wherein we can jet around the world in less time than our ancestors traveled to a nearby village. Hearts and livers are replaced while staving off deadly infections with antibiotics. Why not add a measureable quality to this portion of women's lives? This portion of our life wherein we have the opportunity to reap the benefits of all our life's experiences and pass them on. This portion of life when many of our mother's were driven nearly insane with menopausal symptoms. A measureable quality, without the risk of the cancer's associated with synthetic HRT. This is not the first time we as a society have found ourselves at odds with established thinking on health issues. All change starts with the individual. I applaud their sincere, startlingly informative and courageous effort on all our [women's] behalf's. I will pursue this treatment for myself.............Give the book to your Doctors and Health care associates.......
Rating:  Summary: Not worth the money.... Review: Potential buyers should be aware that, of the 398 pages in the hardcover edition, 144 pages are reference notes, glossary and index. The price should be half of what the publisher is asking.
Rating:  Summary: Not worth the money.... Review: Potential buyers should be aware that, of the 398 pages in the hardcover edition, 144 pages are reference notes, glossary and index. The price should be half of what the publisher is asking.
Rating:  Summary: Don't let this book escape your notice! Review: Sex, Lies and Menopause is a critical book for any women interested in understanding the current uproar about HRT. T.S. Wiley has carefully documented the sordid history of HRT and more importantly offers a new hypothesis for understanding the epidemic of breast cancer. I have personally followed T.S. Wiley's suggestions for the past 2 years and can attest to the validity of her astute insights described in this book.
Rating:  Summary: Reader Beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: The title of this book automatically grabbed me as possibly being a testimony against the medicalization of menopause. However, I was shocked to read that the authors of this book (who in fact claim to be from the school of a "new feminism") are in fact simply against Wyeth Ayerst's family of hormone pills but believe that other formulations of estrogen and progesterone fulfill the promise of eternal youth and sustained health and well being that synthetic HRT has failed to provide!The stance these writers have taken is quite dangerous in my mind because they actually have NO PROOF that the synthetic alternatives are more or less dangerous/helpful than Premarin. Like every other specialist who relied on all of these laboratory and observational studies of HRT's benefits, they are quite persistant in their view that "estrogen dissolves amyloid brain plaques in laboratory," or "Premarin failed because it causes inflamation," or "transdermal cyclical HRT that mimics a woman's own hormonal rhythms is what is needed to protect her heart and brain." What these writers also insist on is that age-related diseases are all the result of dwindling endogenous estrogen levels. Unfortunately, EVERYTHING expressed here is just a reiteration of the beliefs held before WHI's disastrous results. The problem is that the authors have NO PROOF that anything afflicting women in old age is actually due to estrogen decline at menopause. Period. End of story. These are all hypotheses that no single randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial has proven. In fact, much of it has been DISPROVEN. It is actually very irresponsible for these writers to be insisting that all of the side effects of HRT are simply brand-related. Natural progesterone, transdermal 17-beta estradiol do sound "better" than horse piss, but the fact is that they have not been proven to be "safe" or efficacious. Any woman reading this book needs to have her wits about her and make sure she is getting PROVEN FACTS, not another HRT-endorsement like the one so blatant in Lila Nachtigall's book. Please please use caution and don't jump on another bandwagon like this one. Women owe it to themselves.
Rating:  Summary: Please send a copy to all your women friends - young and old Review: When I read this book early in September, hot off the press, I immediately felt my heart and soul cry "yes, yes, yes". I have suffered terribly through menopause with lack of sleep, hot flashes, weight gain and an underlying depression, anxiety and irritibility that was driving me and my loved ones apart. After reading the book I got right down to business - convinced my brave gynocologist to prescribe the creams (I signed a release form), used a direct lab service for the blood testing, waited for the cycle of the moon to be correct and began the protocol on September 29. I've been on it for a month and am astounded by the changes - hot flashes gone, blessed sleep returning (7 hours straight last night), brain fog lifting, creativity returning, and my good humored old self coming home. Some breast tenderness during the last part of my cycle has been the only side effect. It has also been absolutely fascinating to know where I am in my hormone cycle each day and to understand and recognize the shifts as the hormones peak and ebb. Yes, this book is controversial...I'm willing to be the guinea pig because I want my life back...I understand the risks of an unknown protocol...all my friends are watching and waiting. I've sent about 20 copies of the book so far. The only criticism of the book for me is that the protocol is not as clearly presented as it could be. You really need to decipher exactly what tests are needed (measure total estrogen not estradiol levels), how much cream to buy total each month (it's 9 3ml syringes of each cream)and how to use all the blood sugar info (I haven't tackled that one yet.) My costs have been about $90 for the cream per month and $75 for each blood test (only needed for the first 3 months). I have chosen to do this outside my insurance. The book also contains vital information for younger women about pregnancy, breast feeding and birth control pills. Many questions are also answered about cancer, puberty, weight gain, carbohydrates, yearly cycles, body systems etc. I loved the book just for knowledge gained about the totally of a woman's biological life. I encourage everyone to read this book - analyze it, discuss it, share it, give it to your daughters. I salute T.S. Wiley for her new approach, her evolutionary perspective and for the options she has given women of all ages.