Rating:  Summary: Interesting concepts and actually with much truth to them... Review: Most diet books have some notion - eat this, don't eat that, here's why, and there's this-that-and-the-other data to back up what I say - on how to lose weight and feel great again. OK. It's all said and done and essentially you don't want to eat too much for what your body needs, and you want balance in your diet - of course, what IS the right balance?!Well, when I first read this book, I thought, "Yeah, right, the @#?&! you can't eat too much of the 'good' fats!" I had completely bought into the whole extremely-low-fat diet notion - you know, fats alone make you fat, and that only carbohydrates will fill you up and satisfy you. But Diana Schwarzbein actually is right about that. Admittedly, some folks can eat too much cheese and ham, for instance; but for most of us, if we eat a ham-and-cheese sandwich on rye, or maybe even two such sandwiches, we're going to feel full and satisfied and say, "No, thanks, I'm full." But try doing that with a chocolate cake or a box of sweets. There actually isn't a built-in mechanism for carbohydrates, unlike protein or fats, which will tell you that you've had enough of them; and that's probably because, as the doctor says, of the kind of high-sugar diet most of us eat. (Read the book regarding hyperinsulinemia for more on that.) It WOULD be nice if the book actually cited more of the data the doctor uses to back up her claims. Most diet gurus go to great lengths to stress that there have been numerous studies which agree with whatever notion they're pushing; so, even if you think, say, that Dr. Atkins' Diet is wrong (which maybe it is or maybe it isn't; it's not for me to say), at least the guy has something there to back up his claims. Well, Diana Schwarzbein DOES have supporting research and not just her own personal experiences to support her theories -- but you have to look in the back of the book yourself to see the citations. The book wasn't written to show that very easily, so if you're at all a cynic, you might at first think, "Right, this is hogwash, where is the proof to anything she's saying?!" (I know I did, until I did my own personal research on the issues, and then somehow came across a copy of the book which showed the actual supporting data -- I thought, "Great! but why doesn't she stress these facts more? It'd sure help her case more!")
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Important Information Review: This may be the most important of the many health and diet books that I've read. I have only begun to apply her method, so I honestly cannot yet be sure. But that's not the reason that I decided to give the book a less than perfect rating. I am simply annoyed with a common practice that too many authors employ to sell their theories. They begin books with overly encouraging information that falsely raises the reader's hopes, only to dash them with something discouraging towards the end. Dr Schwarzbein has written about a diet on which every man, woman and child should learn to live. I only wish that the few potential difficulties in sticking with her regimen were at least touched upon earlier in the book. I couldn't help but be enthused about how this way of eating was to be much easier and more healthful than the other low-carbohydrate programs I had tried or read about. But as in many other books a few negatives were left for the final chapters (chapter 25 here). Please don't get me wrong, the minor things I discovered toward the end of the book did not discourage me from taking part in this new lifestyle. But as a reader who was led to believe that he had found the most wonderfully simple way to become slim, healthy and happy, I was disappointed to find that the program was only somewhat simple to apply, not wonderfully simple. I find that authors who live blessed, efficient and organized lives are quick to recommend strict adherence to whatever philosophy they preach. But wouldn't it be great if they told readers which rules could be bent that would still allow for success to a similar if not perfect degree? I'm sorry, but I personally know of no one who could follow this program in its strictest form (like buying all organic vegetables and fruits or eating meat within 24 hours of buying it-who shops every day?!). Being a somewhat logical person I figure that certain rules are less important than others, so I am still extremely encouraged with my workable version of the program. A couple of other things kind of bother me, so let me get them off of my chest. Dr Schwarzbein teaches us of many toxic substances that are to be avoided yet recommends the use of cannola oil, which many countries have banned because of its toxicity. Also, she wrote the foreword to Suzanne Somers' book encouraging readers to partake in Somersizing yet the two programs are at extreme odds with one another. The only thing in common is that both are relatively low-carbohydrate plans (the foreword appears to me to be a ploy, although possibly a necessary one, to sell her own book). The food combining issue is huge in both books yet they propose completely opposite routines! I feel Dr Schwarzbein's is the more important to follow given her explanation of insulin, hormone and seratonin balance. Okay, enough complaining. If you want to live a long, happy and healthy life, read the book. It explains why most diets being pushed are dangerous, accelerate aging and cause disease. I think the information will save or at the very least greatly improve the lives of its readers.
