Rating:  Summary: Tony Robbins Review: Awaken the Giant Within: I have read more than 200 books on self-development. Everything from positive thinking to self-talk. When I read ATGW, I felt that all of them were a mere preface, an introduction to this book. Its that good. Anthony Robbins writes with a sensitivity which touches your heart. And his techniques are extremely effective. This is a really good book. Encouraging, motivating and most important of all providing you with tools, real tools - which can and will make a difference. I know a friend who was going through a very very tough time in his life, when he found ATGW. It gave him the strength to stand uup and face the circumstances of his life. Unlimited Power: Another book by Anthony Robbins, it was written before ATGW. Unlimited Power is a better book than ATGW. But ATGW is a better written book. Unlimited Power contains an amazing quantity of techniques, each of them as important and as interesting as the other. As he rightly mentions in his book - Each of his chapters could be a book in themselves. But his mission was to write an exhaustive manual on instantly effective techniques of self-improvement. And he has succeeded!! In this book he presents the techniques of NLP which was created by Bandler and Grinder. NLP stands for Nuero Linguistic Programming. Let the name not scare you. It's a wonderful tool which promises and delivers instant results. Buy this book, read it. But if you want to gain the maximum out of this book, use it as a manual, a workbook. Something to which you return again and again. By the way, Check out the credentials of Tony Robbins, now that we have talked about his book. A janitor, Tony transformed his life in one and a half years, becoming a millionaire at the age of 24. Now, he lives in a castle and owns an island. Here is one guy who has really created the life of his dreams. Today he has trained everybody from Princess Diana to Bill Clinton to Andre Aggassi. Often called the world's best speaker, Tony's programs have received huge media coverage - during his 3 day seminars in USA, the participants walk on fire to find out what it is that they are actually capable of. Tony, called "One of the greatest influencers of our generation" by Steven Covey own Anthony Robbins Foundation, the holding company for 9 AR Group of companies.
Rating:  Summary: Not an answer to all your problems, but will help with a few Review: It's funny how the reviews seem to be either gung-ho supportive or dripping with hostility. Let me be one to say this is a great book if you're looking for some help with *some* problems in your life. Yes, Anthony Robbins is largely a showman, and promises the world. Hopefully you're smart enough to realize you will not read this book and quit your retail job tomorrow and join NASA's astronaut program. But -- this book has many helpful parts. My personal favorite is his chapter on emotions. He categorizes and discusses all negative emotions (anger, frustration, etc.) and tells you how to use these emotions as tools to improve your life. I use this alot. Another fave of mine is his pattern "scrambling" technique for changing how you feel about very bad experiences you just can't seem to forget. Buy this book and try to make some positive changes in your life, but remember that it's not going to turn you into Mr./Mrs. Perfect. That part is up to you (maybe I should write my own book...). Good luck.
Rating:  Summary: Hucksterism 101 Review: Of all the questions that have boggled the human mind through the ages I have one more question to add to the litany of unanswerables:How is it that people fall for self-promoting hucksters like Robbins time and time again?It should be quite obvious that Robbins real success lies in telling you repeatedly how successful he is.He has not amassed a $300,000,000 dollar fortune by any financial genius but merely by selling the idea of success.As they say,nothing sells like success. It is not that Robbins gives bad advice but only that it is adrenaline-rush excitement that abates in a few hours.His books,tapes etc. are sort of like heavy metal music:it is inspiring for a few minutes and makes you feel as though you could go up to the biggest guy on the street and whip his tail,but as soon as the adrenaline rush wears off and you come to your senses you realize how ridiculous your momentary delusions really were.Ten minutes after you've finished reading Robbins you realize that you've read the bluster of an exceptional used car salesman. Of course,the selling never ends.If you want to be an even greater success you'll need to attend Robbins seminars at two or three thousand bucks a clip.Of course these seminars lead to more seminars.The Church of Scientology has the same kind of racket.I imagine that is precisely whre Robbins got his inspiration. In the end,Robbins books and advice are squarely in line with the heap of new age blather and nonsense.Human beings never change until they want to change or have to change.All the cheerleading and toothy smiles and feel-good pap in the world can't change the fact.By the way,don't miss his QVC appearances.They're a hoot!
