Rating:  Summary: Financial "How-to" made very simple Review: A sort of "how-to" book, written in the larger-than-life, laughably shamelessly self-agrandizing Gene Simmons way familiar to anyone who's seen him on TV. I suppose you'd call Gene a stark realist: his advice is to look out for yourself at all times, work hard, make lots of money, and never put yourself in a position where money will be forcibly taken from you. Thus, don't get married if you're a man (but do if you're a woman, because alimony is your ticket to riches). Gene's views on the sexes can fairly be described as primitive: men aren't meant to hold or nurture babies, men are meant to go out and hunt and kill, men's sperms "shoot in a billion directions" so they aren't wired for monogamy, etc etc - all the typical "nature not nurture" arguments, if overly simplified. Gene's views on this subject are doubtlessly skewed by his father having abandoned his family when he was young. On the other hand, a pre-nup is probably a good idea. In any case, his advice on money is at times on target (live at about half your earning potential, work hard, don't take vacations, save up for emergencies, pay cash when you can and don't get strung out on credit and financing needlessly, work at the hobby you love in addition to a paying job). Some of it is a bit disconnected from the real world: how can the average person pay cash for their first house or car? Some people *need* credit, as crippling as interest rates may be. He also seems to think that most working people can simply opt to work weekends "at double or triple rates" - sorry, Gene; most companies are as cheap as you and deny workers overtime at all costs. I suppose this is book will serve as self-help for very young people, the kind who max out on seven credit cards before they realize they actually have to *pay* for all that stuff... but for semi-intelligent people, this book isn't a "how-to," just mildly interesting for its self-aggrandizing American dream, rags to riches story, as well as its light, humorous style (some humor unintentional). And I guess KISS's fans will forgive Gene for bragging about how he charges them needlessly inflated prices (that he makes up on a whim) for KISS memorabilia.
Rating:  Summary: Financial "How-to" made very simple Review: A sort of "how-to" book, written in the larger-than-life, laughably shamelessly self-agrandizing Gene Simmons way familiar to anyone who's seen him on TV. I suppose you'd call Gene a stark realist: his advice is to look out for yourself at all times, work hard, make lots of money, and never put yourself in a position where money will be forcibly taken from you. Thus, don't get married if you're a man (but do if you're a woman, because alimony is your ticket to riches). Gene's views on the sexes can fairly be described as primitive: men aren't meant to hold or nurture babies, men are meant to go out and hunt and kill, men's sperms "shoot in a billion directions" so they aren't wired for monogamy, etc etc - all the typical "nature not nurture" arguments, if overly simplified. Gene's views on this subject are doubtlessly skewed by his father having abandoned his family when he was young. On the other hand, a pre-nup is probably a good idea. In any case, his advice on money is at times on target (live at about half your earning potential, work hard, don't take vacations, save up for emergencies, pay cash when you can and don't get strung out on credit and financing needlessly, work at the hobby you love in addition to a paying job). Some of it is a bit disconnected from the real world: how can the average person pay cash for their first house or car? Some people *need* credit, as crippling as interest rates may be. He also seems to think that most working people can simply opt to work weekends "at double or triple rates" - sorry, Gene; most companies are as cheap as you and deny workers overtime at all costs. I suppose this is book will serve as self-help for very young people, the kind who max out on seven credit cards before they realize they actually have to *pay* for all that stuff... but for semi-intelligent people, this book isn't a "how-to," just mildly interesting for its self-aggrandizing American dream, rags to riches story, as well as its light, humorous style (some humor unintentional). And I guess KISS's fans will forgive Gene for bragging about how he charges them needlessly inflated prices (that he makes up on a whim) for KISS memorabilia.
Rating:  Summary: Ego-Thy Name is Gene $immons Review: After reading "Sex Money Kiss" it is obvious that Gene Simmons enjoyed writing this book even more than his autobiography "Kiss and Make-Up." The writing is much looser and feels more natural than his rather stiff auto. As a result, "Sex Money Kiss" becomes more illuminating and informative as to who Mr. Tongue is as a whole person. I'm able to come to a better conclusion about him and that conclusion is is that although he is very smart in terms of handling money,he is a control freak with overtones of meglomania and extremism in his pursuit of money. This is evident in the deals he makes with companies like Marvel Comics. He demands the lion's share of profits with little or no financial investment on his part while sticking others with the bill and no way to recoup or make a profit for themselves. He trademarks everything in sight. His status as a rock star ensures that no woman will make any demands in exchange for her body. Perhaps sadder, is that these people continue to act this way FOR HIM. This is as close as it gets when people say "you've made a deal with the devil." One problem with the book itself is that Gene doesn't go in depth with his friendship with Paul Stanley. He doesn't describe the dynamics of their relationship with any real clarity. He also doesn't give any reasons for the behaviors of Ace Frehley and Peter Criss. Maybe he doesn't know (or want to). He's very insightful, but this book reveals more about Gene Simmons than he may have intended.
Rating:  Summary: Men, take his advice - Marriage is for dumb men. Review: After reading Gene's book, I called off the wedding. I love my wallet and enjoy having different women. My friends are stupid because they now have aging nagging wives with 2 or 3 puppies that popped out at the hospital. Thank you Gene, you saved my life. This fall, I'm voting for more poontang and making more money.... rock n' roll... and dump the scank after 27.
