Rating:  Summary: Great tools to increase both effectiveness and happiness Review: Stephen R. Covey holds and MBA from Harvard Business School and a doctorate from Brigham Young University. He is the author of several bestsellers build on this particular book. So what do you write about a book with 253 reviews? Never mind, I'll do my best. (I must apologize that this book review is longer than my usual ones.)"The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People embody many of the fundamental principles of human effectiveness. These habits are basic; they are primary. They represent the internalization of correct principles upon which enduring happiness and success are based." Covey has split the book up in four parts: (1) Paradigms and Principles; (2) Private Victory; (3) Public Victory; and (4) Renewal. In Part I - Paradigms and Principles, Covey challenges our thinking and provides an overview of the seven habits. He wants us to shape out thinking so we can see issues from different viewpoints other than our own. This way of thinking he refers to as "a principle-centered, character-based, "inside-out" approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness." And the 7 habits are the tools to make this level of thinking possible. In Part Two - Private Victory, Covey starts to discuss the first three habits. Habit 1 is the habit of 'proactivity', which means more than taking initiative. "It means that as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives." In short, we should not be reactive or responsive, we need to act and create. Habit 2, Begin with the End in Mind, is based on principles of personal leaders. It means that should first set out our own values, or our personal mission statement, before we start managing/doing things. He provides several questions and an appendix so that you can create your own personal mission statement. Covey also provides tools to write a family statement and an organizational statement. Habit 3, Put First Things First, is the practical fulfiment of habits 1 and 2: "Habit 3, then, is the second creation, the physical creation." Covey splits activities into a two-by-two matrix based on urgency and importancy. Surprisingly enough, most important is Quadrant II which stands for not urgent and important. According to Covey activities in Quandrant II would make a tremendous positive difference in people's life. These three habits are the parts of Private Victory. In Part Three, Covey discusses Public Victory. This part focuses on interaction between ourselves and outsiders and this interdependence can only be build on a foundation of true independence (Part Two - Private Victory) Habit 4 is called Think Win/Win, whereby "Win/Win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. ... It's not your way or my way; it's a better way, a higher way." Covey argues that we should either choose between Win/Win or No Deal. Habit 5 consists of two parts - (i) Seek First to Understand, (ii) Then to Be Understood - and is probably one of the most difficult ones around since it requires empathic communication, which includes listening! "Although it's risky and hard, seek first to understand, or diagnose before you prescribe, is a correct principle manifest in many areas of life." The other half, Then to Be Understood, requires consideration and takes courage. "When you can present your own ideas clearly, specifically, visually, and most important, contextually you significantly increase the credibility of your ideas." If you can succeed, Habit 6 - Synergize is the highest activity in all life: "the true test and manifestation of all of the other habits put together. ... It catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest powers within people." Part Four - Renewal is considerably different that the first three parts of the book. It is the circle surrounding the first six habits. Covey calls habit 7 Sharpen the Saw, which is the renewal of the four dimensions of your nature: Physical; spiritual; mental; and social/emotional. Renewal makes it possible for us to move up the upward spiral of growth and change, which ultimately leads to continuous improvement. In the final chapter Covey tells the story of how he and his wife went through the inside-out process while he was on sabbatical leave. Yes, I do like this book. It contains an enormous amount of information, but it is not a struggle due to the simple writing style of the author. Some people will not like this book since it will mean delving deep into their innerselves. But this book provides tools in the form of habits to make it possible for people to become more effective and, most importantly, bring more happiness. Yes, the seven habits are very simple and, perhaps, predictable. And I do not think that they should be taken by Covey's every word, but the the overall picture - "effective, useful, and peaceful lives ... for ourselves, and for our prosperity" - should be the goal! Highly recommended - and not just to business people.
Rating:  Summary: Personal Journey Handbook Review: Is life getting the "best out of us" instead of " us getting the best out life"? I encourage everyone who has either hit a plateau in life's journey or would like to envelope life and all it's goodness to read or listen to Dr. Steven Covey's Seven Habit's of Highly Effective People. It is only when we take charge of our lives that we experience life at it's fullest. Remember, if we keep doing the same things, we will keep getting the same results. Are you happy with your results? If you are, The Seven Habits will bring you a greater level of capacity. If you are not, The Seven Habits will open the window of life and grace you with perfumed air! May your faith guide you to the goodness life has in store for you. The Seven Habits will embrace you if you embrace them. Our life is our responsibily. The definition of responsibilty is "to be Reponse-Able". We are ALL able to respond. Enjoy the journey. In God's Grace, ALG, Jr. Bronx, New York.
Rating:  Summary: the 7 habits of highly effective people Review: For the past ten years I have been reading self improvements books and various philosophies about life but this is unique and best. What a great experience in reading this book. Can anyone write a book like this hereafter? Stephen you are great.
