Rating:  Summary: Extremely Informative Review: This book is wonderful. I've been wanting to write the author to thank her for writing this book. Her information helped me discover that I was progesterone deficient which may have not only caused my first pregnancy to end in miscarriage but also helped me realize why i had some difficulty getting pregnant to begin with.I had to tell my doctor to do progesterone levels during my second pregnancy to make sure everything was ok, and he thought I was a little paranoid only to find that my level dropped and I was put on natural progesterone and went on to carry full term and to have a beautiful healthy baby girl (who is now almost 2). If it wasn't for this book I would have not known what to look for while I was charting my temperatures and I may not have had my baby girl. If you are trying to get pregnant, want to know how to chart temps and get to know your body and the things you can do to help you get pregnant and signs to be aware of this is a must have.
Rating:  Summary: I am finally pregnant! Review: I first heard about this book in a chat room about infertility. I got pregnant very easily the first time but sadly it ended in a blighted ovum. Thinking I would have no problem conceiving again, I blindly began the journey to perenthood. After months of unsucessful attempts at pregnancy, I bought this book and became pregnant my third cycle of charting. However, it really only took me two cycles because with the help of this incredible book, I discovered that the second month I had charted, I did not ovulate! This book and its author are simply amazing! I am an obstetrical nurse, and I learned things about my body that I had never heard before. I recommend this book to everybody I know who wants to conceive but has been unable to. Thank you Toni!
Rating:  Summary: Helped me feel in control of the situation! Review: I have been trying to achieve pregnancy for over one year. I live in Chile, and I couldn't find any book that helped me gain control of the situation I was living. This book helped me have a full understanding of my female symptoms in order to try to achieve pregnancy. But the most important issue is that this book is so friendly wrotten, that I could start to have a normal life with my husband again, because I could undestand myself better and stop feeling guilty for not knowing when to plan intercourse. Living in the dark about fertility only generates problems between couples, so I highly recommend this book in order to calm down the emotions that appear during this difficult period. I still haven't become pregnant, but I hope it will be soon!
Rating:  Summary: A must read for all Review: This book should be required reading in middle school. I get so frustrated knowing the millions of women who are not aware of and do not take care of their own bodies. I have always refused to take the pill or anything that would change the natural rhythms of my body. Now, with this book, I feel I have found myself. I can truly feel confident about my fertility choices. I also feel quite silly that I never knew a lot of this information! She writes in an easy to read manner with lots of information. Some humor too! Please read!
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book that should be read! Review: This is an excellent book, unsurpassed by many. Thank you for making my life meaningful! This is defintely a book I plan to recommend to my friends!
Rating:  Summary: Forget it if you are irregular Review: Well, don't forget it, but it will probably make you feel inferior. It is a great charting primer--how to chart your cycles whether you are regular or irregular. However, it is way too general for the other 20%(?) of us who do not have perfect 28 day cycles, obvious cervical mucus, or the same length luteal phase month after month. If you happen to have 45 day cycles, variable-day luteal phases, and no cervical mucus to speak of, then you probably have something wrong with you according to Ms. Weschler. Maybe some would find the information helpful, I just found it frustrating. I also found some of the information conflicting with well-founded medical science. Remember--Ms. Weschler is no doctor, so take any advice she has for what it's worth.
Rating:  Summary: This book really works! Review: After trying to get pregnant for many months, and having no success...we read this book and followed the plan and just found out that we are pregnant. The book is clear and the message is supportive. I definately recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: A must have for every woman! Review: I had heard about the book a couple of times when I was younger but always thought it was for getting pregnant only. So, after trying to get pregnant for only one month and already getting frustrated, I bought the book. To my sheer delight and releif the book helped me feel more in control of getting pregnant (versus hoping for good luck) and explained so much more. Not only did we get pregnant 2 months later but I knew why we were not pregnant each month we tried before and how perfectly normal that was too! Plus it is working as a great BC method between pregnancies instead of resorting to chemical methods, especially while breastfeeding (given your period returns during this time)!This should be the handbook in every womans life beginning in your teens. I will certainly give and teach from it to my daughter.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Knowledge Review: As many have stated, this book is an excellent, multi-purpose reference tool. First and foremost, it educates women about the natural and surprisingly predictable changes that their bodies go through in the course of a month. Secondly, excellent for pregnancy achievement and finally for natural family planning. I am planning on using this book as an educational aid for my children. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
Rating:  Summary: The Information EVERY Woman needs to know Review: It was such a relief to find all the information in this book in one place, with real life examples, charts, pictures and easy to understand details. I had been surfing the net for conception information and got frustrated with what I was finding. Every woman needs to read this book and know what happens to her body month after month. I was a bit angry that I made it all the way to 35 and never knew this stuff! I will be sure to make sure my future daughters know it much earlier. Now that I have found this book, I am so happy to know I will never need to go back on the pill after we have kids, and my husband will never need a vasectomy either. Being informed and killing the mystery is such a wonderful thing.