Rating:  Summary: hurra Review: Finally I find myself able to write a review on this book myself, after having read reviews here for months. It seems to be, that the main problem people have with Mr. Robbins is, that he is a salesperson, continiously advertising himself in his books, and, like so, evoking the impression or fear in some, that he is some sort of a "soul-catcher". After finishing this book I must agree to parts, however, would also like to comment on how I perceive the quality of his books themselves, which I find excellent. Okay then, he is a salesperson, he calls different ideas of his "technology", "system", "technique", like man is a machine, and so on and so forth, hyping up or at least labeling what otherwise might as well be referred to as simply "positve thinking" (which I agree isnt a nice label) and trying to put some money into is pocket at the same time. I dont know whether or not to agree on the "soul-catcher"-part, after all there are so many salespeople out there and I think if his works werent related to human behaviour/psychology, he would not have to face these accusations. The process of "creating/discovering a problem"/offering a solution is vital in sales, and would not every other doctor, though trusted by most people, do the same thing.Robbins, for sure, does not offer a cure-all or "immediate" solutions, since he is offering concepts that can be put into action only by the reader - this has been commented on and endlessly elaborated about by many reviewers on this site. The question could, in my opinion, never be: "does it work", like he is prescribing some pill, but "could a person possibly make this work for him/herself?", even in small parts, in other words, is he offering merely fluff, or is the book better than.....no book at all, lets say. I would certainly say yes. However, the book is amazingly thick and rich in content, it takes at least two weeks to read it, maybe 4 or 6 is more like it. So, is he a charlatan because he is a sales-person, or is he a charlatan because his writings are fluff (no quality, only making money)? To answer the first question with "yes" would according to my personal evaluation not yet qualify to make him a charlatan (=every writer/salesperson is a charlatan), and the latter I, personally, would chose to answer with no anyway. I like to acknowledge that I consider him knowledgeable and also that he is a very good writer, regardless of whether or not his "system" deserves to be called "scientific" - or not. What means "scientific" in the field of human behaviour, nothing can be distilled in a glass tube and examined under a microscope thereafter. Speaking of pills, are there cure-alls? A good writer, which is necessary to be a good coach, he is. Being german myself I appreciate the fact that I can read this highly annecdotional and entertaining book almost as easy as a comic-book. A good read, though definately not for the reader who does not want to deal with "change" and "improvement" in the long run (talking more than those 2-6 weeks). Also I do not suggest that this be the only book you ever read, you must be kind of "commited" (Robbins-slang:) to the whole thing. Robbins has probabl read thousands of books himself and distilled his own ones out of them, no doubt. He is certainly not inventing anything that hasnt been before, however, he has been able to focus his thoughts and accumulated knowledge into an impressive piece of work. His knowledge gives him credibility, for he did not just copy other peoples wisdoms, but he must, just must have spent many hours or years thinking about how to bring his personalized message across. And THAT is what he is all about, that is what coaching is all about. You dont need to invent grapes in order to be a wine-maker. Hey, he still sometimes makes me laugh, e.g. when in Unlimited Power (though I prefer ATGW) he tells this story about how his brother used to turn green at the thought of eating raw carrots and divulge in the pleasures of Kentucky Fried Chicken instead. So he just made him visualize both of these food-groups, exchanging "submodalities" and in a matter of minutes his brother hated chicken wings and loved carrots. I must admit, I roared (yes, exactly) with laughter. Found that a bit hard to believe. But this so-called "swish pattern" (NLP-slang) is only one example of how he uses what has been around before, which brings me to think that if you would like to read "The structure of Magic" by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, be prepared to read something excellent about language and therapy, but, in case u are not an expert in any of these fields, also be prepared for something really complex that may, just may drive you nuts. Robbins has read all these BS-books (or certainly not BS.....who knows) and written something light and challening just the same. "For the masses", if you want so. So enjoy (if you, like me, are part of the "masses"), dont feed out of anybodys hand, but stop being all too paranoid about him. Just a sales-guy with something to offer: An entertaining, logical, easy to grasp and at times very inspiring little booklet (500+ pages....)