Rating:  Summary: Talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk. Review: I whole heartedly agree with the comment left by "A reader from Hollywood, CA United States" about Mr. Robbins lost creditability and new-found lack of respect for his work. I bought the books [Unlimited Power, Unleash the Giant Within, PP1, PP2, and some of the Power Talk tapes] and I'd like to comment on two things: Firstly, about Mr. Robbins himself. I do not know him but I know OF him from his books, CD's, tapes, TV, etc.... and in relation to him and of this book and works, I was deeply disturbed to hear that he was leaving his wife becuase of the following quoted from a website that you can find on google by typing "tony and becky robbins divorce" Here's an excerpt: "ROBBINS: It sounds like you're about to exploit it. ''I don't want to exploit the pain'' -- well... SCHUCH: But I -- but I would be remiss if I didn't ask you, Tony, because you do -- you do tell people how to be passionate, how to have successful relationships. I've listened to your tapes. And yet, you lost your marriage this year. ROBBINS: Yes, I chose to end it. It was the toughest decision I've had in my life. We had different directions for out life, different needs, different desires. We're very different people in many ways. We shared our love of people and our desire to serve. That's still why we're partners in life and a business and raising our kids. But I wanted somebody who I didn't have to, you know, her desire in terms of tempo is very different than mine. You know, it's like going out on this boat or going -- riding my Harley like a bat out of hell or dive-bombing in my helicopter. These are parts of me that for other people to be happy I was always muting. And I'm not willing to mute that anymore, because, you know, I feel like I want them to have what they want, too. (...)" Is riding a helicopter and a harley more important than your wife and family? I guess so if you made that to be your top values. It just goes to show where Mr. Robbins values are and what's most important to him. But it's not for me to judge Mr. Robbins. What angers me is what another reviewer mentioned, couldn't he use the "swish" Pattern-Interrupt or FIND A WAY to do these things or Change his emotional attachment to doing this to doing things together that they both enjoyed? My God man, dive-bombing in a helicopter is more important than a kiss and a hug from your Wife who has helped build your business? Secondly, in short, becuase I'm using up my 1000 word limit, this book in conjunction with the PP2 CD's [Best to buy at Ebay] offers GREAT tools if you use them. I know, I know, after reading the negative feedback, your probably wondering if it's a waste of time - it's 50/50 - depending if you use the tools offered in the book. It's like any tool in the world, e.g. money - give a fool lots of money, and it will be spent on foolishness. Give the money to an investor, and whatch your money grow. Another example, a common tool we all use - a knife. If the hands of a Chef, it's a tool to allow the chef to prepare a meal. In the hands of a killer - it's a weapon to inflict harm. In the hands of a child, you'll probably needs lots of band-aidsĀ®. If you use the tools properly, you'll get the results eventually. Prior to becoming a chef, you must master the tools a chef uses. You won't get it right the first 10 times you try. But if you condition and try enough, you'll master it. The point being is that by using the tools he provides on a consitant daily basis, you'll get results your after. If you don't use the tools offered, you'll simply use your old tools and get the same old results. It's the difference between getting ketchup out of a bottle. You can try to slam, bash, etc... the ketchup bottle from the bottom and take minutes for even a drip to come out, or you could simply swish the bottle from above to below quickly and have it instantly ready. So, even if you tried the tools and didn't any results you wanted, your still in a better place then before, becuase you have new experiences and distinctions as well as a more open mind to trying other ways to accomplish your goal that you might not have though of. Finally, it's a very good starting point to increasing the quality of life for you and others if you use it. I just hope that one day Mr. Robbins will crash his "dive-bombing" helicopter and get a major "Pattern-Interrupt" and realize how foolish to let Becky go becuase he enjoyed that more than his wife and children. [Not for him to die btw...just a wake-up call - or, what he preaches a "Pattern-Interrupt". I said I was angry and resentful, not homicidal!] I believe that this makes his second divorce. You would think after reading this book or listing to the tapes or seminars that he could work anything out. Sorry Mr. Robbins, I don't buy what your selling anymore. If you can't even use the tools that you sell and promote, how do you expect anyone else too in worse situations compared to your "Harley Rides and dive-bombing helicopter escapades"? You have over millions dollars in personal assets - so I guess it doesn't matter anymore. Indulging in material wealth is now a higher value and more important than your wife, kids, work and to others who once could count on you becuase you once walked the talk. Now, you just walk to the bank.
