Rating:  Summary: Title Says it All Review: Ken Ham is an excellent speaker, and he always gets to the point. The title says it all: Contrary to media-based indoctrination, evolution is NOT a fact. Nor do all scientists believe in evolution. Evolution is full of holes. But read this book and see this for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: The Lie: Ken Ham Review: Ham is a noted buffon in scientific circles in that while the man acts is if he is some expert on the evolution/creation debate, he is clearly biased by his religion, as are all creationists. This shallow work of faith-based drivel is classic creationist nonsense. While it does not qualify as anything remotely scientifc, it makes for great reading by those who wish to understand just how desperate a case the creationist camp has. Ham is great at quoting out of context, villifying scientists and generally misinterpreting the facts but worse still, he does not even understand nor practice the scientific method with any degree of credibility. This will be the first book I toss into the pyre at the next book-burning festival.
Rating:  Summary: Science v. supposition Review: Neither creationism nor evolution can be proven by the scientific method, a point which is clearly made in this book. The scientific method deals solely with repeatable experiments. Since history is not repeatable, the scientific method cannot prove or disprove either the Theory of Creation or the Theory of Evolution. All science can do with regard to origins is to assemble evidence which seems to support one theory or the other. Of course, when it comes to questions of religion, human beings tend to make enormous suppositions and present them as fact. This is true of both the Judaio/Christian religion and the secular humanist religion. This book is a good examination of the scientific evidence and observations which can be interpreted as support for the Biblical account of history. It should be read by Creationists and Evolutionists alike.
Rating:  Summary: Creationism is the big lie Review: Is your faith so weak that you cannot believe that God made the universe, using the big bang and evolution as His divine process? Creationism is not a science because it does not depend on the scientific method of hypothesis, experimentation, observation and conclusion to prove its halfbaked claptrap. It does, however, use any part of the evolutionary record to prove its points when it fits its own needs. Well, how much of the evolutionary record are you going to use to prove religious fundamentalist dogma? A little? A Lot? Do not buy this book. Rather, look under Amazon's science category and buy books for your kids by true scientists such as Jane Goodall, the Leakeys, etc. for the truth for your children. Subscribe to National Geographic for your children. Or buy the book "Galileo" by Peter Sis (ages 9-12) in order to show your children how religion for centuries has gone too far in repressing the scientific truth about our universe. Galileo was excommunicated by the Catholic church for his scientific findings. Hundreds of years later the church admitted its mistake. A little late for Galileo. How can we trust fundamentalism which again represses evolutionary truth and calls it a lie as this book does? Religion cannot declare science to be a lie, just to justify its dogma. It would be funny if it weren't so sad and downright dangerous. Many Christian Protestant denominations have no problem believing in both Genesis and evolution. If you have so little faith that you have to believe in evey Bible verse as being absolutely true, then you have a problem. If the Bible is absolutely true then why do you fundamentalists not own slaves, or stone your mothers in the streets? Why do you order a hamburger and milkshake when the Bible tells you explicitly to never mix meat and dairy together? In Judaism, the year is not 2000, but 5761. The Hebrews have been keeping records for nearly 6000 years, and you say the universe is only 6000 years old! Total ignorance. Use the minds God gave you. My children intend go to public school and college where they will never hear a word about creationism simply because it is not science. Our Christian Protestant faith does not believe in creationism either because it is right-wing fundamentalist dogma, pure and simple. Creationism is antiChristian because it denies the existence of a complex universe made by God over billions of years. I stand against creationism being taught in the public schools for this reason. The science teachers in my children's public high school say they would resign if they were required to teach creationism instead of evolution or creationism as a science. I would pull my child out of any school that taught creationism. Teach your children the scientific truth about evolution and religious faith will follow as water flows over rocks in a stream.
Rating:  Summary: Best book I've ever read on the relevence of Genesis Review: This book is superb: it's very clearly written, very Biblical, exceedingly well-writen and very informative. However, I don't think it's titled right - it's not so much evidence against the theory of evolution as on the relevence of Genesis, but it's still superb! I'd recommend it to anyone, especually those who think that the creation/evolution issue isn't important and/or believe in an interpertation other than six-day literal creation.
