Rating:  Summary: Self Help Incredible Tony Review: Tony Robbins is incredible, and this book is incredible too. Very incredible. This incredible book, by an incredible teacher, will help you to make your life incredible. Peppered throughout the book are inspiring motivational quotes. Tony, thank you so much for writing this book, it has helped me very much. I have done many incredible things as a result of the way that my thinking changed for the better, largely from things that I learned and was exposed to in this wonderful book. And in addition to the main text of the book itself, there are many motivational quotes peppered throughout the book, and sometimes it is good to flip the pages and read some of them to help uplift your outlook.
Rating:  Summary: Wake Up and Smell the Passion! Review: Go ahead. Make fun of his tan and the infomercials if you want. The reality is, Tony Robbins is the real deal. I've been listening to his tapes for years. Few come close to making as much sense and giving me the kick in the pants I sometimes need to get (and keep) life and business on track. "Awaken the Giant Within" contains much of Robbins' most powerful material. Get it. Read it. Live with passion!-Bob Baker, author, "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook: 201 Self-Promotion Ideas for Songwriters, Musicians & Bands"
Rating:  Summary: Save your money Review: This book is the author's poor attempt to make a fast buck riding from his previous bestseller, "Unlimited Power". If you must find out what this is all about, get "Unlimited Power" instead - very similar bs but better or EVEN better, search for books on NLP. If you want a real self-help book, get "The Power of Your Unconscious Mind".
Rating:  Summary: gift from the top Review: This is the most scintillating self improvement guide/blue print for success.All scientific proven methods simple to follow and believe me it really works. Take this book read it, use it, you will be a different person altogether. wonderful wonderful bible for excellence in life
Rating:  Summary: Things Don't Change, We Change Review: Anthony Robbins is a famous writer, motivational trainer, speaker and celebrity. Most people in the US know him as the tall, energetic self-help guy on television. He first reached acclaim with his book Unlimited Power and is highly regarded for his specific techniques to re-train yourself to be a happy, motivated and successful person. While the size and content of the book is somewhat overwhelming, the premise of this book is quite simple: You have the power to live the way you want, but you have to coach and train yourself to do it. Things don't change. We change. - Henry David Thoreau The first step to any change is a decision. Not a passing interest, or desire, but a firm decision. The word decision comes from the Latin word (de-caedere) for to cut. It means that you cut away any other possibilities. Interestingly, there is a similar word in Korean (GYUL DAHN). These words indicate finality. It is the end of one thing and the beginning of another. Decisions are not just logical conclusions, but acts of willingness and commitments to action. The next step is to train the body and the mind to accept this change. Robbins explains that we have neural associations (physical nerve connections in the brain) with certain behaviors, and unless we change those associations, we cannot change our behavior. Simply, if our brain likes smoking (more than it hates it) ~ we cannot stop smoking. To stop, you must associate more pain (than pleasure) to the action. At times it seems obvious, but it is a practical way to teach yourself to change. Finally, any change must be reinforced through repetition. As we all know too well, it is difficult to give up a bad habit and even more difficult to keep a good one. As Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do" While reading this book, I had to take breaks periodically to digest what Robbins was saying. While he writes in a simple and readable way, the objective of the book is quite large and comprehensive: change your life. It is a serious subject and it requires some open-mindedness. Overall, I recommend this to anyone who wants to change some aspect of their life, and wants to know the actionable steps to affect that change.
Rating:  Summary: Exercise the Great Power That Belongs To You Review: I remember in 1989, sitting next to someone while watching Tony's infomercial, as I told that guy "I'm going to get this for you." And the minute that I said those words was the minute that I responded with, "Hey! If I am with this guy and I think he needs Tony Robbin's help, maybe I need this more." It was then that I bought "30 Days to Unlimited Power," followed by "PowerTalk" tapes, this book, and one other book by Tony Robbins. Between 1989 and 1995, I studied Tony, along with every book that he mentions, in this book, as well as in all of his tapes. The power of reading this book, taking copious notes, being willing to enhance who you are, nets you immeasurable results. I advise anyone to read this book, to bring out more of yourself, while you notice that it is not Tony Robbins, his expert testimonials, nor the book that will make you into something different - it's you, and the unwavering convictions that you hold.
