Rating:  Summary: This book added years to my life. Review: I was first introduced to The Schwarzbein Principle by my niece, Nancy Deville, three years ago, during the writing of the book. I have to admit I was the biggest skeptic of this work, which seemed to fly against all that I was ever taught. Could the American medical establishment be wrong in their stance about a low-fat diet being good for the heart? Soon after I read the book I had an ischemic attack. The diagnosis was ischemia of the heart muscle arteries. I met the problem head on and made a diametric about face in my lifestyle. I embraced The Schwarzbein Principle in its entirety and was amazed at the unfolding events. I had no difficulty following the program. I dropped down to 168 from 194 pounds. Recently I went to the Henry Ford Hospital and had another stress test and echogram. The finding was that I had reversed the ischemic of the heart muscle arteries. I have kept my weight at 168, which is what I weighed as a young man in the military. I am 79, and prior to my reading The Schwarzbein Principle I was most certainly on an accelerated metabolic aging track and I am convinced that this book has added years to my life. In conclusion, I must say I recommend this great teaching book, as well as the cookbooks, which make following the diet an infallible success story.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a rare publication of it's kind Review: I was very fortunate to get a copy of The Schwarzbein Principle. This book is a rare publication of it's kind. It explains very logistically and in detail how the body responds to a different type of food. It educates and enlightens it's readers. I'll be very happy to translate this rare book into Czech and therefore give my countrymen the opportunity to benefit from this revolutionary book.Jitka Gunaratna, Czech Republic
Rating:  Summary: The only book you need if you want to live a healthy life. Review: I was a patient of Dr. Schwarzbein's years before she wrote this book. It is based upon medical advice she developed to help all of her patients. I had daily migraines for years, with no help. Dr. Schwarzbein took one look at my diet, told me exactly how to change my eating habits, and except for an occasional migraine, they stopped altogether. Added benefits: I eat tasty foods, I have had a stable weight for 5 years and my energy has increased. Most importantly, all her priciples are bases on sound medical advice. I myself am a medical student and all of her principles are based upon the fundamentals of biochemistry, which every physician must learn, but most do not take the time to fully understand. When I first entered medical school, all my friends though my eating habits were totally unhealthy, but once we finished our biochemistry course they all switched their diet to the Schwarzbein Principle. Dr. Schwarzbein took the time to understand how the human body processes food and based her principles upon basic scientific information. This is not a fad diet, but a way to live your life. It is easy, you will enjoy your food and gain many medical benefits. This book is for everyone who wants to live a healthier life. Think of it as your personal medical consult, for the price of two movie tickets! This book really can change your life!
Rating:  Summary: Best health book I've read. Review: As a 74 year old active professor who subscribes to 5 health newsletters, I found this book by DeVille and Schwarzbein the most informative and useful-and beautifully written.
Rating:  Summary: Anyone who has battled with weight should read this book. Review: Dr. Schwarzbein is in the vanguard of the new medicine. Her Five Step approach to balancing the hormones of the body and staving off the accelerated aging process works! Anyone who has battled weight problems, addictions, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes or high cholesterol levels should read this incredible book and benefit. Suzanne Somers Actress/Entertainer/Author
Rating:  Summary: Extremely informative. Review: This book explains how the foods you eat affect your body on the cellular level. You'll be amazed how a low-fat, low-protein, high carbohydrate diet negetively affects your metabolism. I must admit that I was nervous to try this plan. I've grown up with the idea that a healthy diet is one that is high in carbohydrates and low in fats. I felt strange-sort of light headed- the first few days (I went cold turkey - no coffee, sugar, or flour products), but I stuck it out and now I feel incredible. I'm not a fanatic about all her advice and restrictions, yet I've still seen results. I didn't really have much weight to lose, but I have one of those scales that measures your body fat percentage, and I have watched those numbers steadily drop. I went down two dress sizes in about a month (though my weight hasn't changed too much) and I feel great. I highly recommend this book to anyone who finally wants to stop fooling around with all those fad diets and wants to make a healthy lifestyle change.
Rating:  Summary: Conventional wisdom may be wrong. Get another perspective. Review: I have battled with my weight for 15 years. From anorexia and bulemia to overeating. I've starved and eaten no fat for years. Dr. Schwarzbein explains how these behaviors can create insulin resistance which causes us to gain weight even when eating small amounts. It's helpful to learn that we're not going crazy, but there is a biological cause to excessive weight gain. It's tough to change habits, but the book offers many motivational testimonials from the doctor's patients. By following the plan for 3 months, I've lost 25 pounds and know what it will take for me to continue. I feel more energetic and am able to concentrate better. Plus, my mood is much more stable and my cravings are greatly reduced. This book offers no nonsense hope and the science to back it up. It's reassuring to know that Dr. Schwarzbein is an endocrinologist with years of experience working with people like me. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: I lost 25 pounds in five months and I look and feel better. Review: When I had my liver transplant four years ago, I was diagnosed as diabetic and knew I had to make some serious eating and lifestyle changes. To my relief, after reading The Schwarzbein Principle I found that those changes were going to be pretty easy. I could eat all the red meat, eggs, butter and cream I wanted. I lost 25 pounds in five months and I look and feel better. My cholesterol level is the best it's ever been and I am healthier than I have been in years. I no longer have to inject insulin because my diabetes is under control. Larry Hagman, Actor, Director, Producer
Rating:  Summary: awsome!!!! Review: I have been hypoglycemic all my life . UP to 200 pounds and as low as 128, and I have found nothing works as consistantly as this way of LIFE. For the first time I have energy, even moods and feel wonderful!!!! Thank you so very much for caring enough about society to help your fellow man!!! I feel people always want to think negitive thoughts about an diet ,but those people are to be ignored .Venture forward to a new you!!! Try it you have nothing but weight to lose , energy to gain and self assuarance!!!! Do it for you!!!!
Rating:  Summary: This book changed our lives... Review: We are not diabetics, but I have other cronic problems and have to modify the doctors plan, just a little, and it still works. The best part of this plan shows with my husband's attitude change! He has read the book three times, without any prompting from me... which is a first. He has been able to quit drinking, stop over eating, and even plan our meals. We highly reccommend this book, and know several people that have been on the diet for over a year, with great success! We are on our way to a healthier life for us, with over 35 pounds lost between the two of us in about a four month period. Good luck, to those that are willing to try this principle... 'TC and JSC