Rating:  Summary: TRUE & VERY BENEFICIAL Review: Trust me, I am not in any way associated with Robbins companies or himself at all. I am certain that he is a very good helpful teacher. In spite of some negative reviews posted here, the fact is that in 1997, I was really messed up in too many ways (addicted, labeled severely depressed, suicidal and other disorders by psychiatrists and in deep trouble...........)and since then this good man's wise, positive, loving energy and smart teachings have helped me heal and tremendously improve in all ways including spiritually. Robbins' stuff is especially smart to listen and read considering all the unbeneficial, even harmful junk that many people choose to input into their nervous system these days. I have learned the hard way that even the smallest stuff one chooses to read, watch and listen certainly do affect a person's well-being, happiness and success by either harming or benefiting. One must choose very wisely. Thanks to Robbins, I certainly am really doing excellent in all areas as well as healthwise now. With Mr. Robbin's help and of course my own diligent smart effort, I freed myself from all harmful addictions; I feel excellent, truly inspired about doing a lot of good, very energetic and healthy. I have done very well. God bless Tony Robbins more, Mehran Mehryar
Rating:  Summary: You either love him or hate him... Review: For the past 7 years I have "studied" Robbins, as part of a 25 year long quest, like many of you, trying to improve my life as well as understand the "whys" of what we do as individuals. I have read most of the "alternative authors" suggested in previous reveiws. Initially, I was not positive on Robbins based on his hype, selling style, etc. Yet, I still came back to his material (tapes) because they provided some great ideas and Robbins has had the opportunity to study, learn from and interact with an amazing number of successful people. Finally, about 6 months ago in reading about Robbins and his "eureka" moment when he was exposed to NLP, I realized that it was the material that was the value to me, regardless of the messenger. This book was in my library for 8 years and I finally read it recently based on my interest in learning about how Robbins himself became successful. This book is one of the best compliations of material on "why" we are the way we are, and some great ideas on how to change. (References, modeling, pain/pleasure, beliefs, CANI!, etc) It is a fantastic summary of Robbins material through 1992. I look forward to his book due in the fall to see what he has been up to since. And, btw, I now like the "messenger". Ebay is a great source for his tapes at a reasonable price.
Rating:  Summary: Not that good. Review: This book will appeal mostly to the the infantile/gullible. I have spoken with at least a dozen people who bought this book and Robbins persona power program--No noticeable improvement.One guy was a janitor ten years ago making $7.50 a hour. Today he is still a janitor now making $8.75 a hour. Whopee.I would recommend Sleight of the Mouth and Beliefs by Robert Diltz and the original NLP books Tranceformations by Bandler and Grinder for outstanding NLP techniques without the hype and b.s.
Rating:  Summary: Where are the references? Review: In chapter 17: References; The Fabric of Life. Robbins discusses the importance of references. But where are the references to support his statements? I couldn't find any. When I went to the back of this book which where references are typically located, all I found were advertisements for Robbins.While Robbins talks about how he used to live in a 40 square foot apartment washing dishes in his bathtub, he never explains what he did to reach his level of wealth. Of course we all know what he did; he sold books, tapes and seminars.Notice the 5 star reviewers (probably Robbins emloyees) use the same lines but also neglect to say what they didto change their lives and attain such great success.How can Anthony expect anybdy to take him seriously? I recommend Norman Vincent Peales book, You can if You Think You can and Miracle Power by Joseph Murphy. I also recommend introduction to NLP by Joseph O'Connor and Instant Rapport by Michael Brooks.If you must read this one by Robbins, borrow it at the library. You'll find it there. Robbins is the greatest self promoter of the last 100 years.
Rating:  Summary: Sketchy overview and infomercial Review: Awaken the Giant provides a fair overview of some NLP techniques, but most of what is provided here is fluff. This book could have easily been reduced in half.The other thing that bothers me is the authors constant promotion of his overpriced seminars, tapes, other books and programs. This book is in fact an informercial.Leave this one alone. Instead read some good NLP books by Bandler, Grinder, Dilts or the NLP comprehensive team. For personal development read books by Dwyer, Ziglar, Rhone and Tracy.
Rating:  Summary: The Man Review: This guy knows what he is talking about. He gets you thinking of the obvious and how we should think. He makes you realize that live life to the fullest and that there are many people out there that are less off and are still strong and positive. He helped me to turn around all of my negative thoughts and help me to rebuild my inner self. HE IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!