Rating:  Summary: Thank You, Tony Robbins Review: Although I read this book for the first time ten years ago, I have read it many times since. I can tell you that reading this book unquestionably changed my life. When I read this book in 1992, I was living in a 450 square foot single apartment in West Los Angeles. About 10 minutes from Tony's place in Venice. Although I wasn't overweight and alone (like Tony was) I was making only $1,000 per month selling long distance services and because I didn't have a refrigerator, was living out of a Coleman picnic cooler that I refilled with ice every couple of days. My only hope before Awaken the Giant Within was the California Super Lotto. I was very depressed and didn't see any way out of my predicament. Fortunately, a friend let me borrow the Personal Power tapes which I listened to concurrently with Awaken the Giant. All of a sudden I had hope. A concept that I could grab hold of and believe in. During the first couple of months I learned Emotional Mastery - Taking control of Myself. Although I still didn't make more than a $1,000/mo., little things no longer bugged me. I learned to be HAPPY with myself. Tony taught me to happily achieve, instead of achieve to be happy. Using the Power of Questions he teaches I developed a strong mental foundation. I then began applying the goal setting he talks about in the chapter on "Creating a Compelling Future." The two major goals I set for myself were: 1)To have my own business where I can do what I want, when I want--a place where I made all the rules. 2)To travel as frequently as possible. I must say that it took several years for these things to start happening. However, the new mindset I acquired from Awaken the Giant and Personal Power enabled me to take massive action (something I could never quite do for extended periods of time before) and began to make great strides. As Tony says, "Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in a decade. Here I am ten years later, sitting at my own business, thinking about how far I have come just from making the right decision to read Awaken the Giant and follow through on most of what Tony talks about. I know deep down that there is no way I would have gotten to this point had I continued with the same beliefs I had before learning the right ones from Tony. The business has been so successful that I have actually traveled on 36 vacations in the past 5 years. Paris 3x, Hawaii 5x, Italy 2x, The Philippines 4x, Hong Kong, Sydney, Zurich, London - just to name a few destinations. In fact, I was so excited about the results I got from Awaken the Giant and Personal Power that I actually wrote a book which came out earlier this year called "Thank You, Tony Robbins." In it, I wanted to communicate the incredible benefits of following a program like Personal Power and Awaken the Giant to all of those people out there who think that self-improvement is a waste of their time. Believe me, if you are not doing what you want, when you want - you need to start reading books like this. And let me tell you the highlight of my year so far. I was in Maui debuting my book to my parents and in-laws sitting on the lanai watching the whales jump out of the water, when I checked my voice mail in Los Angeles and received a message from one of Tony's people who said that he got my book and showed it off at a company meeting. Wow! What a difference a decade with the right books and tapes can make. If you get that sick feeling in your stomach at about 6pm Sunday night thinking about going to work the next day, you're not living your ideal lifestyle - you need buy Tony's book Awaken the Giant Within so you can start designing your dream life. Now! Don't Wait!
Rating:  Summary: I keep coming back to this book! Review: I have read this book at least a dozen times! And I keep reading the reviews and see those people who are disrespecting Tony Robbins for his failure to "walk the talk". My suggestion, don't worry about Tony, look at yourself! I just want to say that I have applied the author's techniques in my life over-and-over again for the past ten years. And they keep working for me over-and-over again! After reading Robbins' first book, "Unlimited Power", I bought the hardbound copy of this book the day it hit the bookstore (pre-Amazon.com days). This book has been so incredibly helpful, I have bought numerous copies for friends, families and co-workers. I recently went over my goals that I wrote down in the first hardcover version in 1992 a few weeks ago and re-confirmed (not to my surprise) I had achieved every single goal (Eleven of them)! Go figure! I have been a self-improvement junkie ever since I read "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill while I was in college back in the late 70's. This book is different because you are not just given theory in a drabble form, you get workable tools and get entertained in the process. I especially appreciate where the highlights of the book are emphasised in bold and italic print for easy review. By the way, I have just re-read the book again, set new goals using the techniques taught in the book, and I'm positive each goal will be accomplished...AGAIN! This stuff works! None of these techniques are the brainchild of the author. They are hybrids of the best that's out there to make us the best we are capable of becoming. The greatest adaptation came from NLP (which Tony tweaked to become NAC). Yes, those of you who have not read the book or have not applied Tony Robbin's teachings can criticize him because he got a divorce and teaches a small part on successful relationships. The author is still laughing all the way to the bank and continues on, like him or not, because his techniques work. My better question to you is how have you applied what's in this book and what are those results? Life is a journey and everything is a choice. You can't control everything that goes on, but you can control your choices, emotions and representations of those things that are important and positive for you. What positive choices are you making? This book has some fantastic tools and you may want to read this book again and again, then put them to practice. Then, go figure what went right!
Rating:  Summary: This Book Saved My Life!!! Review: ` This book has literally saved my life. With this book I learned how to cure my 'depression.' I went to therapy for years and my hopelessness only got worse. The therapists told me that my problem was a 'chemical imbalance' so they'd put me on all sorts of toxic drugs. I was hospitalized for being suicidal back in January of 2001. When I got out of the hospital, I fell into the same patterns again and wanted to take my life. One day someone suggested this book to me. I bought it a few months later. After reading a few chapters I felt like there was hope in my life. I slowly, but surely, was getting better. I went back and re-read a lot of the chapters and learned stuff that I didn't notice before. (Repetion is good when wanting to learn anything.) Anyway, to make a long story short, I taught myself how to cure my depression and I did! I spent thousands and thousands of dollars on doctors, therapists, hospitals, etc.... I buy this [$] or [$] book and I actually learned something useful and I changed my life! I am no longer on medication and I no longer waste my money on therapy. I have learned how to solve my own problems, I have cured my depression, and I have accomplished some of my biggest goals! The only way to make changes in your life is if you are devoted to making it happen. So, if you want to improve yourself, this is the book for you. If you are lazy and won't put much effort into improving yourself, then don't buy this book. (I also recommend the book 'Unlimited Power' By Anthony Robbins!)
Rating:  Summary: Robbins gets 2 stars. His book gets 5. Review: ...nobody has done as brilliant a job of presenting the stuff of self-help books in such an effective manner. The book, used properly, is a book of exercises. And the exercises, if done rather than merely read, do work. Those who say that he helped them are neither liars nor shills nor cult members. He has helped and is helping more people find out how to improve their lives than any psychiatrist or social worker. How? He has not only assimilated and packaged the work of others (who he DOES credit), but he has added his own stamp. And its his additions that make all the difference. The whole that he presents is more than the sum of its parts. Don't let the man get in the way of his coaching. The coaching is brilliant. This book and his seminars have shown me how to transform my life, enabled me to retire at 52, and removed much of the scar tissue from my life. The book alone can do the trick IF you have the discipline to do the darn exercises....