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Deliver Us From Evil CD : Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism

Deliver Us From Evil CD : Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism

List Price: $29.95
Your Price: $18.87
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Re: Echzine Groupin "Great Book"
Review: Echzine Groupin from New York, NY wrote:

"Then again, I am a filthy rich, arrogant, racist, ignorant homophobe that can't look past the surface of any political issue." - I'm happy for you ... at least you're honest enough to say that you're ignorant.... though the rest of your writing would have told us that in any case.

"Sean need to address today's "real issues"..." - I'm sure that was supposed to be 'needS to address'....

"1) Dubya has left this country/our military in it's most vulnerable state in modern history. Sean don't talk about that." - I know more than a few military personel that would disagree with that statement ... particularly with Clinton's view of cuts in military spending as well as Kerry's voting record on military projects.....

"2) 40 million Americans don't have health care while our government drops billions overseas. Sean has health care, who cares about them poor working slobs." Sorry ... not the government's job to hand out free health care ... want free health care move to a socialist country. I earn my money and I pay for my health care ... and I'm NOT a "rich, arrogant, racist"

"3) very few self-proclaimed "conservatives" practice what they preach. If you ain't rich, you ain't a conservative, period." - Conservatism has nothing to do with wealth or income, it is a view on how that income should be handled ... I earn my money therefore I should KEEP my money and that's why I'm sick of giving it to the government.

"Bush's big "tax cuts" amount to about 6 bucks a week to me, a working slob making around 60K per year. 6 bucks! Thanks Dubya." - Wow ... you need to look at things again ... cause I don't make 60k a year and the tax cuts gave me more than $6 a week ... And I'm guess by the way that you worded that statement that you would prefer to continue to give that $6 a week to the government? Or perhaps you'd like to give even more? Kerry certainly would like you to give more ... last time I checked anyone in the 40k+ annual was 'Rich' by many of the liberal politician calculations.

"If you're a millionaire/billionaire, that 6 bucks compounds on a sliding scale..." Wow ... Imagine that ... people that pay more taxes get more money back from tax cuts ... IRS statistics show that the top income earners account for 17% of the income to all individuals in the US and those people pay over 30% of all income tax collected by the IRS ... The bottom 50% of all income earners in the US pay less than 2% of all the income tax collected ... doing the math that means that over 98% of all income tax is paid by the top 50% of wage earners with 30% of that stacked on the top % of income earners. So if we cut taxes then, yes, it is mostly going to effect the top % of income earners because ... I'll say this slowly ... they ... pay ... the ... most ... taxes. Tax cuts that affect the bottom 50% of income earners in the US aren't tax cuts they are income re-distribution plans.

I'm nobody's sheep ... I'm also nobody's meal plan ... get your hands out of my wallet and keep your government out of my life. Bring back individual freedom for ALL and bring back individual responsibility for all ... I want the right to excel and be recognized for it ... that also means that I accept the possibility that I may FAIL. No one is responsible for my actions OR my well being except ME, and to that portion of our population that can't accept that TOUGH

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Outstanding Insight Into A World Gone Wrong
Review: As a liberal American I read this book with a great deal of skepticism. After pouring through the well written, well researched, and compelling arguments I can reach no other conclusion other then Sean Hannity is right on the money. America was attacked in 2001. We have been attacked before but the response has never been so immediate and so clear. Terrorists will continue to come at America and I am glad that we have people like Mr Hannity pointing it out to people that may doubt that, or have forgotten about 9/11. Highly recommended and 5 stars!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Cold feet
Review: Liberals can not defend this country? Only TWO people in the Bush Adminstration served in the US military- Powell and Rumsfeld. Bush convinently hopped over 500 other applicants to land in the Champagne Guard unit (remember when we all thought Qualye wasn't qualified to be VP b/c he'd pulled a similar gag?), Cheney got 4 student deferments.

Sean Hannity himself DID NOT SERVE.

On the liberal side: Daschle served, Harkin served, Hollings served, Kerry served, Kennedy served, Gore served, Inouye served, Gephardt served and the list goes on. Apparently the conservatives feel about military service the same was Leona Helmsly felt about paying taxes: "only poor people pay taxes" and rich kids don't have to put it all on the line to defend their nation.

If you want to talk about conservative appeasement, what about Rumsfeld documented visit to Hussein AFTER Hussein had gassed his own citizens; after Hussein had been documented using chemical weapons in warfare (clear violation of the geneva conventions) to praise Hussein and arrange more arms shipments?

In fact, it was a DEMOCRAT who lead this nation through World War II, a Democrat who set up NATO, the Marshall Plan that made Germany and Japan the settled countries that they are now and set the stage for the battle that would be the Cold War.

