Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money! Review: Junk! It's just plain stupid and childish. Tony Robbins must be really bored or something to spend his entire life preaching that nonsense. He spends his entire life taking money from all those poor souls...
Rating:  Summary: I'm so glad to see that other people finally know the truth! Review: I have read the previous reviews and all I can say is: there is still hope. When I read those reviews, I saw that more and more people no longer simply accept things like that; they are rational and more critical. Tony Robbins! If I was in front of you right now here is what I would say: "Thank you, Tony, for being such a 'friend'. You took thousands of dollars from me over the years because I was miserable and didn't know how to live. You 'cared' about me so much you wanted to 'help' me -for a small fee of course- some 'friend' you are! You helped me to awaken the 'Giant' within myself and to take some 'giant' steps. You also made me realize the 'unlimited' power I had within. But, you know what? None of it ever helped me. My family told me to stop waisting my money on your tapes, books, and seminars, but I just couldn't. I was so depressed and hurt from my past that you became like a drug to me. I listenned to your tapes daily... I wrote in my journal a couple of times a day... I used your OPA program... I did all your conditioning techniques... I had incredible goals and dreams, and today, 9 years later, I see that my life didn't change a bit. Thank you Tony for that. But you know, I have been saved. I no longer think about you. I threw out all of your books and tapes a year ago, and I am free again. No stupid conditioning, or asking myself moronic positive questions every morning and evening, controlling my physiology, writing in my journal, artificially copying people to become 'friends', listinning to your same jokes and same tapes over and over again.... It's all finished. I'm still sad at times but I can now deal with my problems because I discovered that no one can help me but myself. And this knowledge gave me strengh. I'm a new person today. You say you believe in God. But then again, many people have killed other humans in the name of God." PLEASE, GIVE YOURSELVES THAT GIFT. FREE YOURSELVES FROM TONY ROBBINS AND HIS SECT.
Rating:  Summary: Awaken the sucker within... Review: I have to agree with the previous reader's review . Tony has achieved enormous personal wealth by selling gullible souls on the American dream. If you can convince people that you have some special insight on how to achieve personal fortune, and then sell them a bunch of books and tapes on the subject then you too can become wealthy like Tony. That is exactly how Mr. Robbins achieved his success...by convincing millions of people through hyperbolic infomercials that his books and tapes would somehow miraculously set them on the path to personal success. But outside of that what exactly has Mr. Robbins done? What of lasting value has he created ? What new art has he created or science has he uncovered ? How many people can honestly say that his tapes and books have helped to create LASTING change in their lives ? I suspect very few if any. Robbins disco therapy is good only for a few moments of motivation.
Rating:  Summary: THE TRUTH ABOUT ANTHONY ROBBINS Review: I have known Tony for a number of years and it is now time to openly denounce him for what he is worth: 1) Think Tony is against drugs? Well, sorry to let the truth into the way of a good story, but he was caught with illegal drugs when crossing the Canadian border in 1976! So the miracle is how he managed to keep it secret for all those years... 2) He teaches about relationships but he is getting divorced (!). 3) He makes huge money on people's misery. 4) He was sued 4 times since 1984 for lying to the public (e.g., for years, he used to claim that firewalking was a "mind-over-body" experience that people could only achieve through years of experience or through his seminars) 5) His techniques don't work.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, it's easy to laugh him off Review: But this is probably the best self-help book I've ever read. Early self-help books, like Wayne W. Dyer's "Your Erroneous Zones" and Norman Vincent Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking" just offered a load of good wishes and positivity. This one really is an advance, because it contains many cognitive techniques - imaging, association, manipulation of vocabulary - that are widely used by therapists and coaches. No, Robbins didn't invent anything in here. A lot of it he stole from Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the developers of Neuro-linquistic programming. But if you can get past the silliness of his persona, his presentation of these ideas and his positivity really are winning. He is a damn good inspirer. So buy this book - a self-help book that actually delivers!
Rating:  Summary: What Are The Techniques? Review: I'm in the sales game, and thought I could pick up some good techniques to 'Awaken My Giant'. Tony Robbins writes in a jumbled manner, switching from one self-serving story to another. What is your point, Tony? Please get to the techniques already! 'Awaken' has a lot of pages and information, but it's like trying to put together a two-sided puzzle. This book is for robbins' loyalists who've seen the guy live. It is nauseating to read his continual chest-thumping tripe. That story about getting a tear in his eye when travelling via helicopter to a seminar made me laugh out loud. PAAAAHLEEEEEZE. And the 20 trips to Fiji to see where he wanted to buy his dream house on 120 acres, and don't forget all those celebs he hobnobs. Let's get real Tony! Pass up this book! The only thing I got from it is to 1) MAKE MORE DECISIONS 2) FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF 3) DON'T DO THINGS THAT WILL CAUSE LONG-TERM PAIN 4) REWARD YOURSELF WHEN YOU DO THE 'GOOD' THINGS. There, I just saved you 12 bucks.
Rating:  Summary: If he had only walked the talk Review: I have read all of Tony Robbins books, used to listen to his audio tapes in the car, went to Chicago for "Unleas the Power Within" and to Hawaii for Life Mastery but when I found out that he was divorcing his wife Beckie because he had found another girl (I was told she was one of the many volunteers who attend Robbins' conferences to make them run smoothly), I lost all respect for the man. He used to regale us with Beckie stories and made it sound as if this were the marriage of the century. How can we believe anything he as to say now? He is just another adulterer with the requisate trophy wife. God, the hypocrisy. Making millions of dollars preaching one thing, and doing anothr. There's a lot of money in bilking people these days, as Mr. Robbins has found out. The book is well-written and does have time-tested theories, but how can one take it seriously?
