Rating:  Summary: Response to "what about mercury poisoning?" Review: Dr. Perricone is on the money with his dietary advice. As for the concern about mercury, consider that Salmon is not associated with mercury poisoning. Go to google and search on something like "salmon mercury poisoning" and find out for yourself, check the FDA sites. Any diet that recommends fresh wild salmon is starting out on the right foot.
Rating:  Summary: Great way to change your life! Review: I have been on the program since January 13, 2003. (...) I have lost 45 pounds as of March 28, 2003. I have over 80 to go, but this has been an easy program to stick with. (...), I find my expenses (which I track in Quicken) have not changed from my old way of eating. I dine out at places where salmon is available (Carabbas being my favorite), order things prepared how I need them and have not felt deprived once. (I have been on Weight Watcher's, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystems, Nu-Day, Richard Simmons, Tops, Overeaters Anon., and many many more over the years. I work 50 hours a week, go to law school at night and was a Starbucks coffee-head. Now I drink variety of teas, prepare ahead for two or three days at a time and pack an entire days rations with me to work and school. (By the way, it is not the schedule causing the weight loss, as I had a full semester without Perricone and was on the gain). I fit exercise in where I can, mostly in my chair at work doing ab exersises at my desk. I have not eaten one thing that is not allowed and find if I am diligent, I do not suffer any cravings. Though I buy his vitamins right now, I will purchase my vitamins seperate after the weight loss is accomplished. My 72 year old neighbor has lost two sizes in three weeks and loves it as well. The book is a very good tool that provides you with a variety of foods and, though it may seem contradictory, understands that some will not be able to change all of their habits at once and thereby provides additional information with regard to coffee. I don't use much of the skin program, though I use a cleanser (not his), and I put on night cream. I have far less trouble with blemishes...as a matter of fact it is rare now to get one whereas I used to have two or three going at all times. Some pretty bad. This is not an overnight cure, it is a lifestyle change. Don't expect that you can lose weight and then go back to your old habits and keep it off. I have, in two months, integrated this into a habit and do not see myself adding much back in at the end. Lastly, the weight loss and exercises are helping prevent what looked to be certain back surgery, quite a motivation to stick it out! UPDATE: It is July 28, 2003 and I continue to lose... have lost 90 pounds, feel great and continue to follow the rules! UPDATE: As of October I have lost 108 and leveled out and maintained. The holidays nrver even budged me
Rating:  Summary: If I won the lottery ... Review: I don't doubt that eating alot of protein, mostly in the form of fish, is beneficial. But when add to that an astounding amount of vitamin supplements, skincare products, and electrical muscle stimulating devices as part of the regime, I'd have to win the lottery to be able to afford this diet! For me, anyway, it's just not practical.
Rating:  Summary: But for the discrepancies.... Review: I'd have given it five stars were it not for the discrepancies. He advises avoiding toner yet he sells toner ("splash") in his product line. What? Don't use it unless he's selling it? Also, throughout the book Dr. P. tells us to totally shun coffee. Then, in his shopping list, he includes low fat milk "for coffee". The coffee we're NOT drinking anymore? And in the product list(s), the electric upper lip stimulator he extols is listed as being available from Clinical Creations (his company). What isn't included is the caveat that this device is still going through the rigors of USDA investigation and won't be available for another year AT THE VERY LEAST. There's an ambiguous chapter about 'the patient teaching the doctor' that I never quite got. It never states exactly what it was that she taught him. Other than these contradictions/discrepancies, it's a great book. The salmon really works, by the way. I've read both of his books and this one is the better of the two. It's certainly worth the investment (both for the book and for one's self).