Rating:  Summary: sorry Review: Sorry, God is not real. He was made up just like Greek mythology. He was the explanation for things man could not figure out.
Rating:  Summary: The truth revealed Review: This book exposes not only the weaknesses of evolution but also the lack of faith by many in the Christian community. Those who believe in creationism and in evolution should especially read this book to learn how wrong you are.
Rating:  Summary: Oh no not again Review: If Mr. Ham's circular reasoning and Ostrich-like approach to knowlege are the best Christianity has to offer, then I am humiliated beyond belief to have ever claimed to have been one. Mr. Ham repeatedly uses the same old epistemological retreat of "The Bible says it - That settles it"... a total intellectual void for a world that is looking for actual answers and that deserves so much better. If you are a Sheep - buy this book. If you can THINK, you will be shocked and sorry for the cause of Christianity.
Rating:  Summary: A self - describing title: "The Lie" Review: From this book: "...[Ken Ham's] background as a biologyteacher in the public school system has aided him in comprehending themost complex scientific implications of the creation/evolution debate." To paraphrase with less glittering generality, this book claims that Ken Ham must be an expert on the creation/evolution debate because he taught public school biology. This should be enough to throw anyone with half a brain right out of this book. Does teaching public school reading qualify one as an expert in linguistic derivation? Ken Ham is an expert in forcefully asserting dogma. No more, no less. His book claims that evolution is religion. Since evolutionary theory changes with the discovery of new fossils and with the postulations of new scientists, evolution could hardly be considered religion. It is taught as a "best match" to the historical fossil record. Ken Ham **THROWS OUT** the fossil record as immaterial. Furthermore, he denounces known non-evolutionary science. From this book: "The reason that people do not want to accept creation is that it means there is a creator who sets the rules. Thus no person can write his _own_ rules." This is inane when you consider that there are over 50 major sects of Christianity, none of which agree with one another. From the book: "Over the years, many have used evolution to justify abortion, Communism, Nazism, drug-abuse, homosexual practices, and worse." First, this is a mixup of Social Darwinism and biological evolution. Make up your mind, Ken. Second, over the years, many have used Christianity to justify murder, torture, genocide, racial cleansing, slavery, war, censorship, intolerance, gay-bashing, misogyny, sexism, arranged marriages, and the brutal practice of circumcision. Ken Ham, in his dogmatic fog, thinks that Hitler was an atheist. He is as uninformed as he is prejudgmental. This is as one-sided a published text as I have ever encountered. I wish I could give it Zero stars. You can definitely find a better text that treats both issues with an open mind.
Rating:  Summary: In Fossils I Trust Review: Author's sets a high level of Agnosticism when Paleontology evidence is in question,but uses other standards when interpretation of Genesis is defended.Bible is Codex of Essays collected over 1.500 years-it was canonised as late as year 325A.D.For example,from about 60 gospels in prior use,only 4 were accepted as canonical.Why does Author didn't mentioned all inconsistencies there(Take Apostle Judah's Death as example..one of hundreds)?.Evolutionary Biologist are just using same kind of evidence and reasoning as forensic experts in Courts.On certain depth of Earth's surface there is no Life Forms...in upper levels simpler forms are encountered..in uppermost levels fossils of today's Biological Species are found.Humans are changeable species-there are hundreds of races of Living Humans-anatomical,biochemical,etc.Plausible explanations has been established on their causes-as a product of constant adaptation to changing environment.Sometimes atavisms emerge on certain Individuals.Also,relationship between Humans and other Primates has been attested trough test similar as those used for testing parenthood.If somebody needs comprehensive insight into controversies surouhding Paleoanthropology,"Bones of Contention" by Roger Lewin will provide all pro-evolutionary arguments.Only somebody stubbornly ignorant can disagree with statement by Theodosius Dobzhansky(1973):"Nothing in Biology make sence without Evolution".One quote from Bible is suitable for nature of Creationists:"They are Blind leaders leading Blind People....and it is known,when Blind leads Blind,both will fall in the ditch!".