Rating:  Summary: Save Your Money! Review: Trite and simplistic. That is how I would characterize the ideas presented in this common sense journal. There is nothing new or ground breaking here, merely a rehash of dated ideas presented in Tony's awkward writing style. As some one who was caught up in the self help genre I can tell you from personal experience that this stuff will not produce lasting change or measurable improvement in your life. I know, I still suffer from the same emotional problems that I had when I embarked on my quest for personal improvement eight years ago, and I have pretty much read all the self help gurus...Chopra, Robbins, Covey and Scott Peck. It was entertaining but NOT life changing. What a sad commentary. Also bear in mind that may of these gurus lead incredible double lives. Mr. Robbins for instance recently divorced his wife of 15 years. Nothing particularly shocking about divorce, but after going on and on endlessly in his books about how great his marriage was and how his simple little techniques could be used to fix any relationship problems I must say it came as a bit of a surprise. Why, did'nt he do enough swish patterns...not enough neuro associative conditioning, Tony? Or maybe he lost his "motivation" for his wife ? My point is this stuff really does not work, neither for its authors nor for the suckers who are gullibe enough to buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Unleash and Unlock Your Hidden Potential Review: This book is well worth the money. It has more detail than some of his audiotape programs. For $11.20 he includes complete information from several of his seminars combined. As far as I'm concerned that is a total bargain. I paid $700 for a weekend video seminar of his and the information in "Awaken the Giant Within," covered it all and even more on top of that. Some of the reviewers have left some negative comments about Tony Robbins that I believe to be inaccurate. I'd like to address those. The October 7, 2000 review from Abilene, TX stated some things which are incorrect. The reviewer said that very little information is credited to researchers. That is simply not accurate. All throughout the book he gives credit to numerous authors or people on all different areas. Then the reviewer goes on to say that NAC is basically ripped off from NLP. (I am a Certified Practitioner of NLP.) Throughout his book he mentions NLP so he wasn't trying to hide his association with the NLP concepts. NAC is not just another version of NLP. It is quite distinct from NLP. NAC is a bunch of psychological technologies put together. Even NLP was mostly borrowed from a couple of other Psychologists. It took Tony Robbins to make NLP famous. He made NLP more famous than its founders ever did. That in itself could say something about Tony Robbins abilities to market and certainly his ability to succeed. The reason so many people know about him is because of some of the Self-Improvement technologies he either developed or at least used. I've read over 200 books on personal development and I've found there is much repetition in these books. Being original is not the key issue. The key is whether you get results. The ideas for his infomercials came from one of his technologies called Questions are the Answer. At the time his company was in debt to the tune of around $700,000 and against all the advise of his advisors he found a way to turn his company around and make it very profitable. That's another great story of his principles in action. Questions are the Answer is not Tony's creation for that is basically the way anyone becomes creative; by asking the right question. But the way he put the information together was really useful to me. It showed me that there is always a possibility to make an improvement in my life by simply changing how I focus on a situation by changing the questions I ask myself. This technique has become a lifestyle for me. I'm always looking for better questions to make breakthroughs in my life. Another technique I really like is Nuero Associative Conditioning or NAC for short. It helped me realize that in the main thing I needed to change myself was strong enough desire or Leverage as he calls it. But better than that, he showed me how to create that desire at any time. That is the great part about that technique for me. (Though there is much more to it.) I've used Leverage with several habits that I wanted to change and I was successful at changing them when before nothing was getting done about these problems. To some up, this is like many books in one. I recommend reading many other motivational books. Tony Robbins is not the only worthwhile motivational author, but he is a good one. I also recommend reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People," by Dale Carnegie, "Maximum Achievement," by Brian Tracy, "Your Infinite Power to Be Rich," by Joseph Murphy, and "How to Be Twice as Smart," by Scott Witt. Anyone who thinks his stuff is all hype either doesn't know much about self-improvement or dislikes Tony for some reason. Tony has made his mistakes but you won't be making a mistake by getting this book. (Note I do not work for Tony Robbins, I just think it is funny how some people have a negative reaction to him with all the things he has achieved. I've found that many people have a built in bias towards someone who is good at marketing himself or herself. They dislike people who in anyway promote their other materials in their books. Is there something wrong about helping people have more ways to improve themselves? Is there something wrong with a guy like Tony Robbins making money? I think many people are just jealous and that is why they criticize him.)
Rating:  Summary: A step in right direction Review: This book should be viewed as a tool, not as a literature masterpiece. This book is not about Anthony Robbins, it is about you, the reader. This book is also not about self-help. It doesn't presume that there is something wrong with you that this book will help correct. Very successful people can benefit from this book, as well as those who feel less successful. It is about personal growth, lifting your life to a higher level, focusing on what is good in your life and not on your failures. Some readers noted that A. Robbins is a self-promoter, advertising his Dates with destiny and similar seminars in this book. In my opinion, such assumptions are wrong. The book itself may not suffice for all, some people do need tapes and seminars. Critics and sceptics are also wrong in assuming this book aims at 'naive young people', as one reader wrote here. Among us who appreciate this book, there are those who are over 40, who have their own families, university degrees, even PhDs (like myself), hold executive jobs, have black belts in martial arts, have rich life experiences in any way you can imagine. I've already climbed high; I've made big decisions and bore the consequences, both good and bad. I know that it feels good. In many ways I did what A. Robbins suggests, many years before I even heard of him. Therefore, I can only recommend this book, as everyone can benefit from having a good coach by his/her side, and that is exactly what A.R. is. (Note: I live in Australia, and am in no way associated with any of A. Robbins' companies).