Rating:  Summary: Very Hard Work Review: Most people shy away from Hard Work. And they probably buy Tony's books and tapes expecting him to wave a "magic wand" over their mediocre lives and make everything perfectly alright, with no further effort required... Such people are to be disappointed by Tony. What Tony teaches is actually Very Hard Work to put into practise. Tony is a remarkable man. He learned much, at a very young age. He applied what he learned. And he chose to share it with the rest of us. And, in the process, he made his fortune, which only a churl would begrudge him. Don't be fooled -- Tony's way is not easy: it is hard and it requires personal commitment. But is it good? Is it right? Does it work??? Yes, yes, and alas yes. Tony Robbins is an Aristotle of our age. Like it or not. (His overt American style really p*sses me off, but his messages are spot on! He is bigger than Life. After a while, you get used to this.) Read his works, do as he suggests, and succeed. Or muddle along in your own mediocrity.
Rating:  Summary: Good Transformational guide BUT........ Review: There are some good guiding principles here. Like: Tony's empahsis on Goal Setting, The importance of your FOCUS, learning how to use your mind in more empowering ways and realizing that we're more powerful than we think we are. My only problem is that there are some gimmicky aspects to Tony's products. Even though I do agree that a lot of his principles work a bit of a gimmicky idea of 'fast food change' that can mislead people. Here are a few things in Tony's sytem I would look out for -He uses this Pain/Pleasure principal to motivate you. That is a flawed system when you use pain for motivation. It is based on causing stress on yourself and motivating you through discomfort. Has anyone stopped to think that one can achieve goals through peace and discipline. It's not motivation through pain we need, it's learning to deal with our AVERSION to discomfort that holds many of us back and how to keep the Positive focus at those times.-not gimmicky NAC.
-It is wrong to create MUSTS as he teaches. That causes people to be stressed out and to be attached and anxious to things. You cannot DEMAND change of yourself. This again is based on the erroneous idea that we're so highly flawed we need to whip ourselves to grow. Not true. Better to learn Positive motivation skills based on learning to FOCUS on our DESIRES -Tony goes in so many different directions in his book you sometimes don't know when to use what
-Why does he say that it's important to know that all feelings are good, they are Action Signals-yet he tells you to "break thru" depression,worry and other states. If we are going to accept our feelings how can we also go against them by trying to change them with NAC and physiology etc(that is not acceptance at all that is manipulation and many of you may have figured out by now that you can't battle with your feelings-ACCEPTANCE of them nonjudgmentally 1st brings transformation)-Why, if we are to accept feelings do we need Transformational Vocabulary?? If we supposedly accept them as Action Signals, why tell myelf I'm peeved instead of angry? and will that really work? NO WAY. Of course you'll remain angry. C'MON. That is just silly.
-A lot of it is a pump up. I admit that that might have it's place to a certain degree. Yes, I'm sure the pump up got some to achieve. That's a good thing, but this Robbins "technology" as a reliable, well developed system?
-His system for creating Values is a bit superficial. Just becaue you write down these supposed values and rules, that doesn't mean they will reflect you TRUE feelings.
-Tony Robbins, having "mastered" relationships divorced his wife Becky a few years ago. Again, we are not that simplistic as his system tries to profess.
My intention is to try to help you seekers out there, not to bash Mr Robbins. I find that more spiritually based systems work better than non spiritual. You might like Wayne Dyer's There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem and some other Dyer books. Also, don't forget: UNCONDITIONAL SELF ACCEPTANCE and Inner Peace. Something that is not based on achievment. You don't need to create a "achieve to win" attitude. Without transforming from the inside out, it's all a band aid solution and YES, you can be HIGHLY productive and just BE without getting into this crazed achiever mindset. Trust yourself. Find that wellspring within! I hope you've read these points carefully and let them sink in. I hope to save you years of confusion by falling into some pitfalls. Wishing you the best!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: I guess I'll never fire walk... Review: Perhaps I'm essentially flawed and lack the character to persevere, but after repeated sessions of doggedly plowing through Robbin's redundant and wordy prose, I eventually threw in the towel. My biggest complaint is Robbin's incessent delay of informational gratification. I'm paraphrasing but statements like "We'll be looking at this more closely in Chapter 23" or "You'll be learning these powerful techniques a little later on in this book" run rampant. Instead of telling the reader what's going to be taught, why not just teach it? I really, really tried, but somewhere around page 300 I just couldn't do it anymore. My copy of Awaken the Giant Within is currently available for sale at the local thrift shop.