Rating:  Summary: All in the Family Review: A doctor friend came to my parents Bed and Breakfast Inn back in April 2000 and suggested to my stepmother that she try Dr. Schwarzbein's book. When she and my dad came out in July for my brothers wedding, she had lost 25 lbs and my dad had lost 20 lbs (she lost more from walking the treadmill everyday in the basement). It has also helped with her diabetes and lowering both of their cholesterols. She suggested to my mother and I, that we get the book and at least read it. I got through the first chapter and was amazed how everything made sense. You don't have to be a medical professional to understand it. My brother and his new bride went down and got Dr. Schwarzbein's cookbook and between the two of them have lost a total of 23 lbs and has lowered my brothers cholesterol. My daughters pediatritian indicated that she was 20 lbs overweight for being 8 years old. He suggested that she try to grow into her weight instead of trying to lose weight. Since I have tried this new way of eating, my daughter has not gained any more weight but has grown 4 inches in the last 6 months. I have also noticed a huge difference in her attitude and behavior since eating differently, as well as mine. She doesn't ask me for something to eat an hour after a meal. I have had a weight problem all of my life but have been able to maintain a normal weight for the past three years, partly due to this book. Inches are my focus now and I know that as long as I continue eating the way Dr. Schwarzbein suggests, it WILL happen. Her book may not be for everyone, nor is the rigidness of the "diet". You need to motify it to your own lifestyle and body needs, but if you follow it, IT WILL WORK. Take it from an entire family of believers! We are living proof.
Rating:  Summary: Go to the Source! Review: In addition to this book, I highly recommend that you consider Montignac's "Eat Yourself Slim". I believe that to be the original source for a low glycemic diet, with the method dating back to the 80's. I heard about it from some Dutch friends. It has actually been responsible for altering the food consumption statistics in Europe! And it works like a charm...
Rating:  Summary: A Must For Type 2 Diabetics Review: I bought this book, along with about fifteen others, a year ago, in an attempt to get my Type 2 diabetes under control using diet and exercise rather than medication. As a result of using her plan, my morning glucose fasting numbers came down immediately. I just completed my annual physical and my Glucose A1C has dropped out of the diabetic range (from 7.9 to 5.0). Much to my surprise, my cholesterol dropped from 280 to 199 and my HDL increased from 34 to 47 (all excellent numbers) and my blood pressure dropped to well below the problem level. I have not really been attempting to lose weight, but have dropped about 18 pounds over the same year. I am never hungry and I never have digestion problems. Dr. Schwarzbein knows what she is talking about. By contrast, when I furst learned of my diabetes, I immediately went on the American Diabetes Association's recommended diet, and my cholesterol increased from 238 to 280, my blood pressure increased slightly, and my Glucose A1C increased from 7.6 to 7.9. In addition, I was always hungry, had a terrible time sticking with the diet, and felt weak and unclear-headed. Buy this book and follow her instructions- it will save your life.
Rating:  Summary: A WONDERFUL WAY TO FEEL BETTER AND LOSE WEIGHT!! Review: In May of 2000, I read this book and started on the program on May 27th, 2000. It is now close to 6 months later, and I have not "cheated" once or felt like I couldn't stay on this program. I brought the book in to my doctor, and got her blessing on the lifestyle and way of eating I wanted to switch to. She has since monitored my progress, and I have gone from 75 mg. of atenelol for high blood pressure down to 25, and will in the next 2 weeks be taken off the medication. I also took 25 mg. of hydrachlorathiazide (a diuretic) and 25 mg. of piroxicam for osteo-arthritis. I have since gone off all medication and feel wonderful. This program if followed to a "T" DOES WORK!! I'm living proof. I am 53 years old and have lost 32 pounds since May! I feel wonderful and know that I'm eating so healthy! If you have any health problems I recommend this book very heartily!
