Rating:  Summary: Oh, so evolutionists will hate this "expose"? Review: Fat chance! This is actually an expose of creationism's inability to account for the fossil record and everything around us!
Rating:  Summary: If possible, I would have rated this book as 0 stars Review: This book is absolutely the most terrible creation "science" piece of junk I have ever read in my entire life. In lieu of presenting scientific evidence, he directly quotes passages from the Bible, ridicules evolution, hurls out endless accusations of conduct to evolutionists, presents wave after wave of straw-man arguments, concentrates on moral implications which simply don't exist, and makes up a lot of faulty "facts" which scientists have never even dreamed of. He openly states that we cannot know about the past simply because no one was ever there. However, if we accept his line of thinking, wouldn't we then conclude that there cannot be any justification for a murder if nobody was there? As a matter of fact, forensic scientists implement the same strategies and procedures as archaeologists, historians, and paleoantologists (and all other people who deal with things that happened in the past) in order to find out about something in which they were not a spectator of. And I cannot believe or stand the absolute misrepresentation of facts! I was appalled and shocked when I saw the picture of a scientist pointing at a pile of disarrayed dinosaur bones, and nonchalantly commenting, "According to my excellent opinion, these dinosaurs were fighting just before they died and that one got hold of the other one's tail." Furthermore, his book is filled with pictures presenting evolution as totally evil and Christianity as totally good. What is this supposed to be? A textbook used to indoctrinate school children? Is Ken Ham intent on presenting facts or persuasion? Irrefutable evidence that creation "science" is dead lies in human evolution.
Rating:  Summary: The first book a student of Creation science should read Review: This is not a science book. What it is, is a book that explains why creation science, and more specifically, belief in Genesis, is vital to the Christian church and society in general. It is one of the "must reads" therefore, for any well-read person in the creation-evolution controversy.
Rating:  Summary: Very convicing Review: There are a lot of points that are brought up that I never had answers to.I read the bible,and find Ken Ham to be speaking the truth in parallel to teachings of the bible.
Rating:  Summary: A very helpful book to get Christians un-evolutionized! Review: Ken works from the Bible to Explain the real history of the world as given in the Bible --Creation, the Fall, the Flood, Fossils, Death, and and the Gospel. It shows the relevance of Creation it is importance. Ken skillfully defends Biblical Creation. A breath of fresh air in the world of evolutionary compromise!
Rating:  Summary: half lies, half not Review: Ham gets it right that evolution is baseless. But his strange and antibiblical theories about no death before adam and the universe being young are ridicolous and unfounded. He doesn't support his claims, only makes emotional pleads. I suppose all the cells "dying and decaying" as I sit here is evil. Strip away the emotionalism, and you see death is needed for life. His theology is plainly deceptive and is attacks on others unwarranted. Ham is not even qualified to teach on this subject. For real discussions on evolution, that use facts and not emotions and deceptions, see the books of Phillip Johnson, Behe, Denton and Ross.
