Rating:  Summary: Nope... Review: OK, First and foremost, will somebody please tell me why a literal interpretation of Genesis is so vital to Christian theology? And by "literal," what do we mean? Do we mean, as some have said on this page, that the earth was created in 144 hours, after which God rested? Or do we REALLY mean "literal," for example, that there was more than one god (or fragmentary aspects of God) doing it all? ("Elohim" is, after all, the plural of "el.") Does a literal interpretation reconcile the two disparate accounts of Creation? Ummm... let's see... NO. These stories are metaphorical and heavily influenced by the political climate of the time in which they were written. One can be a Christian and accept Creation, but one needn't believe Genesis to every last man-made word. This would alienate many people willing to consider a creationist argument. Also, we should consider that God is not a deus otiosus, who creates the world and disappears. To quote Marcus Borg, "Creation is not about what happened 'in the beginning,' but about what is always happening." I am not willing to fight to the death over these views, but I think they offer a fairly valid interpretation, one that rejects a supernatural-theistic viewpoint that distances God. In fact, it is this very type of Christianity that has made it so difficult for modern Christians to live with faith in their everyday lives.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Sad Review: The author has the right idea. He does understand how dangerous the theory of evolution is. The problem is, his whole book could be summed up in 1 chapter. He just keeps hammering the same thing over and over about the evils of evolution. WE KNOW! That why I bought the book. Unfortunately, it had no useful information about scientific evidence of creationism (it is out there, but for some strange reason, he didn't put any in the book!) So, basically this is a "pump-up, go get em" kind of book, which is not what I wanted.
Rating:  Summary: Exposing the Truth Review: This is a masterpeice. Ham does a great job of exposing the real facts and what they really indicate. I would like to respond to one of the previous reviews which said that the creation scientists are afraid to debate the evolutionists that they accuse of lying. The person who said this is a typical evolutionist because he has the facts mixed up. The truth is, most evolution professors are afraid to debate the well-known creationists(Ken Ham, Duane Gish,Mr. Morris), because the creationists usually have a stronger showing. Science clearly goes hand-in-hand with the creationist theory while there are obvious flaws in the evolution theory (as presented in the book).
Rating:  Summary: Evolution as Proven Fact of Science is the Biggest Lie Review: This is a concise, popular-level introduction to this topic. Evolution is exposed for what it is: A dethroning of God in the minds and hearts of humans. If not the work of Satan, evolution certainly follows right alongside the plan of Satan. What better way than evolution to dethrone God, which has been Satan's dream from the very beginning of his rebellion against God?
Rating:  Summary: I really like Ken Hamm, he's not only a really good speaker Review: I watched a movie of ken Hamm's And I loved it. He's not only a good speaker, he really enlightened me on this issue of the science of evolution vs. the science of creationism. The only thing I don't like is that he's a new creationist or something like that. i think maybe he looked too far in and pulled out the wrong stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Exposure of the Lie of Evolution Review: Ken Ham has done it again. With style and courage, Mr. Ham clearly elucidates the logical conclusions of embracing evolutionary philosophy and debunks the great lie of evolution.One of the key aspects of Mr. Ham's ministry and books is their presuppositional nature. There are no neutral facts to which we can appeal with the non-believer. Rather, the very world-views between evolutionists and creationists cause each of them to interpret these facts in light of the presupposed world-view. The question remains, will you interpret the world in which we live by the Word of God, or by the opinion of sinful men? To explore this issue and others, start with reading, "The Lie."
Rating:  Summary: Listen up Christians Review: Look at it this way fellow Christians, as taught in the bible, we can see if something is good or bad by looking at the fruit it produces. Read the comments that are against this book. They are so full of anger, jealousy and hate. Can these people be of God then? And take note that this book is not a science book - it should be read with the bible, so that you can see that it supports what the bible has said all along.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst books I've ever read - I returned it Review: As a devout Christian... this totally embarrasses me. Ignorance like this is what pushes people away... obviously he knows nothing about science!
Rating:  Summary: The Lie of The Lie Review: The author's book proves once again that adage "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". He claims in his credentials that he was a biology teacher and therefore understands the complexities of evolution. This reader is a devout Christian who has read extensively on the evolution / creationism debate. I see absolutely no evidence of Mr. Ham understanding the foundations of biological science. The author takes an incredibly simplistic viewpoint when he lumps together the philosophy of Social Darwinism and biological evolution. In his claiming this to be the cause of most of the problems of modern society, Mr. Ham has become an extremist even among the Christian fundamentalists. The author has made the same error that most creationists make. Their attacks against evolution are supposed to prove creationism. Even beginning philosophy students will recognize this as illogical. In this reader's opinion Mr. Ham is no credit to Christianity, and has made no progress in trying to solve the problems in our society. The book in countless ways insults the intelligence of readers.
Rating:  Summary: Evolutionits STOP lying !!! Review: This is a BRILIANT book which shows that there is an international CONSPIRACY amongst sceintists to COVER up theyre lack of knowledge. Ken Ham exposes THESE people for the lying fraudsters they really are. How can ANYBODY say that Ham knows nothing about felching when that is WHAT his doctorate is in ? The Bible is the INERANT WORD of GOD. As a former sceintist with a degree in Scatology I can truthfully SAY that what Ham puts forward in this book is TRUE ! Evolutionists just DON'T want to ACCEPT the facts that prove creation. All true believers and pederasts should SPEAK out against this INTERNATIONAL conspiracy against God's revealed TRUTH !!