Rating:  Summary: Been on it for two months Review: I saw Dr. Perricone on PBS and was intrigued by his discussion of inflamation. Since I have ugly spider veins on my face, I figured I'd give the diet a try before I forked over thousands and thousands of dollars to some laser surgeon. In talking to my sister, she wanted to try the diet, too. My friend jumped on board, and we all began the diet on January 13 (just less than two months ago). Results? My sister, 42, has lost 38 lbs (87 to go), has never cheated on the diet, loves it, and has no trouble with prep time though she's a paralegal by day and a full-time law student by night. My friend, 35, has lost 26 lbs (34 to go), cheats weekly, drinks wine daily, and has developed a passion for salmon. I, 43, have lost 17 lbs (33 to go), cheated once, but have a lot of trouble eating as often and as much as Perricone dictates. I find that I stall when I reduce the food or skip snacks. Skin? Each of us has had a dramatic improvement in our skin. My sister's stubborn adult acne has disappeared, my friend's sallow complexion and dark circles have disappeared, and my beet-red face and road map of veins is diminishing. Though the book has discrepancies (he needed a much better proof reader - and I've taken a star off because of it), it managed to motivate me and mine and produced the promised results. That says a lot!
Rating:  Summary: It helps if you're the obsessive type... Review: ...which I happen to be. Most people aren't willing to change the way they eat and drink -- at least not for more than a few days. However, if you have something of the maniac about you, and are willing to swallow a couple of fistfuls of pills each day (and are good about keeping track of replacing them as you use them up, and shopping around to find the best buys because some of them, like tocotrienol, are wicked expensive) then you should give this Perricone method a whirl. I happen to love salmon (I almost capitalized it just now: What does THAT tell you?) -- left to my own devices (i.e., if I weren't married) I'd eat it 4 or 5 times a week for dinner. The hard part is remembering to drink enough water. No big deal, really, just another thing to remember to do. I saw a noticeable improvement in my skin after about a week. Is it the fish? (I indulge more often now -- doctor's orders, right?) Is it the water? The vitamins? Beats me. I've been doing this for a year, and don't want to stop any of it, just in case. The Perricone method is a good match for people who are on Atkins (I am). You're taking protein, water, and lots of vitamins either way. Get this book in paperback, in case all this obsessing is more than you can take. (I'm giving the book 4 stars. He lost one for the infomercial -- relentlessly pushing his own exorbitantly-priced potions. I wouldn't have minded that, had he told us how to mix up our own.) -- Janis Jaquith, Public-Radio Commentator and author of BIRDSEED COOKIES: A FRACTURED MEMOIR
Rating:  Summary: Great Book for Health Conscious Review: This is a very helpful book for anyone interested in health, feeling great, or looking great. I actually found the diet recommendations more helpful than any other book I've read on health. The 28-day program menus are not particularly practical, but together with the information in the text, they helped me formulate a diet that has worked to help me feel great all the time, slim down, and stay that way.
Rating:  Summary: Perricone Prescription Review: Very good and informative guidelines to achieve a healthier body.
Rating:  Summary: Too many discrepancies, but a great book, really! Review: Felt it important to let readers know that I accidentally discovered a significant misprint on a PBS special in the vitamin/supplement section regarding Omega 3 and Omega 6 dosage requirements. The proper 2:1 ratio is 2: for omega 6, and 1: for omega 3 [1,000 mgs of omega 6 twice a day, 500 mgs omega 3 twice a day]. These dosages were transposed in both the Wrinkle Cure and the Perricone Prescription. There are quite a few misprints as to dosages, but am taking Dr. Perricone's "Prescription" with a grain of salt. I learned a great deal about antioxidants, nutrition in general, as I furthered my research outside of Dr. Perricone's books, and vit c/c-ester products. ONE OF HIS BOOKS IS ENOUGH -- Wrinkle Cure is best; you don't have to suffer the embarrassment of those before and after photos in the Perricone Prescription. What was he thinking? In terms of topicals, there are other sources (natural markets) that sell affordably priced skincare products. Do your homework in terms of comparison pricing. THERE IS A CHEAPER WAY TO DO THIS THING!!! You will find some remarkable changes in your skin and the way you feel.
