Rating:  Summary: Change your life forever Review: Tony Robbins has changed my life for the better forever. His words of encouragement and motivation has inspired me
Rating:  Summary: Books don't give you the REAL Tony Robbins! Review: A couple years ago, I was fortunate to be among some sales reps who were sent to a one-day Tony Robbins seminar! ONE DAY with this man is to be buoyed up for DAYS! I can only imagine what an entire workshop with him would be like! You leave pumped up and full of ideas and enthusiasm. I'm not fond of Robbins' books ONLY because you REALLY have to experience him first hand. I don't know that I would have spent the money on a seminar, books or tapes had I not had the first one paid for by my company. I must say though, NOW I would save up to attend one of his weekends or seminars! The books are simply "texts," you get out what you put in! Robbins' is a magician! If you get a chance to experience this phenomenon....GO!
Rating:  Summary: GREAT BOOK THAT WILL CHANGE YOU LIFE IF YOU READ Review: Awakent the Giant Within is a great book and I highly reccomend it to anyone who is interested in improving their life. Honestly, this book will change your life if your willing to read with an open mind. As far as self development goes Tony Robbins is one of the best.
Rating:  Summary: Number One Personal Development Book of the Decade Review: I have read 500 to 600 personal developement books within the last 10 years and ATGW is the most comprehensive peak performance manual on the planet. Read it, use it, now!
Rating:  Summary: Just a quick note Review: Every once and awhile I get on and see what they are saying about Robbins. I must tell you, I am surprised to see so much negativity. But then you have to step back and ask why? I would have to say that most of the negative reviews where because people thought they where going to purchase a book and open it up, then the next morning they would be rich and happy. As ridiculous as it may sound, that is really what they believed deep within themselves. I will tell you that this was the first book I purchased of Robbins. I APPLIED the material to my life and went from a depressed kid that worked in a restaurant to a happy person that now makes six digits trading stock, as my father would say, "not bad for a twenty-two year old". Did Robbins do this, no I did. Robbins did teach me how to apply my attitude and skills to master my financial, physical, time, emotional and relationship skills. If you are looking for a simple, easy, no effort needed, way to change your life, then this is not the book. If you are looking to take your life to another level and are tired of being confused on how to do it, then this is the book. By the way, someone said that he charges a lot for his seminars and that is how he makes money. This is true, but he is the only one that I know that gives a 100%, no questions asked, money back guarantee on everything he sells. So, obviously what he gets for his seminars must be worth it, or he would be out of business by now. Best of luck, Dave
Rating:  Summary: An excellent purchase Review: I am an educated man, an Engineer who reads philosophy, history, while teaching his daughter a 2nd, 3rd language. This book reached me profoundly! One can find practical applicitions of Empiricism in this book, and of course, a lot of Operant conditioning. But the bottom line is this book reminded me to hone my dreaming skills once more, and start on the road towards achieving those dreams. To the cynics: Don't look at it as the gospel according to Tony Robbins'--get what you can out of it. I found a lot of examples problemmatic but so what [So, no, Tony is no Chomsky], but I acquired some great techniques and am using them already, and really the sky IS the limit.
Rating:  Summary: Giant Expectations Review: If you have very high expectations of this book, you may be bitterly disappointed. The authors slams together various self-development themes--most of which he already presented in his previous published work--and claims that if you follow his advice your life will be significantly changed for the better. Don't hold your breath, either figuratively or literally: it's hard to imagine most people regularly doing Robbins' breathing excercises or adhering to a vegetarian diet. Besides, these things seem to have little connection to feeling good and having lots of money, which seems to be the author's definition of success.Besides some concrete, and apparently shaky advices, the book consists of broad phrases of encouragement and soothing statements about compatability of seemingly incompatible things, such as satisfaction and relentless drive. As in his previous work, Robbins seems to overstate the power of associative thinking, if true, this seems to me the most damaging criticism. He also regularly conflates Pavlovian conditioned reflex with simple mental associations which peple develop regularly and which have nothing to do with reflexes. The book is an easy read. If you never had exposure to self-development literature, you may consider buying it. At times, however, the style is tedious, as Robbins unnecessarily underlines words or has them printed in bold type, or both.
Rating:  Summary: NEEDS MORE CONTENT! Review: I bought this book for a couple of dollars at a second hand bookstore and after taking it home and reading it decided to bring it back to the second hand bookstore and see if they could resell it. After hearing all the hype on Robbins on the TV Talk Shows, his own informercial with celebrity endorsements, I expected more, MUCH MORE! Basically, this book is just a primer for Robbins Personal Power Program, Seminars and related products. He wets your appetite and wants you to go for more. And where do you get more? You buy Personal Power, Power Talk, go to his Date With Destiny Seminars and buy more books, and tapes, go to more seminars. I checked Robbins out on the internet... now he is pushing a Financial Semimar called, you quessed it "PERSONAL FINANCIAL POWER" the cost to attend just $3,500. How do you suppose Robbins makes his money or acquires "PERSONAL FINANCIAL POWER" I suspect, it's not by the content of his seminar, bt by the profits ! of the seminar! I also made the mistake of calling the toll free number and now have been inundated with junk mail and annoying telemarketing calls from Robbins company and others (watch out, he sells names to other promoters). My best advice is not to buy this book. Not even worth $2 at a second hand bookstore.
Rating:  Summary: This book is inspirational! Life's great! Review: I am 24 y.o. male who was recently dumped by a beautiful girl after dating for five years. She went off with a married man whom she works. He actually left his marriage for her and he is 16 years older. I never expected this in a million years we got on well and i planned to marry her. She was as down to earth as I thought anyone could be. When she told me I was devastated and got very down. I was at my parents house and my younger brother had a book on his shelf which i started to read. I have not stopped reading the book and it has guided me into hapiness again. I am not a reader, but I have not been able to stop reading this book. It is inspirational. I now feel i have so much more in my life.
Rating:  Summary: A VERY GOOD BOOK Review: I enjoyed AWAKEN THE GIANT and feel that this book gave me a new lease on life. It's very easy to read, entertaining, uplifting as well as informational. Tony Robbins has the ability to get you to "take action" like no one else. If you just read the book, you'll get knowledge. If you read and apply that knowledge by doing the exercises, you'll get results like you've never seen before! I also subscribe to Tony's "PowerTalk" Program and highly endorse it. Nobody communicates with the power of ROBBINS. As a result of "PowerTalk" I've been building my library as per Robbins recommendations. I particularly enjoyed Barbara DeAngelis "Are you the one for me" and Charles Givens "Wealth without Risk" and the related interviews with Tony on the "PowerTalk" Tapes. In fact, if anyone had to pick just three books that would substantially turn their life's around, the three best books would be 1)Awaken the Giant-perso! ! nal development and achievement, 2)Are you the one for me?-relationships and to ignite that passion in your life and, 3) Wealth without Risk-for building and keeping wealth. So thank you TONY ROBBINS for not only helping me reach a new level of personal achievement with your book and tapes, BUT also for recommending DEANGELIS & GIVENS. Without your recommendation, I never would have considered buying their material. I also own Tony's "PERSONAL POWER" audio program. It was the best $180 I ever spent!