Rating:  Summary: Excellent book! Review: In response to some of the previous reviews, just read the back cover - "that in the last days false teacher will introduce destructive lies among the people. Their purpose is to bring God's truth into disrepute and to exploit believers by telling them made-up and imagined stories". (2 Peter 2:1-3) The evolution lie as the book explains is one of the major reasons why the foundations of our society are crumbling. A must read for Christians.
Rating:  Summary: Sad, [Sorry] Science for the Middle Ages Review: Ken Ham should be required reading for all evolutionists, just to make them feel more secure that they were right after all. This has got to be one of the most absurd repackaging of medieval superstition and mythology into the guise of science ever printed. If you ever wondered at what the state of creation science is, take a look here -- could you imagine this guy propounding these ideas at MIT to a roomful of biologists? Is it any wonder that the only places in the world where creationism is discussed are primitive fundamentalist Christian institutions where they've recently conceded the earth goes around the sun? I'm sure this could pass for progressive scholarship in high schools in places like Mississippi and Alabama, where they still believe Noah once put two of every animal on earth aboard his boat, but Americans should be embarrassed that books like this are considered scientific by a good portion of our population. Ham doesn't understand how science works, he misrepresents evolution at every turn and couldn't possibly view the subject objectively, since he's a total religious fanatic who believes that any knowledge that contradicts his beliefs must, of necessity, be false. It would be hard to imagine how science could ever have progressed if everyone had his one-track view of knowledge post-Genesis. What's really a shame is that reputable biologists like Stephen J. Gould were forced to waste their time debating a guy like this in order to keep science in our curricula and wacky religion out of our textbooks. It would like Einstein arguing physics with Jimmy Swaggart. This is the kind of book that would have sold like hotcakes in 19th century Tennessee, but I cringe at the picture of the type of person who would take it seriously here in the 21st century.
Rating:  Summary: what a load of cr@p!!! Review: Well, I think all christians will think it's superb. Anything that reinforces their blind faith has got to be good. But as a non-theist person who has examined both viewpoints, I'd say this book is one of the many creation texts out there which fall into the same old straw arguments and don't really convince anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Negative reviews weak Review: Among other things, a previous reviewer states, "One wonders why conservative Christians do not also protest the theory of gravitation, the germ theory of disease, the heliocentric theory of the solar system and the atomic theory of matter." However, these things have indeed been questioned from a scientific viewpoint, not only by conservative Christians, but by scientists and philosophers of science. The theory of gravitation, in the Newtonian form, has virtually been discarded by some recent physicists, so that although they have the equations to predict the behavior of a falling object once it has started falling, they do not know what causes an object to fall in the first place -- it is not "gravitation." This indicates that although some may accuse Ken Ham of being ignorant of contemporary science, they themselves are not up-to-date on what is happening. Also, the more they insist that science have changed and is changing, the more we can see that science has always been and always will be tentative. In fact, along with a statement the secular philosopher Karl Popper has made, I believe that every law of physic has only one chance in infinity of being correct accidentally (read his works if you do not know why I say this). And thus, ALL science is FALSE. Science is a PRAGMATIC discipline to manipulate nature, it cannot discover ANY truth at all. For example, presupposing the germ theory of disease dictates certain practices that seem to be effective in curing sickness, but then others have come along who applied remedies that are NOT based on this theory, and the same, or better result occurred. Again, science is merely pragmatic, it cannot discover truth at all. Anyone who disagees must justify the empirical basis of science. Those who have such a presupposition for their system cannot even justify their belief that tomorrow 1 + 1 will still be 2. For more information, please consult works by Cornelius Van Til and Gordon Clark.
