Rating:  Summary: Getting past the point of living how your "past" determines! Review: This book takes us as individuals apart to show us how we work and why we work the way we do. Recently I hit a ceiling as regards success falling back to earth ready to go again. Part one of the book explains why we are where we are coming to a point of stretching us to go where we want to go. The first part of the book was easily accepted and when it came to creating a future in mind I paused, contemplated and wondered how to take this new appraoch to life on on. My best advice is to try the exercises whether you understand fully where you are going to go or not and the the experiences you will have will give you a new world. Anthony understands us using a very simple model and presents us with a challenge to further ourselves.Cleasest elf help book I have read and I will read it many more times, got to condition that what of understanding!
Rating:  Summary: Unbelivable Review: This book completely changed my life. I read it at a time when I was drinking 3 or 4 times per week, smoking a pack a day and occasionally using pot. After I read this book I completely changed my habits. I quit smoking cigarettes and pot and only occasionally drink. I get all A's & B's on my report card (Im a college senior) and I excercise on a regular basis now. If you want to keep making excuses and blaming others why your life sucks then don't read this book. But if you wan't to change it and make it something you never thought possible then read it!
Rating:  Summary: Unbelivable Review: This book completely changed my life. I read it at a time whenI was drinking 3 or 4 times per week, smoking a pack a day andoccasionally using pot. After I read this book I completely changedmy habits. I quit smoking cigarettes and pot and only occasionallydrink. I get all A's & B's on my report card (Im a collegesenior) and I excercise on a regular basis now. If you want to keepmaking excuses and blaming others...then don't read this book. But ifyou wan't to change it and make it something you never thoughtpossible then read it!
Rating:  Summary: Hoax in the United States! Review: Yes! I agree with the word "hoax" from another user! Tony is a hoaxer. Nobody deserves to loose all their money to buy those junk tapes and books!!
Rating:  Summary: Don't criticize what you failed to understand....... Review: I read some of the reviews below (notably the ones from France and Germany Sept 13th) and it became clear to me that such reviewers really should try to see the positive in things. I think any one of Robbins' books is worth over a million bucks each! I'm an Emergency Physician and I have read Kant, Descartes, much Shakespeare and numerous vessels of 'profound knowledge' or whatever you prefer to call it. Every book has a use. There is something to learn (or be amused with) in everything we come across: book or person! Tony Robbins yes is a millionaire and a successful person: I could not take his stuff seriously if he wasn't! He practises what he preaches - that much is very obvious. He's ethical and claims to be nothing more than 'just another human being'. He could have been unethical many times and made some kind of crazy cult out of this. He could have had a long line of misled devotees at his door with religious offerings to Swami Robbins every morning - but did he hell?! If people don't see the value in his advice then I would advise they try again and not suspect or be cynical of everything you see. Its true the Americans especially are prone to believe anything they see (in truth they are the most open-minded of nations) but this guy is no idiot. He has a formula which he says is NOT the only method but is ONE method. Give him a chance or go and pity yourself some more and then, when you're done, give yourself a chance!
Rating:  Summary: Live your life Review: Yes, I too thought Tony Robbins was just a huckster when I saw him doing those infomercials on TV. I mean, the guy was just so sales-ish, so excited. In my case, it was seeing Tony on QVC that turned me around. I was already reading "self-help" type books like Covey's "7 habits of highly-successful people" and I believed that you should wake up and put yourself in the driver's seat of your own life. I watched Tony take live on-air phone calls from people on QVC, answering their questions and giving them individual, REAL answers. He was smart, empathetic, and THERE in the moment for that caller. I was very impressed, and thought, what the hey! I'll buy the book. Well, unlike other books such as Covey's, Robbins materials are more about work! They contain tools and mental exercises and to-do lists. In other words, they are like learning ABC's for your mind. You have to practice and work on yourself. You can't just read it and voila! your life changes overnight. I didn't expect that to happen, but some naysayers out there probably expect that. Robbins gives you the tools you need to get to working on yourself. Is it hard to change your habits? You bet! Is it difficult to change yourself? Your ways of thinking! It is the most difficult thing you'll ever do. But with Tony's materials, it's easier because he gives you a blueprint. He doesn't just tell you again what we all already know - anger is bad, eat well, lose weight, don't be sad, yadda, yadda. He gives you examples and tools for how to get out of that rut so that you can change from sad to happy, broke to whatever. Think of it as the most important toolkit you'll ever own - and get in the driver's seat of YOUR life!
Rating:  Summary: Give Credit Where Credit Is Due Review: The book has some great information that, when applied, can make some significant changes in a person's life. After reading numerous other works from authors in the self-help and academic arena, I discovered that a lot of what Mr. Robbins shares is the work of other people who paid the price to learn the techniques and methods. The information is based on sound research, yet very little is credited to the researchers. Just one of numerous examples is the concept of NAC. Mr. Robbins was in a legal dispute for using NLP, so he simply changed the name, added a few twists, and voila -- a new change technology. The information gets an "A", but Mr. Robbins gets a "D-" for ethics.
Rating:  Summary: It works if you use it! Review: Unlike the person who wrote their review before mine, I actually applied what Tony Robbins teaches in the book. By applying the techniques he describes in this book (and Unlimited Power) I changed my life, for the better, forever. This stuff WORKS if YOU CHOOSE to put the lessons into practice (optimal word "CHOOSE"). Case in point: I first read this book when it first came out in hardcover. Using the techniques in the book, I set out on a quest of eleven goals. These were things I really wanted to change in my life. There were many things in my life that were holding me back and the book specifically instructed me how to change my limiting beliefs and turn pain into action. At the time I wrote my goals, I had absolutely no idea how I was going to achieve them. Here I am seven years later and I achieved every single goal! Every one! From losing 40 pounds (and keeping it off by staying in shape), to finding the woman of my dreams and marrying her, to owning a very successful business. You can "choose" to be cynical and say the contents of this book are superficial and it's only "feel good" literature. To the contrary, in my experience, the lessons contained within the pages of this book are powerful! If you're reading these reviews to help determine if you should buy the book, do not let any nay-sayers influence your decision. For the cost of a mere dinner at a restaurant, you can possess the keys to unlocking your potential. I have never met Tony Robbins. But if I ever get the chance to meet him, I'll sound like a broken record just like the thousands of others who have been incredibly impacted by his powerful teachings.
Rating:  Summary: HUMAN MISERY Review: If you really feel like there's something missing in your life, if you are really miserable to that point, this book is for you. But the problem is that it's not going to help you. It will make you feel great for about 10-20 minutes after you've read a whole chapter and you will feel like you have really understood something great, but I promise you that it will not last. Try it! Go ahead! I'm just trying to save you 2, 3, 4, maybe 10 years of reading his books, going to his seminars and listenning to his tapes and not changing your life in any way. I won't even mention all the money you will lose on all that stuff. If you really want to change your life, read some philosophy, get into sports, religion, or whatever you're into, but PLEASE don't increase the misery in your life by reading the "teachings" of that poor giant: Tony Robbins!
Rating:  Summary: Best Choice I have ever made Review: I hate long books but have to admit I love this book.As Iam not American, i accepted this book is universal is not bias towards my culture nor interfere with my religion. If everybody in New York City would have read and use this book the rate of criminals would have been minimum. The book has improved my confidence and improve my communication Skill, it has not changed my financial position but my happinness has improved. I believe those are the core of my belief. It is a wonderful book, probably one of the best book from American writer I have ever read. Well Done Anthony!