Rating:  Summary: P.T. Barnum lives! Review: As a follow up to his bestseller, Kiss and Makeup, this book offers very little in the way of "new" information. It is mainly typical Gene Simmons reiterating his thoughts on, naturally, sex, money and Kiss. In fact, his views and opinions on women and relationships, though veiled in a pose of pragmatism, reveal a sense of paranoia that is more than a little unbecoming in such an accomplished man. He continues to pat himself on the back for his accomplishments (yawn) and, thankfully, devotes an entire page of text to appreciation for his partner in crime, Paul Stanley, whose accomplishments have often been overlooked admist the din of Simmons' carnival barking. Of his other bandmates, Simmons is often dismissive of their contribution and seems to be making another buck from exploiting their personal choices and mistakes. In these respects, Sex Money Kiss is no different - truly - than his last book. He continues to maximize on his ability to sell anything with the Kiss logo attached and makes no apologies for this, a trait which may or may not be admirable, depending on how often you've heard his dramatic manifesto regarding the importance of money. He willingly subscribes to the notion that there's a sucker born every minute. And in all honesty, when I thumbed through the book, I was not interested in buying a copy at all - even as a Kiss fan - until I found that I was holding a limited edition autographed copy.Having said all this, I can say that the book has value for anyone seeking to understand a method for maintaining some sense of financial success while reaching for their dream, be it rock stardom, weekend gardener, the acquisition of wealth or whatever. While so much of Simmons' persona is clearly for effect, his opinions on personal finance (and how to maintain it while seeking professional fulfillment) are shockingly conservative, practical and worthy of attention. Indeed, anyone would benefit from his practical advise in this area - and I've already adopted some of his ideas into my own financial situation to good effect. In a world where we are encouraged to spend, Simmons says "SAVE." In a society where we are subjected to every possible dangling carrot, Simmons says "DON'T BUY IT UNLESS YOU NEED IT." And while we all seem to look for that vacation, those days off and any reason NOT to work, Simmons tells us that with every available minute we should find extra work, become more productive and, ultimately, figure out a way to make money doing what we love. Interesting advice because while many would assume that this would mean quitting the day job to invest time and energy to your dream in order to find success, Simmons reccommends keeping that day job AND working on the dream. He succinctly illustrated his own ambitious endeavors throughout his life and is even practical about failures - "They mean nothing. Go on to the next thing." - going so far as to list his own failures as proof. For his advice on relationships, Simmons' posturing is silly and, at times, possibly dangerous considering the influence he commands over a small segment of society. His repeated attacks against Ace Frehley and Peter Criss are tiresome and, by now, in poor taste. But his personal financial advice is spot on perfect, especially considering it comes from a successful rock star (never the type of person one would think capable of managing money) who doesn't let anything - people, drugs, drink, or even fame - get in the way of his financial security.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT BOOK!!!!! Review: Book is so far great and comes signed by the demon himself. Definately reccomend it for any KISS fan an any other Gene Simmons fans
Rating:  Summary: What a Crap!!! Review: Eat less? Why does he have fat kids!? Spend less, save your money?? Why is Kiss releasing all kinds of Greatest Hits albums over and over again??? Do we really need a Kiss lunchbox? Do we really need a Kiss corpsebox!? NO, save your money and get rich!!! Stop with your farewell tour that lasts for ages. After reading your book we all start saving our money, no one will come to your shows anymore. Stop being the oldest clown alive!!!
Rating:  Summary: A joke! Fancy Cover with empty words Review: Funny how Gene says in his book credit cards are for losers yet he struts around promoting his KISS Visa, of which he receives a nice royalty piece of the action from the ridiculous 19.0% interest rate. Most of us will never be in a rock band that accelerated in profit like KISS has. Gene says "pay cash for everything". Your home(s), car(s), anything you WANT, save and pay cash. Well Gene most of us do not have a hundred mil to blow. Most of us make in the 50k range per year. (USATODAY AVG income poll). So saving for a house or car would take forever. This book is for millionares who are perhaps having trouble with their millions. Not the guy trying to make it. The book also mainly souts Gene's opinion on staying single for eternity and hoard your dough. Whatever. Oh and there are pages of Gene's doodle art as fillers to the book as well as oversized reprinted quotes on the same page as fine print. (another filler) Some slam dunks on other band members. I found no REAL PRACTICAL advice form this tongue wagging rock reptile. I am a KISS fan and think I will just do what most of us do. Enjoy the LIVE show. I can sum up his book for you right here: PAY CASH for everything, work 7 days a week, take zero vacations (only losers do this) do not get married, look out for ME 1st, and do not do drugs. Vague info. It took a book to say that? I do not see Gene as a guy who writes to really help people...but simply to hoard in on the $$$$$. Hence his TM money bag.
Rating:  Summary: Money, just money Review: Gene is a money gruber much like myself, he makes good points of common sense. this is a good book to lite a fire under your...well, he's harsh and you can only make money his was is if your as harsh and ruthless as him.
Rating:  Summary: Gene tells us to save our MONEY Review: Gene is pretty saying the same thing over and over through out this book....SAVE YOUR MONEY. I can't help but think that Gene's sole motivation for forming KISS (besides girls) was to make MONEY.
After reading this book, I felt like a sucker who bought KISS stuff when I a teenager. Myself and many other fans basically made him rich.
His neanderthal approach to women demonstrates his ignorancy and black and white views.
Thank GOD (oops sorry Gene, I should said Thank MONEY) I checked out this book from the library. Hey wait a minute....I SAVED MONEY BY NOT BUYING THIS BOOK. Wow, Gene maybe you do have a point.