Rating:  Summary: Great source of information Review: Dr. Schwarzbein's description of her patients is a mirror of my father's health. I was stunned to read what she said. My father had bypass surgery and about 10-12 years later was diagnosed diabetic. He had a leg amputated and died at 59 from kidney failure.Everyone should read her book.
Rating:  Summary: This really works! Review: I had gained so much weight after being on antidepressants for years. I couldn't seem to lose weight and keep it off, even with exercise. This book helped me to learn about my metabolism. After following the diet for a few weeks, I was amazed at how great I felt and how much energy I had! The recipes are great and the diet is very easy to live with. I highly recommend The Schwarzbein Principle!
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly true and yet very unbelievable Review: Being a personal trianer and avid heath nut, I am always looking for ways to make my clients and myself leaner, increased muscle, and healthier. The key word here is healthier. Sure, I can prescribe chicken, rice, egg whites, etc. to reach your physique goal, but it might take months or years, and do you think they will stick to it? Nope. I have tried every diet in the world to lose fat. I am in very good condtion at 6-8% bodyfat, but am always looking for ways to lower my bodyfat and increase muscle, while having endless energy. I have found that way. In 2 months, I have gained 5 lbs of lean body mass, dropped 1% bodyfat and dropped my cholesterol 35 points. Long term health problems, maybe, but I have a theory on that. Genetics!! My grandma ate eggs, bacon, sausage, red meat, etc. Now, at 83, she has lung cancer-caused by smoking. Her heart is is perfect shape, as well as her other organs. I know people in their 30's who eat low fat and are extremely "heatlhy" but yet have heart attacks. You can all be skeptical and look for the negative things in life, or be optimistic and try her plan and not go hog wild on the fat and eat sensibly with modest portions and watch your body change. Everyone should take a blood lipid profile before and after about 2 months, to see the changes visibly. Thanks, Mark Baldwin
Rating:  Summary: Logically presented information for a plan that takes time t Review: Several factors, including premature menopause, increased cellulite and decreased muscle mass, nearly constant cravings for simple carbohydrates, and frustration from low-fat diets, inspired me to read this book. The information made lots of sense and gave me a new direction to follow when I believed there was no where else to go but back to the kitchen cupboard for yet another bowl of cereal! After nearly four weeks and some adjustments in my interpretation of the plan, I can say that I feel significantly fewer cravings. There are some days when I don't want to eat for several hours, which continues to surprise me. For years, I simply had to stop eating so I could accomplish other things! I exercise, and I am not at all overweight, so the changes I notice aren't in pounds, but my clothes feel a lot more comfortable. To anyone who is frustrated on the plan, or who is considering following it, don't expect miracles in weeks! Schwarzbein herself says it can take up to a year for the body to adjust. Be patient, and be honest about what you eat! Measure the carbohydrate foods! Indulge yourself in eating other foods you haven't eaten on low-fat diets! Be prepared to adjust your diet to decrease saturated fat later on. Consider the healing plan as temporary.
Rating:  Summary: I found the theory behindthe book to be very exciting. Review: I have been a Type ll diabetic for 20 years. I also have had high cholesterol for 20 years. I have been on every cholesterol treatment that came along. After reading this book, I understood how the body works and what I could do to correct my condition. The theory of Low Carbohydrate and high protein is totally a reversal of what I was taught and did for 20 years. Through these 20 years, I could not lose weight unless I exercised for 6 hours per day and then what I lost I would gain back again. I tried Dr. Schwartzbein's diet for 3 months and lost 12 pounds easily and had no carbohydrate craving. My blood sugars fell also, which made sense to me. I also was suprised to see that diet foods affected the body's metabolism. I was always drinking diet pop, eating diet jello, diet ice cream, and candy. When I started the program, she recommended, my cravings went away and I felt better. A. Steinberg from Minnesota
Rating:  Summary: Low-fat dieting was getting me nowhere Review: I have had a fairly severe weight problem since I was a preteen. I had followed low-fat dieting several times reaching a weight of 180 and getting stuck. Getting frustrated I would give up and gain more each time. 18 months ago I swore I would be successful this time. Weight Watchers got me back to 180 from 228 but I was stuck again. My abdomen was getting larger instead of smaller. I blamed the hysterectomy I had in April. My gynecologist after trying some pretty intensive exercise with absolutely no success, suggested that I showed alot of similarities with women with polycystic ovary which recent studies showed is caused by insulin resistance. After some research, luckily, I found this book. After a month I am down to 171 and feeling better than ever. Its amazing that so many could be so wrong for so long.
Rating:  Summary: interesting analysis of body's excess insulin to fat process Review: I'm trying this method of eating out of desperation. My high carb/low fat/nearly vegetarian way of eating hasn't been effective to say the least. Began taking anti-depressants 10 years ago, and have since gained 100+ lbs, without significantly increasing food intake. Schwarzbein describes the starch cravings of seratonin deficient folks, which drives up insulin, which goes into fat cell storage. Sounded like my problem. Have followed the plan for two weeks, walked 30 min/daily, swashed down 8+ glasses of water daily. Have gained 3 lbs - book says this is possible if you've damaged your metabolism, which is of little comfort. Still, I feel better, more energetic, and am never hungry on this plan. The vegetarian cookbook is great. I'm not a physician, but my research and discussions with others have uncovered concerns with kidney & coronary damage due to all this protein and fat intake. Plan to follow the plan for at least another month. Eliminating sugars and sweetners, damaged fats, and limiting the man-made carbs remain good ideas, but am unsure if daily intake of 60 to 75 grams of proteins and unlimited (allowed) fats are ok.
Rating:  Summary: A framework and context for sensible eating Review: Swartzbein Principle provides a context and framework for sensible and intelligent eating. The book stands out among others in its category by it logical and intuitive tenets as well as its equally elegent, straightforward presentation. Thank you Mesdames Swartzbein and DeVille.
Rating:  Summary: It Works! Review: The Schwarzbein Principal works!! After starving myself for years, trying to be thin, I am now eating real food again and loving it... My stomach is flatter, my body more toned and I have color in my face. I am no longer craving sugar.... Does anyone know where to find the 7.5 grams low carbo bread she refers to?? The lowest I've found is 10 grams?? In answer to one reviewers ??, Dr. Schwarzbein can be found in Santa Barbara...
Rating:  Summary: Support for Insulin-Consicous Eating Review: I encountered "The Schwarzbein Principle" while preparing my own book ("The Gourmet Prescription: High Flavor Recipes for Lower Carbohydrate Diets") for publication. As a fellow physician, opponent of carbohydrate abuse, advocate of insulin control, and author of a lower carbohydrate gourmet cookbook, I congratulate Dr. Schwarzbein for blowing the whistle on the high-carbohydrate-low-fat crowd. "The Schwarzbein Principle" is an antidote to the carbohydrate binge we've been on for the past decade. It should be required reading for anyone interested in weight control.