Rating:  Summary: It just works Review: ... One late night I saw Perricone on PBS. I was definitely skeptical, but what he said made sense at least; it didn't come across as a mind-numbing infomercial. Inflammation, insulin reaction, antioxidants, importance of protein vis-a-vis carbs, it was a nice and clean model with enough detail and did not come across as a fad of the month. It was based on off-the-shelf products some of which I was already familiar with. And I was getting desperate physically, mentally, and emotionally and was getting burnt out at work. ... I started small and incrementally took what he recommended. It all started with DHA, more water and no caffeine - Costco sells a product called Senior Moments which has that and "cerebral phospholipids". I felt so poorly that despite the fact that I was once a religious caffeinator, I went off caffeine almost cold turkey within a couple of weeks. The results were astounding and dramatic all within a few days of doing so (the caffeine started to give me an unwanted buzz as I took the supplement, which just got me off caffeine faster). I began to think very clearly again, memory and focus was incredible, and I was multitasking like never before. Plus mood and emotional stability returned ... Another star is alpha lapoic acid (ALA). Talk about skin rejuvenation. My girlfriend took it and within a few days her severe acne problem cleared up entirely without having to use ... expensive skin lotions, lathers, soaps to manage it. Now, she has ...natural products that work much better at 1/10th the cost. With that and a CoQ10 facial cleanser, my skin has turned out great as well. I take most of the supplements Perricone lists (which *is* a laborious process that takes 5 minutes in the morning and another 5 in the afternoon, but combination supplements like Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc and Centrum help a lot... I also eat a bulk of foods as proteins and save carbs for last. Now, I am super energetic, mental clarity (thought process, memory, plain ol' solid thinking) has been astounding, and physical fitness (endurance, strength) has been super-incredible. And, the more I work out and sleep, the better I feel. Plus, the mood swings have gone away, I feel no stress ... I credit most of that to GLA (gamma linoleic acid); the more I have taken, from initially 150mg a day from primrose oil, to now 600mg from borage oil, the more I have been rendered stress free - entirely gone are the back and chest pains, headaches, and emotional up-and-down rollercoaster ride throughout the day. ... his book presents in a succinct and necessary way (though the segue between chapters is a little choppy so I could take a star off for that; it takes at least 2-3 reads to understand the big picture more fully) the why's and how's of good health and consequently great skin. You have to have patience to read through a rather dry topic that most people have been made to be rather skeptical of. In any event, I'd imagine the drug companies and fast food companies ...- wouldn't be all that happy if everyone discovered the basics again, and that's what the "prescription" is. It goes back to basics, and leverages supplements (most of which are already produced by our own bodies, albeit in limited amounts) and ol' fashion good eating habits to reinforce the machinery in our own bodies to work optimally. I make sure to eat proteins first, drink my tea and water too. If only the prescription could be simplified to a one-sentence tagline so more people would jump aboard like me. ... I strongly suggest for those of you with a lot of stress ...), with stress symptoms physical or otherwise, feel lethargic, overwhelmed and have been going through a brain-drain, to go out and get the book. If you're not the book reading type, see about making a pledge to your local PBS station and get the VHS tape. That's a more expensive option but well-worth it - help PBS and getting the info someway, somehow. ...There's actually a lot of pills, which are relatively cheap if you buy at vitamin shops ... and buy bulk quantity bottles. You also have to work out on a regular basis though workout quantity is not super important. ... Also, be aware the supplements work together and I would suggest an incremental approach. If you get into it, don't get into the fallacy of DHA is for smarts and GLA is for stress. They are, but in reality they overlap. ... There are "side-effects". You get thirsty more often from a higher metabolism rate (and you eat healtier, lose weight, and muscle builds up more quickly at the expense of fat). First few days of taking a particular supplement, like DHA or GLA, you can feel whoozy or sleepy. You might feel a bit of a "sensory overload" at first too, in particular with DHA and DMAE. That all went away for me after a couple of days... get the book or tape to find out. Best of luck...