Rating:  Summary: A literal Genesis is vital to Christian Theology Review: Some thoughts for Philosophical/Biblical Consideration on THE LIE: EVOLUTION "Since God is the Author of Creation! Is God also the Author of Millions of Years of Death, Bloodshed, Disease, Suffering, Mutations, and Extinction? In other words, is God going down the "Progressive Creation" highway of millions of years of time, leaving "Road-Kill" where ever He goes? Is God cruel, sadistic and extremely wasteful? Is that "Very" Good? Is that what the Bible clearly teaches? There are many who have rejected the Genesis record of Creation on what they believe are "scientific grounds." They believe that the current secular (naturalistic / humanistic) teachings of evolution and millions of years of earth history are accurate (e.g. Meredith Kline, Hugh Ross to name a few). Nonetheless, they have involved God in their particular versions of Creation, with "Theistic Evolution" and "Progressive Creation" being some of the more popular opinions circulating among churches today. This "slippery slope" is dangerous because they are not really defending Creation, but are actually bringing into question the very character and nature of God. By trusting man's fallible opinions over God's inerrant Word, they are making God the author of millions of years of death, suffering, bloodshed, disease, mutations, and extinction, etc. The obvious question is: "Would an all-powerful and loving God actually use this cruel and extremely wasteful process of evolution to create the world?" According to the Genesis record, God called the process "Good," and when He finished, God proclaimed His creation "Very good!" If He did create the world using this sadistic method over millions of years, that would mean that suffering and death are "Good" and consistent with the character and nature of God. It is ironic that these same people would insist that there will be no death, suffering, sickness, and disease in heaven, which would be contrary to even their sense of what is good. Tennyson observed our sin-cursed world and put it this way: "Nature red (i.e. bloody) in tooth and claw." According to these supposed creationists, science has proven, that it has been that way for millions of years. That's because they start outside of the Bible with our present "groaning" world (Rom. 8:22) and extrapolate back, and then use that as the basis to re-interpret the Scripture, believing that the "Present is the key to the past." They fail to realize that it was God who was there, and He has given us His account of Creation in Genesis. Hence, divine revelation is the only trustworthy key to the past, present, and future! Sadly, many influential Christians have endorsed these teachings by recommending their books, publishing their articles, and even giving them prime air-time. Furthermore, most Christian colleges and seminaries are confusing our young people, teaching that they can believe death and bloodshed are not the consequence of the Fall of Man (Rom.5:12), which invalidates the reason why Jesus Christ--the last Adam (1Cor. 15:45)--came to die and shed His blood on the Cross. According to many of these teachers who embrace these naturalistic presuppositions, there was not a Global Flood and that most fossils are not the result of a world-wide catastrophe, but merely millions of years of our loving, Heavenly Father "creating." This compromise is occurring because the Church has allowed science "falsely so-called" (i.e. evolutionary beliefs) to gain acceptance. As a result, those who object to a literal Genesis (which is the basis of all Christian theology such as marriage, original sin, the curse and death, the virgin birth of Messiah, and redemption), actually undermine the foundation for Biblical doctrine. Consequently, many who hold to these evolutionary paradigms, have doubted the Christian faith, questioning the authority of God and His Word, while defending the theories of men. Paul warned the Colossians to "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ...(2:8)" Furthermore, the Ephesian elders were told that false teachers will come in from the outside and even arise from the church, speaking "perverse things, to draw away disciples after them" (Acts 20:30). God is not the "author of confusion!" He has spoken as plainly as possible regarding the Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and the future restoration. The straightforward reading of the Genesis record clearly teaches that God created in six literal days. Even in Exodus 20:9-11, God based our seven-day week on the days of Creation: "for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day." Why then the confusion? We are finite fallen creatures in a sin-cursed world using our fallible minds tainted with false humanistic assumptions. This often leads to Christians trying to re-define what the infinite all-knowing Creator clearly communicated His infallible Word. Christians living in today's society should examine their understanding of Genesis to see if there are any secular assumptions that are influencing their beliefs about God and His Creation as set forth in His Word. We must also bear in mind, it is not dishonorable to admit when we are wrong, for it is only humbly admitting we are a little wiser today.
Rating:  Summary: This book is NOT science Review: This book, like so many others, trys to make a belief system sound like scientific fact. I have no problem with the book itself, merely its listing alongside scientific texts.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent and enlightening! Review: This book does an extremely good job of relating why evolution must not be accepted as fact. It does a good job of giving some information about the age of the earth. A good book to get more scientific facts on the *real* age of the earth is "The Collapse of Evolution" by Scott M. Huse. This book proves the age of the earth to be about 10,000 years!
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant explanation of the issue! Review: This book provides acurate, well thought out arguments against evolution. It clearly shows not only the differences between creation and evolution, and why creation can be the only correct choice, but it also points out how foundational this issue is to the entire faith! It has revolutionalized my faith and inspired me to begin witnissing the truth. It's easy to understand and yet very thorough. Recommended reading for any age, especially young Christians, trying to fight the bias they get at school. Enjoy!