Rating:  Summary: An excellent book that is highly recommended Review: As a physicist, Schroeder presents convincing arguments about how belief in the Bible can complement modern scientific thought. It will make you appreciate Scripture in a deeper level and marvel at the natural laws working to keep our universe the way it is. Hopefully, it will answer your questions such as "Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible?"
Rating:  Summary: So many statistics and interesting thoeries! Review: I am not going to get into a shouting match with the Reader from Pennsylvania, who claims Dr. Schreoder doesn't know anything, but here is a little something to think about: Gen. Chapter 17:17 Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, "Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?" Abraham DID laugh!The person from Pennsylvaina doesn't even know that Abraham laughed too, so his 1-star seems to do little to hurt the credibility of the author. But, even though the person from Penn. didn't research his thoughts, he does make a point; well, several. Shroeder seems to get carried away with his wild antics on a weird humanoid who God puts a soul into. I didn't really try to follow his ideas in that chapter, but I didn't buy it. I think he could have left that whole idea out, as well as some of the others that the guy (or woman) fom Penn. touched on. What impressed me the most is Schroeder's fomulas and statistics that debunks the common idea of evolution. I am suprised more poeple didn't talk about what is in the book and how it is practically impossible for evolution to have occured in the time allowed by science. That is what the book does for me- it gives me some knowledge of just how crazy evolution is, and also some very interesting facts on just how far an evolutionist will go to KEEP INFORMATION AWAY from the public. It those slides and drawings discovered in the early 1900's had been presented to the public, evolution wouldn't be the religion it is today. It would be another admited mistake. Instead, now it is an idea that has everyone scratching their heads and wondering if it is real, does the Bible support it, is science lying, and on and on and on...... The theories that are presented by the author are sometimes a little on the unbiblical side, but those are his theories, and some are very interesting if nothing else. But what made the book so wonderful in my eyes is all the facts and formulas and stats on how wrong evolution is, and how evolutionists have "proved" their case using many tricks, which he explains and then disproves.
Rating:  Summary: A revoultionary reconciliation of the Bible and science Review: Schroeder's work is the most readable and fascinating work yet on the many "coincidences" that made it possible for life to exist in the Universe. The reasoning is tightly constructed and some readers may want to backtrack to understand some of the key points more thoroughly. Others will want to read the book a scond time -as I did- simply for the sheer pleasure of the author's company. He makes some of the most profound ideas in cosmology, quantum mechanics and other areas of scientific enquiry accessible and, more importantly, enjoyable. This is a book that will change the way many readers see the Universe and the way that they contemplate the mystery of existence. This is a must-read!
Rating:  Summary: EVEN PHYSICISTS CAN BE BIBLE ADDICTS Review: The author is right: there is no war between science and religion, and he rightly lays fault on religious leaders for creating such a war. But there is a war between biblical authority (and its followers) and science, again mostly because biblical adherents fanatically assert this book as some Holy Grail. Actually, as the author notes on many occasions (p127 & 131 for example) even among Bible believers, there is widespread disagreement. This trait of vehemence or righteousness, is common to all people, even scientists who religiously assert the dominance of their beliefs. But there is an added arrogance in those following the bible, perhaps because these religions co-created the culture that decimated and dominated the world. He continually criticizes scientists for having and adhering to preconceived notions and archaic beliefs. I find this absurdly ironic. The essence of science is to overcome the limitations of human nature by continually allowing new evidence to smash, albeit slowly, conventional theories and/or facts. One of his main tenets is the authority of a book that claims humans have neshama, or soul. This is why Adam can go out and have sex with other 'creatures' who look human but are lacking a soul. Am I crazy or do I see the roots of dehumanizing that leads to genocide? One of my Jewish friends even remarked that the Old Testament tells how Hebrews killed man, woman and child of their enemies. And of course God said it was okay. Mankind's history is filled with groups using religion and God to justify dehumanizing atrocities. I get the impression that Schroeder's 'God' is more a book than a deity.
Rating:  Summary: A book for anyone interested in spirituality AND science Review: I admit that I have been skeptical about evolution since the 1980s, simply on the grounds that it was just bad science, lacking proof. Schroeder's book addresses the discrepancies in evolutionary theory and touches upon the art of Biblical analysis in away that is easy to understand and it makes for intriguing cocktail chatter. Even those most convinced of evolution have been drawn into at least questioning their facts. If you've ever looked at the magical symmetry of our natural world and questioned how such design could be the result of "randomness," you will love this read!