Rating:  Summary: It's all sales talk Review: Im sorry, I feel I need to comment on a recent review placed here on July 29,2003. The reader asked how did I apply Tony's techniques specifically as to be a negative review. I felt I had to answer. Also, I DID read the book in it's entirety. A lot of the techniques are a bunch of BS to start with, so I won't even mention them. The ones I took seriously were goal setting and anchoring. Goal setting was fun, and I even wrote them down, created a timeline, etc.. But I can't say I acheived them all. Out the 9 major ones I set, I acheived four of them. Anchoring is also a techinque that doesn't work as well. I actually tried it. Whenever I had a lot of energy at a particular time, or felt really alert, I would slap my thigh with my hand. (connecting a feeling to something physical)I then tried to do this when I was sluggish or lacked energy but it simply didn't work. These techniques are not scientific at all. Also, bear in mind, that, at the end of the day, no matter how great people think this guy is, he is still just an agressive salesman. What has he done that's so great? Produced a movie? Learned foreign language? Find a cure for cancer? No. All he did was sell his garbage on infomercials which he paid for. I also agree with Hucksterism's 101 comments as well. When you read his stuff, you think you discovered something great, but a week later you're back in the real world. Im not speaking without experience, either, I did his programs for years and haven't changed at all. In summary this book is nothing more than short term motivation that doesn't last.
Rating:  Summary: Results speak for themselves... Review: Thirteen years ago I was diagnosed as being clinically depressed. Three years later I overcame this problem within about a week of becoming familiar with Tony's material, and I have never gone back. I have lost over thirty pounds and have had many other victories, both small and (for me) significant. But the principles and techniques Tony uses don't work unless you apply them, obviously. Here is what I would ask every person who has left negative feedback on this book: How did you apply Tony's techniques, specifically? First of all, based on their comments, I doubt many of them read the book. And, secondly, I would bet money that NONE of them applied what they read in any significant way. In my view this would be like a person who has never been to Paris trying to tell others what a lousy place it is to visit. If you read this book with an open mind, and apply just ONE IDEA, even to a nominal degree, YOU CANNOT HELP BUT MAKE POSITIVE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE! And some of them can be earth-shaking! It's that simple.
Rating:  Summary: Your Very Own Success Manual! Review: Tony's book is powerfully packed - not only with profoundly useful steps for immediately improving the quality of your life, but also with his own personal anecdotes and entertaining stories about his outstanding life success after previous failures and frustration. Tony does NOT come across as a know-it-all "guru" or "rah-rah" motivational expert. If you read the book and actually apply the proven success principles to your life, you'll understand that he genuinely cares about people. His writing style is clear and cogent, his tone unpretentious and inviting. No doubt, he has written this book as a blueprint for success. People who follow this success plan must not follow his advice blindly though! Rather, they are encouraged to be absolutely clear about what it is they want to accomplish in life - through written goals and numerous exercises within each chapter - and then accomplishing their goals while staying true to themselves, being grateful, and helping others. Granted, you may not agree with all of his views, however, I'm convinced that you will undoubtedly find some area of your life that could use improvement - be it your health, your relationships, your finances, your emotional development, or your professional endeavors - and Tony gives you some remarkably effective tools to make that improvement a reality. Read this book with an open mind and you'll find that within you, indeed, lies a giant ready to awaken and fulfill all of your life's dreams and goals! You have the power to control your own destiny! And Tony's book helps you believe this and gives you the key to unlock that inner potential...but again, you must read it and APPLY it yourself! This book has changed my life forever! I most highly recommend it to anyone who shares the belief that all things are possible - with a dream, a "massive action" plan, and an undaunted spirit! Read this book, follow through, and you will never be the same!
Rating:  Summary: Resist the Temptation Review: All these power people pushing their own agendas has left little respect for others. These are the people who drive 95 miles an hour and run you off the road, the people who care about nothing but materialism, the people who are setup for shallow relationships and failed marriages. I don't want to meet power people, I want human beings who care about others, value something other than money and success, can deal with conflict in ways other than trouncing weaker people, who live by morals and ethics and respect others' boundaries, who think about something larger than themselves, and who build intimate lasting friendships instead of hollow feel-good encounters devoid of meaning.
Rating:  Summary: Very powerful communicator Review: Tony Robbins is absolutely outstanding as a communicator both on tape and in print. I have his Personal Power program along with AWTG and Unlimited Power. Tony has a way to make you get fired up about success and take action. Many other books on motivation and especially NLP are boring.
Rating:  Summary: Caution! Review: Be wary of reading negative reviews as they may sway you in the wrong direction... in not giving this book a chance to help you. First off, why would you trust some random review off a website from someone that you don't even know? That review could have been written by some college drop-out working for Home-Depot who spends all his money on fixing up his '93 Honda Civic! This is my main point: Success is not a passive process. So unplug your television, start reading this book to lead you in the right direction, and GET to WORK! Massive Action -- This should be one of your favorite phrases...