Rating:  Summary: The Schwarzbein Principle Review: This goes down as one of the best books that I have ever read!! It is a scientific, no nonsense approach to healthy living. This is no quick fix, fad diet approach to weight loss and anti-aging. Ms. Schwarzbein lays out the facts about the human body, about foods and how they counteract and work with or against ones body. It is proper eating made simple. This is not a "diet" but instead a whole new way of eating and living. What she lays out is not hard to follow either...it is a God send. No skimping or weird restrictive "diet" type menus. I had a nutritionist that recommended this book and I am so very happy, because between him and "The Principle" I have gained leaner muscle replacing fatty tissue. Give this book a try and be on your way to optimal health!!
Rating:  Summary: A year of Schwarzbein Review: I was greatly inspired by the Schwarzbein Principle and began it more for size and energy concerns than disease concerns--my lipids were good and I had no risk factors for diabetes, but I was getting thick around the waist (I'm a 50 yr old woman, taking hormones 3+ yrs). I have been cooking and eating Dr. S's way for more than a year, with great pleasure. However, for several months now I've been slipping back to my old weaknesses: chocolate, coffee, and the occasional bowl or two of Cheerios with cream and sugar (I'm way too in love with heavy cream). So, while I initially lost about 5 lbs and 3" from my waist, my pants are starting to feel tight again--despite 5 months of kickboxing. I just had my lipids retested and was surprised to find that my total cholesterol had increased from 139 to 161 (still normal)over 2 yrs. But my triglyerides decreased from 84 to 64(both normal). My LDL(bad cholesterol)decreased from 58 to 50 (both below normal). My HDL (good cholesterol) increased from 64 to 98 (above normal). In other words, I now have an excess of the "anti-risk factor" for heart disease. Guess that's not the way I'm going to die. Overall I'm sleeker and will probably never return to low-fat eating again. I never felt a big change in energy or mood (I don't take the supplements Dr. S recommends). I DO feel a huge improvement in irritable bowel symptoms, which I've suffered from for 11 years. That's probably the greatest benefit of this way of eating for me. And my nails look great--long and pink. I have too much phlegm, though, probably from eggs and cream. I'm still not convinced about all aspects of Dr. S's thesis (esp. the role of insulin in heart disease). But using carbohydrates as a fuel to serve activity level makes ringing sense. I'm very heartened to see more research attention to trans-fatty acids; I hope saturated fat is exonerated eventually. I think there's also a head-to-head trial of low-carb vs. lo-fat diet taking place. Anyone with the slightest interest in health and metabolism should have Dr. S's book in their library.
Rating:  Summary: I encourage you to check your "numbers" Review: A year ago, I read this book and fell in love with the notion of eating foods I had eliminated from my diet years ago. I wanted to get rid of the cravings for simple (and complex!) carbohydrates. So, I tried the plan. Since I have been a dedicated runner for years, the exercise part of the plan was not difficult. However, that part of my life suffered a great deal. I lost energy, not gained it. I didn't have enough available "quick energy" to run the 3 - 5 miles I was accustomed to. No matter what, I did not get what I needed from the literal mounds of vegetables I was eating. Since I work full-time and have two children, I do not have time to cook as is recommended, so I am sick to death of tuna! The body really does want variety! I still eat the one egg per day habit I picked up from this plan. Three years ago my cholesterol was 149. Now it is 186. More avid followers may believe it is because I also eat Cheerios, whole-wheat bread, prunes, and an odd assortment of other carbs. I don't know about that. Bob Arnot writes some senible stuff, as does Pamela Peeke. Check 'em out.
Rating:  Summary: The Swarzbein Principle Review: I was identified as a Type2 Diabetic 3.5 years ago at age 51. During that time I went to nutritionists and my health care team to gain advise and control of the diabetic condition. I followed all the advise and failed. Failure to the point that my medication reached the max before needing to switch to insulin. Along came Dr. Swarzbein with her "common sense" approach to the underlying problem, inappropriate insulin levels. Her report makes absolute sense. I began the process and within one week my morning blood count went from averaging 8.6 to averaging 5.4. (This is the Canadian counting system). After 7 weeks I have lost 12 lbs. and my blood count average is 5.1. If results are this dramatic for Diabetes, imagin the results for other chronic conditions. I highly recommend this common sense proven solution to maintaining good health. Mike Simmons Victoria B.C. Canada