Rating:  Summary: The book was interesting but needed more thought Review: I found the author's theories interesting. But trying to fit square science into round scripture was sometimes annoying. More research needed to be done in areas other than the author's expertise. The book was also weakened by too much reliance on one ancient scripture to back up his theories. All in all it was enjoyable and made me think.
Rating:  Summary: Thought-provoking and cleverly complex. Review: Schroeder's discussion of the birth of our universe from the seemingly contrasting viewpoints of the science and theology fascinates and provokes interest in further study of both fields. Each side has much to learn about the other, and Dr. Schroeder presents and picks apart several theories from both sides for the reader to consider. A wonderful learning experience for anyone, and marvelously fascinating at the very least.
Rating:  Summary: Confuses the physical and spiritual worlds. Review: If you want to read a book with some interesting interaction between science and religion that is not nonsense, I suggest "The Bible According to Einstein." I read it and it is excellent.
Rating:  Summary: A convincing book on the existence of a creator. Review: Having been raised both Catholic and skeptical, I enjoyed reading this book. I was impressed with the way that Schroeder thouroughly explained his points and took into consideration the opposing arguments. I was especially intrigued by the chapter referring to the origin of life coinciding with the existence of water, and the stop/start nature of evolution. However, the part that prevents me from giving a full 5 stars is the chapter regarding free will and why "bad" things happen. Schroeder's argument for free will within certain parameters does not come as strongly as his thories for the big bang, but is interesting nontheless as it at least addresses the obvious duallity of all nature.
Rating:  Summary: A book full of factual deceptions, and other stuff. Review: Schroeder has a very unique approach to many things and relies on ancient mysticism (kabalah)to explain difficult biblical topics. However, there are some gigantic holes in his presentations. One: he discounts God's warning that on the day Adam eats of the tree of knowledge he will die. Since Adam lived to be 930 years old and did not die the instant he bit the "apple" God must have made a mistake in the text and Schroeder feels this to be an intentional contradiction designed to make us look deeper into the text. Posh! Schroeder should understand that this was the fall of mankind that God referred to, not Adams physical death. Another good example of his biblical expertice is on page 15 when he claimed that Abraham laughed when God told him that Sarah (should be Sari) would have a child. Sari was the one who laughed, not Abraham. Further, according to my study, Jesus was the creator not God the Father (John 1:1). So when Schroeder keeps complaining that God kept saying "It is good" and follows this with why didn't God know it was good all along. Well, God also said at Jesus' baptism, "This is my son in whom I am well pleased," --- didn't God know all along that Jesus was good. This seemed to be Schroeders basis for evolution, that is, evolution is ok since God did it, and then God found out later it was "good". Another hole: Schroeder very expertly creates the background for his 6 days of creation using Einstein's theory and procedes to actually designate the exact length of each of the six days of creation. Later he insists that evolution is correct and relies on random acts of nature to produce life. How can you present truely random acts within days which have very set and specific limits of time? The assignment of time limits to each day destroys the concept of random acts for creation. Schroeder also fails to realize that the first four days are not 24 hour days regardless if the earth is approaching the speed of light or not. The purpose of the first light "let there be light" was to "separate the light from the dark" only as clearly stated in Genesis. The mechanism for measuring the days, nights, seasons, and years did not happen until creation day four, when God set the sun and moon its its place. The biggest bobo is when Schroeder claims that other people lived around Eden and God selected one of the males to be Adam and breathed a soul into him. Then came Eve, but where did she come from? Obviously there was none good enough in the nieghborhood to be upgraded, so Schroeder would have to rely on what the Bible says -- that God tood a rib from Adam and created Eve. So we are to believe that Adam was an upgrade and Eve was created as a result of an immaculate creation??? Why would Adam have taken millions of mutations and millions of years to create when God created Eve momentairly from a rib??? A truely appalling concept occurs on page 141 wherein Schroeder claims that Adam and Eve separated and Adam had sex for 130 years with the local gals in the neighborhood (those without souls). After 130 years, Schroeder claims that since Adam again knew his wife, he had sex with her again and produced Seth. Bunk. This is pure fantasy. There are many more examples of "accomodation" in this book and it is my opinion that a person beginning his/her Christian walk should not be swayed by the deceptions within it. Although expertly written, the Bible warns us not to "run ahead" of scripture and Schroeder seems to be on a fast paced marathon well ahead of the Bible. As Phillip E. Johnson, author of Defeating Darwinism, stated, "Scientific theories rely on elaborate reasoning and rest on assumptions that are difficult or impossible to prove." Schroeder does just this and, in some areas, relys upon mysticism to clarify and support his ideas. In summary- read and believe the Holy Bible and rely on the Holy Spirit to lead you to all truth.