Maybe Hannity skipped out on history lessons as well as military service?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I really liked it!
Review: This book really makes sense. I like the way that Sean writes and relates to the average guy.
I highly recommend this book

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Great job Sean- this just in:

"Libya unilaterally discloses 44,000 pound stockpile of chemical weapons which it will now proceed to destroy".

Just a little something to consider. Kerry's foreign policy would have generated laughter from Libya- GUARANTEED.

This one should also be considered in November (and is interrelated to the first bit):

March 5, 2004: "North Korean dictator warms to Kerry nomination. John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic candidate is getting good play in Pyonyang".

Who would you rather have as your president while your children are living in this country?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Read
Review: People who understand that those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it will enjoy this book very much.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Just like the TV Show only worse...
Review: What more can we say? This book makes the same unsubtantive, combative and vitrolic remarks that Mr. Hannity uses daily on his TV Show. Facts are not important rather the trick is to keep blaming Clinton for everything and question the patriotism of those who are critical of the current Administration. Logic, reason and facts are not necessary in Hannity-land.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Must Have!!!!
Review: Sean gets it right every time. The book is based soley on fact and is backed with referances, unlike iberal democratic material that serves as little more than poor entertainment. The bashing this book takes by some reviewers is proof that the truth hurts, and that liberals are just plain bitter individuals. Thanks Sean, you are a great American!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Please give me a -5 star rating!
Review: Here's a telling remark about the book above in the Publisher's Weekly review: "[Liberals] foolishly cling to the idea that the world's problems might arise from social, psychological and cultural differences or from economic inequality". Silly, isn't it. To think, problems might be "caused" by something. Sadly, Sean Hannity and his neocon machine insist that evil simply exists and that we, American do-gooders, must eradicate it. Yes, his understanding of the world is as profound as a two-dollar comic book. The concept of cause and effect seems to elude men like Sean Hannity, and their pathetic explanations for the horrible deeds committed in the world reduces to "uh oh, it must be evil!"

When you have such an utter lack of understanding about human nature, you tend to want to destroy what you do not understand. Hence the wars, hence the bitter invective, hence the rabid jingoism of men like Sean Hannity who have absolutely no desire to make the world anything else but a breeding ground for rich, privileged men.

Hundreds of new laws were passed after 9/11 for states to enforce; yet funds are yet to be forthcoming from Washington. Funds for Airport security, State security, Border security, Fire & Police requirements, and tracking aliens have been minimally funded. It is estimated that state taxes will have to be increased at least 12% if Bush's plan to relax immigration from our southern border are passed.

The U.S. Department of Labor reports the unemployment rate rose to 6 percent in November, with many of the jobless from the manufacturing and service industries. Actual unemployment, counting those who have given up looking for a job and those no longer carried by state databases puts the unemployment rate at closer to 8.7 percent.

Manufacturing jobs have declined for 28 months in a row. "This hardship is concentrated in certain regions and in certain industries," said Bush during his speech. "You know what I'm talking about here in the Midwest. You're showing signs of recovery here, yet many people here and across this country are still looking for work." For every job created during the last three years, 1.2 jobs are lost to overseas manufacturing or outsourcing, which the administration seems unable to address.

- "It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency." - George W. Bush, June 14, 2001. Speaking to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson.
- "They misunderestimated me."-Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000.
- "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."-Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000.
- "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"-Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000. Yeah, vote for dubya again.

For fun, if you are open minded and looking for those books begging for its pages to be turned...look no further. I just read a copy of Edgar Fouche's 'Alien Rapture,' which also blew me away. Fouche was a Top Secret Black Program 'insider', whose credibility has been verified over and over. I also really liked Dan Brown's 'Angels and Demons.' Want to be shocked, check out Dr. Paul Hill's 'Unconventional Flying Objects' which NASA tried to ban.

He says he supports the military but not one word was written or said by Han-nutty about the cuts in soldier's pay and benefits, cuts in combat pay and overseas cost of living, etc., etc. Nor did he mention anything about Bush's massive cuts in the Veterans Administration health care system for disabled American Patriotic soldiers. Of course he would have been a draft dodger like his idols during the Vietnam War, just like the conservatives he blindly supports. Even if you believe this nut-case, the book is poorly written and overly-simplistic.

Sad to see that people actually fall for Hannity the circus clown. But, as P.T. Barnum says "there's a sucker born every minute." Buy this book if you're that sucker.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What part do you not get
Review: A real wake up call to America. What part do you libs not get? The people who brought down those two buildings 9-11 want us dead. They do not care, they don't want appeasement, THEY WANT US DEAD!!! How soon you forget and forgive. God Bless America and Sean

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