Rating:  Summary: This book is only good for fertile couples Review: I followed the advice of this book for months, to no avail, then I found an infertility specialist who determined that my husband and I both have fertility problems. One of the very very VERY important subjects that this book DOES NOT discuss, which almost every other book on fertility DOES discuss, is PCOS. PCOS is "Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome" and it affects a substantial amount of women that do not ovulate regularly. Most women suffering from PCOS do not even know they have it. If you are a fertile couple with regular periods, and your husband has no infertility, then this book is for you because it discusses how to conceive when a couple is fortunate enough to have "good plumbing." On the other hand, if you're sufferng from infertility (no conception after 9 months of trying), then get tested. This book doesn't really go into detail on advanced reproductive technologies either. The author is also not a doctor, and human fertility is such a complex subject. I know the people that are happy with this book are the ones who probably had nothing wrong with their fertility in the first place, but if you do, then I don't recommend this book at all.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST HAVE for every Woman, Mother and Teenage Daughter! Review: This is an amazing book, easy to read, easy to reference later! Thank God I now have the info needed to prevent pregnancy, when desired, without the birth control pill and it's side effects. More importantly, after 4 failed months of trying, I finally became pregnant the first month after reading it. The information provided is so fundamental and enlightening, yet my Dr. couldn't tell me half of this, and he's an OB-GYN!!
Rating:  Summary: This is a book they should hand out to girls in high school Review: Not only is this book great for getting pregnant and monitoring yourself while pregnant, it is great for learning about your body. This is information women should all be privy to. Many doctors are not even familiar with this information. Anyone who is thinking of trying to conceive, who has been ttc unsuccessfully or just wants to know more about their own bodies should get this book. This book was worth every single penny spent on it. To me, it is worth (more)!
Rating:  Summary: Loved it! Review: My only regret about buying this book was that it took me so long to find out about it. As I read and learned about how I could learn to understand and even PREDICT my monthly cycles, I was amazed that no one had bothered to teach me about this before. If you are trying to get pregnant, this book is a MUST READ. If you are NOT trying to get pregnant, and you are sick of being on the Pill, this book is a MUST READ. The title is says it all: you can TAKE CHARGE of your decision to have a child or not, and you don't need a Pill or even necessarily the medical establishment to do it!
Rating:  Summary: WOW!! We are finally pregnant Review: I bought this book because my husband and I really want to have a baby. We had been trying for six months. I read through the temperature sections and picked out what I needed for myself. I did everything it said and the month I bought it we got pregnant. It really works. My husband and I just found out we will be having a baby in August 2002. We are so excited and I would recommend this book to everyone that is trying to conceive. Good luck to you all that are trying and give this book a shot.
Rating:  Summary: Achieving pregnancy Review: There are a lot of good things about this book. I found that the methods Tomi Weschler described were not as easy as she would have you believe, but it is definitely a helpful and useful book. I recommend it to anybody trying to achieve a pregnancy.
Rating:  Summary: Got pregnant first try! Review: This book provided a wealth of information. I'm 33 years old...not over the hill...but no spring chicken either...the biological clock ticks loudly. I had no idea how my own cycles worked...or that there were physical cues that would increase my chances of fertility. I wanted to try for a second baby when my son was 15 months old...so that my children would be as close to 2 years apart as possible. I had nursed my first baby...so when my period returned at 11 months post partum...I started tracking my cycles...and getting an understanding of my luteal phase duration (which was on the short side to begin with). When my son's 15 month rolled around...we were ready to try...and I had 5 months worth of cycle data to help me pinpoint the best days to try to conceive....and I knew I was pregnant before a home pregnancy test would confirm it. I also bought the new TCYOF fertility software to chart my temperatures and cervical fluids to help me pinpoint most fertile windows...and to predict future ovulation dates...and I was pregnant on the first cycle we tried to conceive. Boom. In fact...I have the same exact due date that I had with my first baby! How is that for accurate planning? LOL. I highly recommend this book...and the software available at tcoyf.com. Forget the expensive fertility monitors....all you need is this book, the software (cheap) and a basal thermometer.
Rating:  Summary: great book Review: This book is very informative. It helps give the woman more control over her own fertility treatment by knowledge.
Rating:  Summary: TCOYF - a definitive fertility guide Review: Weschler's book goes into great detail about the physiological changes which occur in women's bodies on a monthly or near-monthly basis, and what happens when they do not occur as expected. Using this book as a teaching and reference guide, any woman with enough intelligence to read at a 12th-grade level should be able to learn how to analyze her own cycle, determine when she is ovulating during any given cycle, and know when it is time to seek medical advice. I am a doctor of veterinary medicine, so I have a strong background in biology and physiology, and was well aware of the physiology of the menstrual cycle prior to reading this book. However, I learned a lot about the practical changes experienced by women on a daily basis through their cycles, and had several "aha! I'm not alone!" moments while reading this book. I think it is a great book for older teens and college students as well as "old marrieds" like me. Along with "Our Bodies, Our Selves," it has become a standard high-school graduation gift or going-to-college gift for me to give to my younger female relatives. Despite the title and the impression many people have, TCOYF is NOT just about how to get or not get pregnant. The basic information is useful and interesting even for celibate or virgin women, I think. Definitely worth the money!
Rating:  Summary: We women should have been taught this long ago Review: I borrowed this book from our local public library and was stunned by the information I found inside it. Wow! why didn't we learn this back in school? My goal was pregnancy, but after just the first month of charting I knew exactly when to expect my period and exactly when I ovulated. Who knew that cervical fluids are a telling sign of extreme fertility? Heck, I thought it was a matter of luck when getting pregnant. Well, I became pregnant on the second month of charting and my friend (who had been trying for 6 months and then finally borrowed the book the same week I read it) became pregnant just 10 days after me. With charting she found out she was not even ovulating until 2 weeks later then the average cycle. She had been trying at the wrong time all along! I think this book is fantastic and every woman should read it. If you are having problems with fertility that is a serious medical issue, then it may not be much help. But, if you have nonspecific infertility you might want to give it a try. Even if you are not trying to get pregnant and just want know more about your cycles it is very well worth it.