Rating:  Summary: Tools, that's all. Review: I'm motivated to share my thoughts after reading a few of the 1 and 2 star reviews I read. First of all; this is only a self-help book, and contrary to some of the reviewers expectations, this book is not going to shock you into success. Additionally, this book does (and Covey states this in the intro) repeat very old values related to commitent, time mangement, and prioritizing time; you aren't really going to hear something you haven't heard before. So what does Covery offer? Some of the best sets of tools for managing your life. He states that he came into this new management process while studying old self-help literature from hundreds of years ago. Throughout history he saw the same values repeated over and over again...until the later 20th century. Covey insists that modern self-help literature is superficial, offering a illusory advantage by providing short cuts around older and proven methods. What Covery does is summarize these values and then lays out a method (or a set of tools) for scheduling these values. Obviously, it doesn't matter what you know regardng philosophy and religion when this knowledge can't be incorporated into what you're actually going to do this week. Where's the relevency? And how do your values, what you are, what you do, how do you actually work that into a daily-weekly-monthly schedule!? There's nothing deep here, no mystical revelations. Just tools. If you want mystical revelation, if you want stories of how the supernatural can save you, then find a different book. But if you need help prioritizing you career, your family committments, getting some exercise, enjoying a few hobbies, and all the while getting the chores done, this book helps. I gave it 4 stars and not 5 since the beginning is boring, wordy and redundant. I wish the book just started with the tools and got through them. Covey was probably compelled to be wordy to defend or entice the people who read this stuff thinking that they will suddenly find the motivation to do something they should be doing anyway. It's worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: Tedious Reading Review: Most of the self motivational suggestions, although accurate, have been regurgitated in every self help book over the last decade and as a result were uninspiring. It is extremely difficult to believe that I could lessen my stress by following Mr. Coveys P/PC Balance Equation and classifing my daily/weekly activities into the 4 Quadrant Time Management Matrix. Perhaps Mr. Covey has the time to list each of his key roles and create 2 weekly goals for each role and then document those goals on a weekly scheduler, but I certainly do not. In fact, I believe that the committment to adhere to such a system would result in my stressful demise. I am disheartened that I had to write such a vitriolic review of this book. After reading many rave reviews I had grandiose expectations from Mr. Covey and that has surely led me to this level of disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Don't bother... Review: I'm giving one star only because there is no "zero star" designation. The "information" in this book is simple common sense couched in and disguised with flowery language to make it appear more than it is. Almost everyone should already know what's in this book before they read it. I suggest you save your money.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent route to personal growth Review: Although Covey's book is aimed at management, it applies equally well to daily living in any situation. It's about self-respect and getting along with others. There's nothing mystical about this book. It isn't New Age, religious, occult, or oriental philosophy. The seven habits are straightforward, practical, and sensible. It is another way of looking at "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", without religious sensitivities getting in the way. If you're having problems with maturity (your own or another's), being too severe or uptight, or otherwise being somehow ineffectively influential, this book can be your bible. It can help you file off the rough edges of personality defects or inexperience, and Covey explains it in a way that you will find understandable, acceptable, and approachable. This is easily the best book of its kind out there that I've come across.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Covey!!!! Review: Stephen R. Covey's book is a truly magnificent book. It guides the reader through 7 essential habits for achieving success in life. The way the book is organized and the common sense that forms the foundation of Coveys philosphy makes it easy to apply the specific habits in your daily life. The book keeps a sober and balanced attitude towards personal growth, it doesn't get lost in "new age" philosophies or drown in eastern religions-gone-west. A thing I particularly like about this book is that each habit is presented in such a way that it is up to the reader to go about the creative and practical process of applying the habits in their lifes, there is no set rules, techniques or plan to follow. This allows for individual freedom and makes it possible to keep your own unique personality. This book is a must-buy if you are interrested in personal growth from a logical, practical and common sense perspective. Stephen Covey has published a true goldmine of inspiriation for improving your life.
Rating:  Summary: Deep Thought Provoking Look at Yourself Review: (. . .)P>In a somewhat wordy and lengthy discussion (thus the 4 stars), Mr. Covey presents the reader, in a peaceful and non-judgemental fashion, a way to examine one's life style, and make a few changes that WILL (I say that intentionally) help the reader. There are a wide variety of personal habits that can be examined by the reader as this book is read, and then possibly applied to the reader's life-style. The theories are very stimulating and non-threatening, so they appear as friendly offers to a better, more organized life style. I have found that Mr. Covery's ideas are very good, and have applied some to my world, and feel very good about the results. As I said earlier, there are times when less words may have resulted in more being said, but I see that as personal preference, not a major problem with the writing. I suggest that you read this book, without fear of wasted time, and use the materials as a base to make any changes you feel may be helpful to your life's situations. Well done Mr. Covey.
Rating:  Summary: A guide to discovering the straight and narrow Review: I first received a copy of this book 12 years ago, shortly before I turned 18. I cannot overstate the effect that it has had on my life since then. While it took a good number of years for the lessons of the book to really sink in, once they had an enormous change in my life came about. I do not want to get into personal details, but to say the least, both my professional and personal lives have benefited immensely from the changes that internalizing the teachings of this book have wrought.