Rating:  Summary: Preaching to the choir Review: I bought this book because of Thomas Petzinger's comments about its value. I was deeply disappointed in the book's content. To me, it seems void of any real ideas. Or, at least any ideas that are implementable. For example, the authors direct companies to "tear down their firewalls." Are they really serious about this? The fact that markets are conversations (apparently, the key insight to the book, as it is repeated endlessly) is an interesting idea but it isn't enough to support an entire book. One of the chapters talks about the different forms of network communications: email, chat rooms, mailing lists. It felt like I was reading a primer for people who were new to networking. After that, I wondered where the chapters on gopher, ftp, and archie were. To someone with networking savvy (that is, I know how to create web pages and write CGI scripts), this book will add little to what you know and provide small compensation for the price of the book and the time you will spend reading it. Also, I got real tired of the authors' tone. It assumes that all people that manage corporations are fools on power trips. Any blessed insight from the authors, therefore, must be manna from networking heaven. Another title for this book could be Dilbert's Networking Advice for the New Millenium
Rating:  Summary: Quite Simply: Required Reading Review: If you've given this whole World Wide Web thingamajigger any modicum of serious consideration, then the Manifesto is required reading. This book provides a smorgasbord of food for thought, along with plenty of chuckles and a genuine belly laugh or two. Above all, it manages to articulate (in easy-to-swallow in-your-face style) a liminal moment not just in the evolution of business, but in the evolution of human culture. An overstatement? It might seem so ... now. Read this book, and you'll see it's more like the tip of the iceberg. But wait, there's more -- you'll probably find your optimism meter ratcheted up a few notches. Pretty good bang for the buck!
Rating:  Summary: the meaning of an epoch Review: It's quite important that this book sells more than any otherbusiness book since Amazon started keeping records Only if this book gets the kind of epoch-changing reception that eg In search of Excellence did in its time, will companies start to make real use of the internet as the 21st C medium defining business models, society and improvement of the human lot. Learn as you engage with the train's fury why the internet works as an entirely different media from the television spot. With huge opportunities and risks for those companies who get the message. I was a contributing author to the 1984 book the 2024 report mainly written by Norman Macrae. The main future scenario we developed was the way an internetworked world would change everything (for the human good). So far the world's just on the schedule we envisioned, but we are incredibly disappointed by how many commercial web sites have been developed as if they were still using a one way communications medium. And it is now clear that most of the biggest companies in the world still have business cases that are the opposite of best net practice. It really is time that every CEO got Cluetrained. Otherwise a lot of sincere employees are going to pay the cost in companies whose CEOs missed the train......Chris Macrae, wcbn007@easynet.co.uk
Rating:  Summary: Yes, Yes, A Thousand Times Yes! Review: Every once in a while, a book comes along that clarifies and crystallizes what you've always known in your gut to be the truth. The Cluetrain Manifesto is that kind of book. In prose that is simultaneously lyrical and profane, angry and optimistic, down-to-earth and off-in-outer-space, it tells the truth about the sea change wrought by the simple, revolutionary act of people -- not corporations and customers -- talking with one another. Buy this book. Buy lots of copies. Pass them out on street corners. This book is that important.
Rating:  Summary: Good and good for you! Review: This book is extremely fun to read and also extremely meaningful. Quite an unusual combination! I laughed out loud many times. Another reviewer on this page said it best, pointing out that this feature of Amazon is a great example of what the cluetrain is all about. There's a revolution under way, and it's being propelled by the forces of good. We all can use these clues, and fast! I heartily recommend this book, with one warning: it might break your book budget--after you read it, you will find yourself sending lots of copies to people you know who really must read this. Not a bad problem to have.
Rating:  Summary: What's happenin' now Review: I received this book at 10, I'm a quarter through it at 11. For an old management assassin like me reading this is like waking up lip-locked by Sharon Stone. Seriously. Listen up. The war is over. The unguarded word has defeated the armor plated machine. This book isn't suggesting what may happen, it manifests what already is and is the first clue to what is becoming -- the greatest thaw facing human civilization in more than 10,000 years. Now excuse me while I pull out a fat cigar, a brandy, and dog so I can finish reading this here bible. It's a whole new world.
Rating:  Summary: innovative & refreshing Review: not just yet another "new experience dream digital economy book", but actually quite refreshing with lots of new ideas and written with an amazing amount of energy and attitude... join the cluetrain revolution!
Rating:  Summary: This Book Rocks! Review: Everyone should look into this. A very fresh and interesting view on business today. Helpful in everything I'm doing and working towards. As a young business professional, this perspective helps me keep things real.
Rating:  Summary: Ummm... Review: Knowing Mr. Locke for long enough to know Mr. Locke as well as one might be able to or want to know him, I can say with conviction that this book is worth reading if only to get to know Mr. Locke better. David, Doc and Rick, too, but that goes without saying. Having said that, I will go. Thank you for your time. Oh. And please buy this book, if for no other reason than to give me someone else to talk to. It's very lonely sometimes being the only one that really knows what's going on. And if you meet me on the street, just say 'Hi'. Then I will know that you, too, have read this book. Perhaps then we can have a conversation. I look forward to saying 'hello' or 'hi' back to you, dear brother or sister fellow illuminated person - and to whatever conversations might erupt from that special moment of recognition in which we recognize each other as beings that know what's going on. With Reverenanance, Mr. Kevin
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely the best Review: This book will change the world - and for the better! Finally someone had the guts to write, and someone else had the guts to publish, the real deal on corporate marketing. Ignore at your peril.