Rating:  Summary: A Bean Counter's Evaluation Review: First of all I really love reading the extemporary words of wisdom spoken by the leader of our nation. Sometimes I have difficulty understanding exactly what he is saying, but no matter, his off the cuff remarks are unlike those of any other president in our history.BUT: You are paying dearly for them when you buy this book. There are only 95 of them in the 84 pages of this slim tome. Gosh, almost 10 cents apiece? It's a book that can actually be read in a few minutes. Staunch supporters of the prez should consider buying this book, not for the quotations, but for the 44 (yes, forty four)pictures of the president in the book - plus one picture of his dog. Many are full page, suitable for framing shots that would fit nicely on your corporate desk. And now would someone please explain a couple of the quotes? "You see, the Senate wants to take away some of the powers of the Administrative branch." I was taught that there are 3 branches of govmint: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. On what date was the Administrative branch added? "There's an old saying in Tennessee -I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee- that says fool me once, shame on- shame on you. Fool me,- you can't get fooled again." I thought it was supposed to go "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." And lets part with the following: "I am the master of low expectations." and "There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through tough times before, and we're going to do it again." Hmmm, sounds sort of dire. Kind of reminds me of Kafka's saying "Hope is infinite, but not for us."
Rating:  Summary: Funny but oh so sad................ Review: I can't help but laugh out loud at the humorous misspeak of our leader, but then again...oh my God...he IS our leader! Why do we ignore his past alcohol abuse, driving while intoxicated record (documented in Maine) and likely cocaine use cover up? Yet I fear that his lingual brain center wasn't the only part affected!
Rating:  Summary: More amazing quotes from W. Review: I own all three of the the g. w. bushisms books, and I can tell you that they are both funny and scary at the same time! Jacob Weisberg has done an amazing job of researching and collecting quotes from W. to make us all laugh! If you love pollitical humor, go and get all three of these books, quaranteed to leave you in stiches!
Rating:  Summary: Seldom is the Question Asked, Is Something Wrong with Him? Review: I used to laugh at Bush's verbal gaffes too, but seldom is the question asked, is there something wrong with the man? Has he fallen off the wagon? Is his brain fried? Mine would be if I kept up the party-boy lifestyle I had as a college undergrad until I was 40. Think about it, wouldn't your brain be toast too after decades of alcohol and possibly cannibus and poppi abuse? Consider, in the August 2004 timeframe alone, Bush: > stammered some hysterically incomprehensible gibberish about tribal sovereignty to a group of native american journalists. Though it doesn't make for a good Bushism "sound byte" his incomprehensible, rambling, ad hoc answer was funny (there's a Quicktime video of this on the web...) Until you realize how remarkabley unprepared he was. His reply to a straightforward soft ball question also was offensive to native americans, who can actually be heard gasping in the background when his answer implied that native americans were "given" their sovereignty by the US government. > Actually, really, said, "Our enemies will never stop seeking ways to harm our country and its people, AND NEITHER WILL WE!" durning a press conference where he signed a $400 billion plus dollar military appropriation. Doh! > Last but not least, made a mega-freudian-faux pax on the campaing trail in front of thousands when he said something to the effect that... "we must not stop OB/GYN doctors from spreading their love of woman across the country." HA-HA-Huh?! Bear in mind, these >all occured around a one month period<! Also consider that these gaffes come from professionally prepared, written speeches in most cases! All's he has to do is read off a frigg'n sheet of paper! Now, even if Bush was articulate there's a thousand reasons why I wouldn't vote for him. In fact, this will be the first presidential election I absolutely plan to vote in, I embarrassingly admit, ever! This administration has been an unmitigated disaster for this country. However, making its way up the "reasons against" column in terms of relative importance is the concern about the man's mental stability, and past substance abuse issues, as evident in these all too frequent "Bushisms". Is the guy mentally fit to be the leader of the free world? It's not like the list of Bushisms is half-a-dozen. There's enough material here, literally, for a book! These so-called "Bushisms" are symptomatic of far greater problems, at least to me, at this point. In fact, they explain a lot.