Rating:  Summary: Not all that great... Review: If you're looking for arguments against evolution, you really won't find them here. I don't really like the way Ken Ham writes. He rehashes stuff over and over and it gets tiring. I don't know how many times I was subjected to the "destroying our foundations" thing or the "billions of dead things buried under rock layers by water" thing. It's like he wants so much to disprove evolution but he doesn't support himself. I've read better. Check out "Man's Origin-Man's Destiny" by A.E. Wilder-Smith
Rating:  Summary: Erroneous Method Review: A serious and core error of Ham's book, typical of the creationist genre, is the mistaken belief that large, intricately complex structures necessarily imply a creator. Rather than speculate about distant subjects such as ancient species origin, let's look at something clearly knowable and only 2,000 years old. My Ph.D. is in linguistics and I have taught or directly supervised instruction in over two dozen languages. Each language is an extremely, elaborately complex, multi-systemic structure. Two thousand years ago, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc., didn't exist. They exist today, each as a highly complex structure, but none was created. Each simply evolved from spoken Latin; the evolution of each is known and documented. It is simply unnecessary to postulate the existence of a creator to account for multi-layered, highly organized structures.
Rating:  Summary: Demonstrates what the title says Review: This book shows that evolution is hardly a fact, despite the incessant media propaganda and establishment censorship of the opposition. Mr Ham also shows why evolution cannot mix with Christianity, at least with the slightest logical consistency. Any review who still argues that God could have used evolution can't have read the book carefully. A major problem for theistic evolution is that the Bible clearly teaches that death and suffering is the result of sin, while evolution teaches that billions of years of death and suffering brought people into existence. Mr Ham astutely cites the French atheistic scientist Jacques Monod, who was incredulous that any Christian would claim that such a wasteful and inefficient process as evolution would be the creation method of a God of love. Many other critics resort to unfounded personal attacks, without providing the slightest documentation. Sometimes the creationist position is compared to the Church v Galileo affair. But such critics are showing only their crass ignorance of history. It's well documented that Galileo's main opponents were the establishment scientists of their day, because Galileo refuted the then fashionable Ptolemaic cosmological model. Unfortunately the Church was persuaded that Scripture taught this model, so misconstrued G's attack as anti-Scriptural. Much of the church today has made the same mistake, by marrying the Bible with a currently fashionable model, i.e. evolution. Some might whinge that Mr Ham didn't refute the gap theory or local flood. But how many freight trains would be required to carry a book that refuted all possible false ideas?! Anyway, the gap theory fails for the same reason other compromises do -- it places death before Adam's sin, altough God declared Creation "very good" after Day 6. There's no room for an imaginary Luciferian catastrophe before then. This is explained further in "The Answers Book", co-authored by the same Mr Ham!
Rating:  Summary: Christians - Must Read Review: This is a must read for all Christians. The "Theory of Evolution" has been given such credibility in our society that it has convinced not only non-Christians that it is true, but also Christians, and even the leadership of many Christian churches. Unfortunately, since most of us are not scientists, we tend to believe the false claims that evolution has withstood the scrutiny of science, and we erroneously attempt to integrate evolution into the history of God's creation. We attempt to rationalize that God must have created "through" evolution, which is not possible. Reading this book will help the reader to understand that there is an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence that supports the account of creation as given to us in the Bible. The result will be a much stronger Christian faith, as the record of Creation is the foundation of our faith. Without it, the rest begins to crumble. The reason we wear clothes, the reason marriage is only between a man and a woman, the reason Christ had to die for us to be reconciled to God, is all contained in Genesis. We can learn how to look to the whole Bible as a source for our decision making in life, without questioning the foundation of it, which is creation. This book has had as much effect on me as any book I have read.
Rating:  Summary: Ugh... Review: This book is the kind of book that gives Christians a bad name. He makes no serious interaction with other Christian views of creation and no convincing interaction with science. AVOID IT!
Rating:  Summary: Evolution: A Lie and a Delusion Review: Read this book and see for yourself that the vituperative, scurrilous attacks on it and on its author Ken Ham, are totally untrue. To the contrary: Far from villifying scientists, Ken Ham is very careful to stick with the facts. And far from being a buffoon, Ken Ham is an educated gentleman who is careful what he says. One minor disagreement with this book: Evolution is not just a lie but also a delusion. It serves those who want to escape God, "because men loved darkness rather than light"--as pointed out by Jesus Christ.