Rating:  Summary: Poor book, but successful formula Review: This book is poorly written and regurgitates a lot of Freudian theory you have heard many times. What Sarno has to say could be contained in two pages. However, his formula for "curing" back and neck pain really works. After suffering terrible pain for years, twisting and cracking my neck and back and going to physicians, the mind-control techniques he prescribes are simple and, yes, THEY REALLY DO WORK! I'm pain free at last. Hope I can stay with it!
Rating:  Summary: This book can hurt you. Review: I read this book with a good attitude and having seen Dr Sarno on the program 20/20. Unfortunately, believing back pain is all mental does not work. I am laid up with back pain having done all the things mentioned in the book. The pain is real. If one denies it, and goes about his activities he or she can do real harm. I am laid up longer because I denyed the pain was physical.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a must for anyone with back pain! Review: I had suffered from back and neck pain for approximately 5 years. I was diagnosed with bulging discs in my neck and low back. Had positive findings on emg's of chronic radiculopathy in all limbs. I had numbness and pain down my legs and arms. Hands would fall asleep. Horrible pain in my low back and neck. My life was ruined! I was a weight lifter since the age of 16 and that completely stopped. I used to bench 300# and now I could not even lift 25# without having pain. I saw physical therapists, etc. Nothing worked. I am now lifting weights again. Benching close to 200#. Have only been back at it for 2 months. I feel great! Just believe, it will work!
Rating:  Summary: Pain relief for the first time ever. Review: I've been reading the book off & on for a few weeks and for the first time in the past 8 years, I've had relief from my pain. Dr. Sarno also covers OCD, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and more. The book cost a whole lot less than my 10 months of useless (although well-meaning) chiropractic care. If you're like most people, nothing gives you permanent relief from the pain. This book explains why and explains how to stop the CAUSE of the pain. The book itself is enough to help. It's a complete explanation of what you need to do to help yourself. Dr. Sarno is not trying to recruit new patients with this book.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book, easy to understimate. Review: Sarno's books provide real help with backpain and many other problems. His explanation may seem too simple and thus is easy to dismiss. I had to read the book several times to fully understand and accept his ideas. The truth for me lies in his concept that tension is a brain process which causes pain. Help lies in the realization that some other brain process, learning the truth, can stop the pain. Acceptance of this concept is the key. He gives many examples to make his point. Most importantly, we don't have to understand "how" the mind operates to benefit from his ideas.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific information Review: Book in conise, knowledgable and enlightening. A real life saver. I recommend this book for everyone
Rating:  Summary: this book saved my life Review: where do I start? where do I start? The last five years I have been dealing with pain from three herniated discs from a car accident. I am a physician and competitive runner, running eighty miles a week. The pain was quickly destroying my life. I developed a constant boring head-eye-face pain three years ago. Nobody knew why. Every day of my life I wanted to die. In the last week my pain unbelivably got worse. I had no answers. Nobody could help me. Anybody reading this in pain knows my pain. I received terrible news about my only shot at some small chance of help-major surgery with minimal guarantees. I was at the end. In the last week I could no longer work, run, sleep, eat. I was in my hell. Last night my wife caught the end of 20/20, on dr. Sarno's book. This morning I entered the Internet for the first time with the help of my son. I found Amazon.com and was able to find the book even though I didn't know the author's name. I got the name of the book and called a local bookstore(sorry Amazon but I had to get it today). I read the book and digested it over the course of this day, simplifying and concepualizing the material to my living hell. Gradually throughout the day my head pain of three years is gone-it's gone.
Rating:  Summary: I am extremely grateful for Dr John Sarno Review: I have been suffering back pain for nearly 30 years.Two or sometimes three times each and every year my back would go (out). I would then be laid up for about two weeks,leaving the house only to visit the chiropractor,orthopedic dr. or neurologist, between these visits I was confined to the floor on a mat.I have had CAT.scans,MRIs, and a mylogram.In 1990 I underwent surgery. It was not until 1997 that I got the relief that was needed. I read mind over back pain, Dr. Sarnos first book. I did not believe how much better I was. I am lucky in the fact that I live not very far from N.Y University hospitiaL I spoke to Dr. Sarno on the phone, after a brief interview, I had an appointment with him. My biggest fear was that of injuring myself. This was two years ago January.1997 My recovery was very quick, and I will have to say 99% if not 100%.In the last two years I have seen Dr.Sarno one time for an informal group meeting(I call it a tune up). I am now enjoying my life. I would be happy to answer your voice mail THANK YOU DR. SARNO John B. Clougher Sr
Rating:  Summary: Take it from a real skeptic, this book can help! Review: I bought this book Jan. 1 and have been working through the process experiencing pain reduction and hope for the first time in years. All along the way, I have seen confirmations that TMS is indeed the only diagnosis that fits my so called "idiopathic" problems. Dr. Sarno shares his wealth of experience sucessfully treating people just like me. However, he is careful to recommend getting a throrugh diagnosis first to catch any problems that are not TMS. I actually cried at times, feeling like Dr. Sarno had been spying on my life. He actually understood that the fear of pain can be as paralyzing to one's life as the pain itself. If you're in pain, READ THE BOOK. And best of luck to you for a hope filled future!
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Sarno's book healed my leg pain when doctors couldn't! Review: After many, many visits to an internist, orthopedist, and chiropractor, with the accompanying MRIs, for SEVERE leg pain, I discovered Dr. Sarno's book online. It is a common sense, quickly understandable approach to healing yourelf. My first pain-free day was after reading the first 20 pages! So I kept reading. That was 6 weeks ago. Today I am celebrating 3 totally pain free weeks. And now I am using the information to deal with headaches which is working. I am recommending this book to anyone who has pain. I was absolutely miserable and am AMAZED that a book could give me back my life! Thank you Dr. Sarno!!!