Rating:  Summary: Bush, what a joke... Review: I'm only 15 years old and I've only voluntarily read one book(John Lydon's autobiography) but over the past 2 years, I'm sick of the headlines every day, soldiers and civilians being killed cause of this maniac called Bush. Specially since my cousin is over there and could probably die. I picked up this book today cause I didn't have enough money to buy a serious one, so it was a cheap, easier and funnier alternative, wich I actually read in no more than 45 minutes. It's a great book specially if you're classified by many as 'treasonous', but then again, many Bush supporters could also get a kick out of this book. The downside of this book is that it's just too short. It's alright considering this is the 3rd release, that's how dumb Bush is. I'm really intrested in politics and this book was just a starter for other books I want to buy, like "The Lies of George Bush", "The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq" and "Winning Back America" by Howard Dean. Well I hope this review sounded coherent enough. I recomend you just read the book in the store. It's that fast and easy to read.
Rating:  Summary: Just Goes to show ya! Review: Just goes to show ya...anyone that's a good citizen, and has the money behind him, even if its family money, can become Prez of the United States, don't matter how stupid he be...
Rating:  Summary: Don't know whether to laugh or cry Review: Make no mistake about it. Apart from a few flubs, this is not a book of mere malapropisms, nor would the first-rate journalist Jacob Weisberg have compiled it if that's all it amounted to. No, to the careful reader, this book offers insight into the frighteningly simple mind (and shallow character) now charge of decisionmaking in the most powerful elected office IN THE WORLD. For example, is this a man who cares to learn anything about environmental protection in the Arctic? ..."the explorationists are willing to only move equipment during the winter, which means they'll be on ice roads, and remove the equipment as the ice begins to melt, so that the fragile tundra is protected." Sure, you'll laugh, and laugh hard, but the question all Americans should ponder after reading this book: how did someone of this caliber rise to power in the world's greatest meritocracy? Where is the accountability of the university powers-that-be who admitted W. to Harvard and Yale? Why was much of the U.S. press and public in 2000 so oblivious to Bush's SCANDALOUS lack of preparation for the highest office in the land? Where was the examination of his character back in 2000, when Bush made it a leading campaign issue? This is the book Kafka urges us to read: a book that "bites and stings" with implied rebuke: how did we let this calamity (this president of both breathtaking stupidity and impoverished character) happen?
Rating:  Summary: Still More--- Is He Is Or Is He Isn't Review: On reading Jacob Weisberg's three books on Bushisms we are left to attempt to understand if Little G W is evil or just plan dumb. I for one don't think that he is either or... perhaps he is dumb and evil. Now that is a twofer for you. In My readings I believe that I have located a real clinical reason for his Bushisms, however you will have to wait for my next book "Any Clown Can Appear Presidential" to learn what it is. Just don't make the mistake of thinking that Little G W talks the way he talks due to being a Texan for in my last book "Co-Dependent..." I have clearly shown that Little GW is NOT a Texan, Godlove'em. This book is still more fun than the first two so buy still more of it, read still more of it, and enjoy still more of it. Rick Goodner, Author of "Co-Dependent... What a Bore and Other Clinical Observations"
Rating:  Summary: Did he really say that??? Review: That is the question that keeps returning. This is incredibly funny in a laugh out loud kind of way. Now if only it were illustrated like the George W. Coloring Book which had me laughing even harder. I reccommend all three.
Rating:  Summary: A Cheap and Easy Way to Make a Quick Buck Review: The only dumb people the "author" is focusing on are the ones who will actually pay money for something like this. (Someone gave me the copy I read.) This is an effortless collection of common, everyday misspeaks. Obviously, Mr. Weisberg is using this opportunity to express his frustration at his own low self-esteem, lack of success, or other poor quality. These types of "books" should never be published. They are useless, meaningless, and certainly not entertaining. It serves as much purpose as the Al Gore CD of his flubs. People need to appreciate leadership, and if they want to do something about changing it, seek the legal, formal, and most resultant ways of doing so. I'm glad I wasn't given the first two editions to read. And I certainly won't buy them.