Rating:  Summary: Tipped me Review: This is really a good book, both educational and inspirational. It gets down to the most fundamaental issues - human behaviors and how it helps to spread a news, a product to a disease. It is very interesting. If you want to get a break from all those fiction books, like me, this is really worth reading.
Rating:  Summary: Educational and Entertaining Review: I am not a marketing person and I seldom read non-fiction, but I found this book to be 1) very informative 2) easy to follow the logic 3) diverse examples of the authors point and 4) fairly well written. I found the book so interesting, I read it in 3 days.
Rating:  Summary: Sociology for dummies Review: If you are looking for a collection of unusual stories and pseudo-scientific tales to entertain your friends during the next party, this is the book you are looking for. But if you like real BOOKs, i.e. a collection of pages that constitutes a single, valuable, interesting object, then this is not for you. Some examples from mlacom Gladwell occupy pages and pages, without any reason. Each basic concept is repeated so many times giving the impression the author is talking to a dummy reader, not to a normal person. In conclusion, this book seems to be more a first draft than a finished book. It is missing consistency in the style, connections between chapters and topics.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book for Young People to Read!! Review: Being a teacher of high school seniors, this book has proved to be an invaluable tool in opening their eyes to how the world is. Most young people, since they don't read, have an extremely narrow view of the world (basically the five miles radius that surrounds their house)so any book that can enlighten them is a joy to find. The book is a great starting point from examining trends to figuring out why teens continue to smoke in such numbers. As a bonus, my students now understand the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon commercial for the Visa Check Card!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Good, but not quite complete... Review: To be quite honest, I was disappointed with this book. I understood it to be more poignant. Unfortunately, it was more of the same pop psychology spin on what might have otherwise been a more balanced premise. The examples, though relevant, are straight out of Psych. 101, minus the professorial warning of attaching to much importance to their conclusions. It takes a rocket scientist to understand why crack houses become crack houses? Well, I can tell you that it undoubtedly has to do with the fact that no one lives in them, their dilapidated condition announces their vacant status. Does context matter? Of course it does. For one to suggest that its importance exists in a vacuum, or carries more weight than any other factor is ridiculous. Nearly every example that was sighted in the book lacked background and scope, thus absent the contextual significance that the book proposes. I think I would have much preferred this book with a more balanced presentation of Mr. Gladwell's evidence [i.e. other factors sustaining the "epidemics" used as examples]. I am not a writer, however, and will admit that gaining sufficient interest from the public to make a book a bestseller probably requires a different appeal.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent for anyone in sales and marketing ... Review: Common sense study that brings to light how some trends take off and why others never do. Basic understanding of human nature and how to cultivate interest for your product or program. Would make a nice addition to any reading list for business, sales and marketing.
Rating:  Summary: Extraordinary Insight into Human Behavior Review: I casually picked up Gladwell's book while thumbing through the Marketing Section at a local bookseller -- what an incredible find this book was. Malcolm Gladwell picks up where Dr. Cialdini's pivotal work "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" left off in deep explanation as to how people "really" make decisions. The Tipping Point explains so much that we know intuitively, but have warned-away from by thousands of other erroroneous theories and marketing classes. I now understand the advertisements I see, and why the theories underlying the unsuccessful ads are so painfully wrong. Malcolm's ideas about the "magic 150" in group size was my favorite example, as I have seen it for myself. I cannot recommend this book more...
Rating:  Summary: Food for thought , and wings to the imagination Review: I really liked this book. I have been a small business owner for the past fifteen years, and part of my success has been the consequence of regular reading and regular application as I judge possible of what I read about marketing. This book though is different, it is not quite a business-how-to book, it is a collection of essays that have made me think about my business from a different perspective and they have also helped me explain to myself, why after carrying one particular item in my store, all of a sudden, several months down the road, without any particular special effort, that item would fall into the category of one of our most popular sales...If you are looking for howtos or ways to market your business, or your manufactured goods, this is not your best bet. For that I would recommend any of Levinson's Guerrila Marketing books. But if you have either passed that phase or if you enjoy thinking about social forces, this is a book for you. It is clever, it has momentum and gives the reader wings for the imagination. Any book that can do this is worth its price in gold and certainly worth 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book that challenges us to think differently Review: Many may consider this book some sort of marketing book, but it is far more. There are some very clear social psychological principles . The last part on context is worth the price. The author makes note that every thing has a contest. Peoples behaviors, tragedies, and life in general. The importance of context is vital but forgatten by most. The applications of ideas in this book can be used accross the board. Read it more than once. Don't let the title fool you.
Rating:  Summary: Society is not that simple Review: The book is about how little events can trigger major tendencies, leading to social-epidemics. As you can expect from books that explore social behavior, the author tries to convince you that his theory can explain human conduct and, thus, modify it. He deals with such diverse issues as crime, teenage smoking, education and other critical subjects. He tries to point out the little events that can change them but do not expect great insights, just "tips"